Welcome to St Paul's Online Sunday School!
When we can't gather in person at St Paul's, let's learn and play in a virtual way! ( Let me know what you think! You are in my prayers - Linda)
Sunday, July 5, 2020: "I will give you rest."

The church color for this Sunday is green - for many, many weeks! This one's the fifth Sunday.
Here are the readings for Sunday, July 5:
This week, we're wondering about Matthew 11:28: (Jesus said) "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

What do you do when you're awfully tired, or upset, or overwhelmed?
1) Take a nap
2) Throw a tantrum
3) Talk to somebody who can help you
4) Go play

What's the best answer? Probably not (2), although that surely brings attention to a problem that's gotten too big for a little one to handle. And it can let off steam!

Answer (1) is nice, but not always possible, and might not solve a problem :-(
(4) can be a very good solution! But it might not be the right time or place.
(3) is a great idea, especially when the somebody you talk to is Jesus!

Let Jesus help! Jesus will give you rest. What is the best way to talk to Jesus, to bring to him your problems, burdens, worries? Any way is the best way!
One way is right at your fingertips: see the picture below for ten easy suggestions, always there for you to ponder. Do it the way that's shown, OR assign your fingers their roles in any way that makes sense to you (they're your hands, gifts from God).
Pray, then fold your hands - or hold them on your heart - or wave them in the air! - and say AMEN! "So be it."
And use those fingers for an easy reminder to breathe, breathe, breathe!
Hold out one hand, and with the other, trace your thumb and fingers. Up the thumb or finger: breathe in . . . down the finger: breathe out . Not too quickly. Ahh!

That's a wonderful way to slow down, and get some good air in (and old air out!). The best part is, you can do this anywhere, any time; give yourself a few moments of refreshment whenever you need to re-center or take a break.
Speaking of rest:

From Stanford Children’s Health Sleep Center, here are 8 tips for helping little ones get the sleep they (and you!) need : click here .

How about exchanging bedtime routines for bedtime ritual s? Ideas here & here .
This green, growing season is a good time to learn and to share love!

Watch our St Paul's church services online any time, on our Youtube channel .

Check our latest newsletter for some family anti-racism resources. Do you have recommendations? We're encouraging our youth to lead us with an all-ages book club, stay tuned!

How are you? I'm sending prayers for health and well-being, peace, love, and joy! - Linda