
St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church
Blue Hill ~ Maine
April 16, 2020

(This photo was taken during a walk on Harriman's Point in Brooklin and sent to eClare from Suzanne Decrow)
“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.” 
―  Tahereh Mafi

S t. Francis is finding a path through this crisis...we can offer help...

The below three major opportunities are sent through Outreach Chair, Sue Grindle-

(A) Healthy Peninsula has a lot of information available on its website relative to safe shopping, needs, the actions being taken and more. Please log on to their website below.

(B) Calling Tree The phone tree is continuing successfully. I am so grateful for our dedicated team of callers. If they can't reach someone by phone, they email. If that doesn't work, snail mail has been employed. These calls can be anywhere from 2 minutes to 45 minutes long. Many new friendships are being formed bringing our congregation into the folds of this friendly and warm In-reach mission. These calls also benefit folks by providing vital information for community resources and an opportunity to simply enjoy a pleasant conversation.... often with much needed laughter. Even though we are trying to reach everyone, please contact me if you know of a SF friend who is not being called.  


1) Tracy requests coloring books and crayons. Please let me know if any of you could donate these. Again, Amazon would be a great resource for direct delivery to HOME.

2) Hannaford Gift cards. Many of HOME's clients are sheltering at home. Being able to put a $10.00 to $25.00 gift card into food boxes would go a long way for items needed not covered by EBT cards.And diapers are desperately needed. Again, all can be mailed.

3) Monetary donations: Please donate in Nancy Stine's name. In the memo line, please put COVID-19. This will allow Tracey direct access to the funds for the most urgent needs .

Most importantly, here is the address:

Tracey Hair, Executive Director
H.O.M.E. Inc.
90 Schoolhouse Road
PO Box 10
Orland, ME 04472

If Covid spreads among the homeless, the amount of spread in Maine would rise dramatically.   Tracey and her dedicated staff (cut by 50% by the way, without adequate PPE) are working tirelessly to make sure this does not happen. She is working with other shelters, Gov. Mills, the DHHS, and officials in Augusta. She has managed to get Tier 1 status for the homeless for Covid tests if they show symptoms (like fever....need those thermometers!).

Thank you all, please let me know what you can do. 

*Sue is available to discuss any of the above issues and answer your questions. She is available at: or (374-5046)
St. Francis Church
Next Sunday
April 19
10 am

Fr Brent will email the church directly regarding the up-coming service on Zoom. We are getting better at this! Watch for his email in another day or two.


A note from eClare's editor:

We all owe a huge thank you to Fr Brent for all of his efforts to get us all through Holy Week. This cannot be the way he and his family expected to begin a ministry at St. Francis by the Sea! Many of us had our hands full with Zoom...imagine if we also were trying to get to know everyone, move into a new home with internet complications, shop for food during Covid-19 and a whole lot more. The good news is...the Was Family are still here! Many thanks to all four of you as you make many adjustments in your new life with all of us.

St. Francis Shoppers

From Milissa LaLonde

We have grocery shoppers for those of you who need a delivery. Please call Milissa at
469-2155. She will give you the details and see that your groceries are brought safely to your door without personal contact. There are clear directions for shopping, payments and prescriptions.
*Please continue updating the prayer list

Although eClare brings together a lot of the "lightness" of St Francis Church, the main reason for its existence is to communicate the life events of our church and parishioners. This especially includes the prayer list. Email our church administrator, Barbara Brady. She is now working remotely and she receives emails through the church web address.

As always, if you wish to add another person's name to the prayer list, please be sure you have that person's permission.
We Pray for:

Kaylee Bland
Holly Colt
Ellen Day
Edward Dufresne
Diane Dumond
Brinley Hall
Dorine Harris
Kira Hartley
Alix Kirkpatrick
JoAnn Krestan
Diana Robson
Dennis Robertson
Maren Rosborough
Sarah Semler
Cathy Smith
Donny Smith
Marshall Smith
Peter Smith
Gloria Smith
Brenda Swazey
Brad West
Martha York

Those with April Birthdays

Lucy Bowick
Jim Briggs
Richard Brown
Lee Buck
Lindsay Decrow
Tony Everdell
Heather Ford
Maynard Getchell-Forbes
Merry Newton
Nancy Peers
Sue Grindle
Kathleen Hayward
Brenda Higgins
Jack Joyce
Tony Newton
Mary Semler
Carolyn Van Cise
Persis Williams

Those in the Armed Services    
James Crowe III
Andy Dittmer
Brian Haley
Sean Haley
Douglas Hamilton
Kyler Hall
Peter McGuyer
Kyle Carino Mings
Eric Partridge
Henry Shepley

We pray for the repose of the soul of Ed Rosensweig and for Carla and for all of their family
Primroses from our most English Parishioners! Thank you, Angela and Ray Yardy!

