NAWIC Members and Friends of NAWIC:

I can’t believe it’s already April. Easter is just around the corner. And March was a Blast for NAWIC Chapter 122.

March started with our regular membership meeting where Kara Diane Festa gave us an enlightening presentation about busyness, stresses and overworking. And we got our first dinner by our new caterer. It was an awesome meal and the meeting was very well attended. Thanks to Pate Contractors for sponsoring our meeting by providing the $50 gift card that was raffled off and to Susan Kregar from Rosie on the House who donated a gift bag as an additional raffle prize.

We had a great turn out for the storage moving from Shirley’s, Plan Service , whom has been gracious enough to store our belongings, until the renting of our new storage building. Then we were all grateful for the brunch provided by Angie Zieler of General Air Control . Many hands made light work of the project and we had a great time getting to know each other over a good meal.
Then came WIC Week , put together by our very own Ann Vargas of Habitat for Humanity and Joanna Buglewicz from Green Valley Cooling & Heating.  We had a Piano Bar Networking event on Sunday, then a homes tour at Mordasini Place and ended the week with the Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build. WHEW !

During this month we also began annual Block Kids Committee Meetings leading up to the April 13 th even yet to take place.

NAWIC sold the raffle tickets at the Cornerstone Awards Event . We gave away $600 in prizes and raised an additional $900 + for the Cornerstone Scholarship Fund.

Not much time to rest in March! But such an exciting time for our group.
Looking forward to all the upcoming events! Please see all that is happening right here in our Brand New Newsletter being authored by Susan Kregar from Rosie on the House.

Sandy Lipe