April 2020
Your Monthly News & Updates
Stay up to date on the latest Ohio DC employer news. Find information on using the Ohio Business Gateway, billing process changes and resources for your employees.
Ohio Business Gateway User Guide
We have updated processes and procedures at Ohio DC to deal with the situation created by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) stay at home order, but we continue to offer the same basic services we did prior to the shutdown. One of the most noticeable changes for employers is the importance of submitting payments through the Ohio Business Gateway. To learn more about using the Gateway, visit here .
Reminder Regarding Billing Process and Contacting Ohio Deferred Compensation
The processing of paperwork mailed to our office may be delayed. To best serve you, we ask that you submit paperwork to us via email. We will also email or fax you your Contribution Billings and Change Reports.

Note: If your organization uses a debit blocker, you may need to provide the following information to your bank to allow an electronic funds transfer to be sent to us.

Account receiving payment: Ohio Deferred Comp
Debit blocker ID number: 9311284478

Please remember Ohio DC's office phone line is shut down, but you can still contact us with any employer-related questions or concerns by emailing finance@ohiodc.org . We monitor and respond to email inquiries during our regular business hours. Employee-related questions should be emailed to Ohio457@Nationwide.com .
Deferred Comp-Related Articles for Your Employees 

Ohio DC can provide monthly information on financial issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month, we'd like to give your employees some helpful information about how to set up an appointment on the phone: Set Up Phone Appointments with Local Field Executives

Download articles on health care in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.   Learn more .

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by  contacting us .
Message from Ohio Deferred Compensation
Helping Your Employees in Unprecedented Times
At Ohio DC, we realize you and your employees are dealing with a surprising list of unexpected circumstances due to the ongoing stay at home order related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This has caused Ohio DC to alter some of our business practices and the way we provide some of our services.

We are still here to help your employees save for retirement and our staff is available to help educate them about what they can do to continue to save and prepare for a more secure retirement. If you direct your employees to the Calculators/Tools tab on our website, they can continue to use resources like the My Health Care Estimator tool to help them plan for retirement.

I f you or your employees would like to learn more about what Ohio DC has to offer, you can visit our website at Ohio457.org .