From Fr Brent-

Community Supported Lobsters!  

In our second week St. Francis members and friends have ordered 295 lobsters, 3/4 of our lobsterman’s catch! Fr. Brent, Windy, Kevin Hunt and Milissa LaLonde will deliver them to 43 families this afternoon. Well done!

This should happen weekly, and starting next week you will have the option of picking them up at church or having them delivered. 

Please! Take one for the team, help keep our local lobstermen afloat and eat lobster weekly! It is a big ask, but you can do it! Email Fr. Brent to order:

(And keep your eye open for a story about Community Supported Lobsters on the Episcopal News Service )...
Lunch, groceries, fresh everything!

Thank you for being in touch, St. Francis! Here is some of your correspondence---
From Peter Smith down on Cape Cod

(hanging out with his girlfriend, Donny!)

 All is well here at Thirwood. In fact I can’t think of a better place to shelter in. Absolutely everything you can think of is provided including a daily visit by an RN. Donny’s medical condition is amazing. She has completely recovered from her back surgery and knee replacement and is walking without the aid of a walker or a cane. She goes to the gym 5 days per week, works with a personal trainer and attends yoga class. On the weekend she takes it easy by just doing 4 or 5 miles on a stationary bike. Me, no great change, but I’m enjoying life with no great problems. At least none that I can do anything about. 
Good News from Bill Petry!

(From Anne Follweiler)

 Bill's three month exams came back cancer free. He thanks everyone for their prayers and says they worked! I asked if I could share his news on the eClare. He wrote back "yes"!!!

His email address is: . Bill is on my list for people to contact for St. Francis. 
From Vesta Kowalski
in Japan
Greetings from Japan, where I’ve been for the last three weeks. I’m supposed to return on April 22, but may delay that for as much as a couple of months. It feels safer here, and there’s more freedom than in California, where everything is locked down. The occasion for the trip was my older grandson’s sixth grade graduation. The ceremony happened in shortened form with only one parent in the auditorium, but time for photos afterward in the fresh air. Love and prayers for all of you. Vesta 
From Maurine and Bob Tobin-
We are well and well-cared for in our new retirement community, though mostly keeping to our apartment with meals now delivered to the door and all activities and gatherings cancelled. We do get out for socially distanced walks and are enjoying an earlier spring in Providence than is typical in Maine. We miss all of you there at St. Francis and look forward to returning, probably at the end of June is all is well by then.

From Prudy Heilner-
This is pretty amazing! I guess it's what some families do during a pandemic! 
For those who don't know, Henry, Jackson, Mia & Oliver Lardner come to Blue Hill every summer ... part of the big Semler clan and Mary Semler's great grandchildren. 
Click Below:
Lynne Yurosko sends the below funny video...enjoy this one, too, it's great!
Time for the Birds to make some music! Thank you, Greg Bush for this one.
The first Iris of Spring!
Spring is happening on Lake Norman in NC. 
We miss you all!
Anne and Peter Gilchrist 

If you have really "HAD IT" with your cooking, baking, re-heating, here are a couple of breaks...

In a nice conversation with Frank Bianco, we have discovered he will gladly deliver to anyone on the Peninsula. Think "St. Francis Fair Grilled Sausages " !!!

Click below and give him a call...

Also, Marlintinis is offering curb-side pickup
(order up your favorites!)
Lending new meaning to Palm Sunday!

Julie Boardman sent this perfect
2020 "Virtual Palm Sunday" Photo
of Glen Money, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg, his wife Lisa, and their dog Dexter

Links to Websites of
 Special Interest: 

St Francis by the Sea  (website)

From our church office: We have a St. Francis Facebook Page. Link below... "LIKE" our page and keep up to date on all the news and happenings!!!

NAMI Maine
Last one for now! From a family of eClare readers in Georgia