How is Acacia Network Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis?
Our Programs at a Glance
Acacia Network is fully committed to the continued wellbeing of the communities we serve throughout New York City and beyond, including high-risk individuals such as the homeless, the elderly, and the severely immunocompromised due to pre-existing conditions such as HIV/AIDS, among other vulnerable populations. We are also taking all necessary precautions and following proper guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our staff, many of whom are considered essential workers.

As of April 16, 2020, Acacia Network had deployed over 1,700 frontline staff members to provide direct services to approximately 21,000 individuals and families served across programs. In addition, we provided approximately 26,000 meals through our soup kitchen, food pantry, and senior centers, and ensured that over 11,500 individuals and families were safely housed through our affordable, supportive, and transitional housing. Additional data is provided below.
Primary Care & Behavioral Health:
  • Over the past month, Acacia Network’s six Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) have served 2,327 unique patients who rendered 3,306 encounters.
  • In addition, our 108-bed Casa Promesa Skilled Nursing Facility has continued to provide services to adults with HIV/AIDS ages 18 and over.
  • Meanwhile, we have served a total of 5,799 patients through our behavioral healthcare programs, which provide outpatient mental health services, substance abuse treatment, residential care, among other services. 
Affordable, Supportive & Transitional Housing:
  • Acacia Network and its affiliates have continued to provide safe housing to thousands of individuals and families.
  • Our portfolio includes 3,316 affordable housing units, 728 supportive housing units, and 130 units of permanent housing for formerly homeless individuals and families.
  • We are also providing shelter to 7,345 homeless individuals, and we recently opened the City’s first COVID-19 isolation shelters
Facilities Management:
  • Our Facilities Management Division is in charge of Housekeeping, Maintenance, Transportation, Building Plant Management, Security Services, Project Management & Construction Oversight.
  • In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we implemented significant changes in our protocols to ensure that proper cleaning and sanitizing guidelines are being followed, and to receive, monitor, and distribute supplies, including Personal Protective Equipment.
Workforce Development:
  • Seedco –an Acacia Network affiliate– has conducted over 1,200 case management & wellness outreach sessions, facilitated 19 online workshops, connected 92 individuals to employment opportunities, and screened/ enrolled more than 300 individuals and families in health insurance or other public benefits
  • In addition, Seedco staff have worked with our partner organizations to refer over 60 individuals for external services such as housing supports, legal assistance, and medical services.
Senior Services:
  • Acacia Network and its affiliate, the Institute for Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly (IPRHE), have continued to provide critical services to seniors.
  • As of April 16, 2020, we had provided a total of 16,451 meals to seniors, and had conducted a total of 1,979 wellness checks.
Arts, Culture & Wellness:
  • Acacia Network and its affiliate, Loisaida Inc., have launched a series of arts, culture & wellness initiatives for workers in the frontlines & vulnerable families. Loisaida also launched a web series underscoring the importance of counting the Hispanic population in the 2020 Census.
  • To date, we have offered six (6) arts, culture & wellness workshops for staff and clients, including Fitness and Relaxation Workshops for staff members; Virtual Art Workshops for Families in our shelters; and Census Outreach Webseries en Español!
Special Thanks to the Following Sponsors & Partners:  
Wellness Program Sponsors: Bright Health, Healthfirst, Fidelis Care, Aetna, Salud y Acupuntura para el Pueblo, and Amida Care.

Food & Beverage Sponsors: Empire BlueCross BlueShield, Heart to Heart Home Care, Amida Care, Fidelis Care, and Coca Cola.
Beyond the operation of our essential service facilities, Acacia Network’s leadership and executive team members remain fully committed and available to address any questions or concerns, and to support the continued wellbeing of our staff and clients during these incredibly challenging times. If you or someone you know are in need of services, please contact us at 718-734-2593.
Your Support is Critical to our Work
Donate Today to Support Vulnerable Families
The current COVID-19 public health crisis has further exacerbated the many challenges that vulnerable communities in our City and across the world face on a daily basis. With that in mind, Acacia Network has redoubled its efforts to serve at-risk populations in New York City and beyond, including homeless individuals and families, the elderly, and people of all ages requiring primary & mental healthcare, among others.

Here's how you can help:
  • $100 Feeds an elderly resident in our senior programs for one week

  • $250 Sponsors one virtual wellness workshop for our program participants & staff

  • $500 Provides daily remote learning opportunities for a child for one week

  • $1,000 Provides emergency cash assistance to four families who have suffered COVID-19 related losses

  • $2,500 Subsidizes free one-time teleconsultations with primary & behavioral care providers for 20 low-income New Yorkers
Please consider donating at the above levels, or at any amount of your choosing! Every dollar counts. Your donation, big or small, can make a huge difference in the lives of struggling individuals and families during this incredibly challenging time.
About Acacia Network:
Acacia Network’s mission is to partner with our communities, lead change, and promote healthy and prosperous individuals and families. We achieve this mission by upholding our values and deep commitment to excellence, customer service, and transparent leadership. For more information, visit: