May 14, 2021
640 registrations
XChange 2021 web platform

Stay tunned
ISBNPA XChange 2021
Over 640 participants, and counting

Join the wonderful ISBNPA community at the XChange 2021.

  • Network during the 25 minutes conference breaks
  • 25 Networking Rooms are available. You can meet with:
  • Leaders from the Special Interest Groups
  • Executive Members, the NESI, and the Capacity Building Network teams (stay tuned for more about the CBN)
  • Or you can join a room for a smaller group and have one of those conference’s “corridor meetings.”
  • You can also do "one-on-one" videoconference meetings inside the XChange web platform. An easy and efficient way to network.

We will launch the web platform in early June (take a look at it in the pic below).

Make sure you get your access credentials, by checking your email inbox by then (early June). Let us know if you don't get that email.

Everything happening at ISBNPA's XChange 2021
  • #dare2share sessions
  • NESI Workshop
  • Students: look in your email inbox, registration is needed, and slots are limited (free workshops)
  • Special Interest Groups Meetings
  • Assembly General of the Members (get involved in ISBNPA’s decision-making processes)
  • June 9, lunch break

  • Dancing Monkeys (look for them in the presentations)
  • Watch every recording! Learn and participate in the scavenger hunt 

  • And other dances.
  • In line with this year’s XChange theme, “Let’s dance around the world.”

Access all the sessions, keynotes, and other activities in the ISBNPA XChange 2021 program.
Click on the button above or click HERE.
Over 50 videos are already on the platform.

Make sure you send the recording by May 15. You can use the template we have provided or use your own template (we just wanted to give you easier access to the ISBNPA XChange logos).


The ISBNPA App is a members-only service. Job postings, funding opportunities, and advance posting on webinars, newsletters, and other news are available in this closed community app.

ISBNPA is currently reconsidering access to the app. All current members will keep access privileges. Non-members who have used the app in the last 9 months will also retain access. All others will be unregistered.

  • Please let us know if you have received an email from about the ISBNPA App membership removal and you are a current member. We will reinstate immediately the access. Email António Palmeira about this.

If you are not a 2021 ISBNPA member, you can renew/join us by clicking HERE.

Webinar: Physical Activity and Nutrition Behavior Research in the Context of Structural Racism
Early access to the recording of the webinar was made available in our ISBNPA App.

Free access to everyone was made available a week later. You can watch it now on our website.

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