I take a long walk almost every day. I find it extremely restorative, mentally, and physically. Some days on my walk I like to listen to music. Some days I listen to podcasts. Other days I prefer to walk in silence, enjoying the sounds of nature. 
On a walk earlier this week I listened to a podcast called The Daily by the New York Times. This particular episode included an in-depth update about the Coronavirus and Covid19. At the end of presenting the most recent statistics and data, something said by Don G. McNeil Jr., a science and health reporter for the NY Times, stuck with me. He stressed how much it would help if we all would “dance to the same tune.”  By this, he meant if we would all follow the CDC guidelines ( How to Protect Yourself & Others ) for prevention and reduction of transmission of the virus, we could flatten the curves and reduce hospitalizations and deaths, leading the way to open the economy and schools. This doesn’t mean following the recommendations some of the time - only when it’s convenient for you. It means ALL of us being on the same page following ALL of the recommendations ALL the time!
So… let’s dance! Wear your face covering/mask every time you are out in public. Keep six feet distance between you and others who are not in your household. Wash your hands often. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. 

Remember, by “dancing to the same tune” , we are not only protecting ourselves from this virus, but also others!  
And while we are “dancing”, let’s add in a few additional “steps” to support our health…
  • Eat a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables every day. If you include 1 - 2 servings of both fruits and vegetables with each meal and snack, you will be filling up with immune-supportive antioxidants and nutrients. Here are some delicious summer salad recipes to help inspire you https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/g2877/summer-salads/?slide=9.
  • Take a daily walk in your local park or neighborhood (bring along your mask!). 
  • Meditate to help you relax, focus, and reduce stress (see Laurie’s guided meditation below).
  • Find opportunities to laugh, which is important for our immune systems, as noted here Laughter — Rx for the Immune System - Middle-Pause.
  • Reach out to a friend, relative, neighbor… send a text or email, make a phone call, or even “snail-mail” a card or letter. We all need social interaction! This outreach often benefits the “sender” as much, or more than, the “receiver.”
Meditation Practice: July 9th, 2020
Until next time… stay healthy and safe,