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The Cohousing Company

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A Special Offer From Chuck Durrett


Howdy howdy? In case you know someone that would like to help set seniors up for success.

In these COVID times, I worry about seniors now more than ever. This is no time to be isolated. Seniors in cohousing are socially distanced but not socially isolated. Between Tai Chi, walks, assisting each other with groceries, prescription drugs, safe and distant but fun meals together and hundreds of other things, seniors look out for each other in cohousing in these times. Therefore, I’m more motivated than ever to get more seniors into cohousing, into the good times, and into the heyday of community, so that when rough times like these days, seniors are ready. The Study Group 1 – Aging Successfully Facilitator Training helps seniors learn how to set their own lives and the lives of other seniors up for success. Please help me help them. I’m going to do Study Group One – Aging Successfully Facilitator Training this fall – probably for the last time. Please send a couple of people our way if you know of any that would profit for a more engaged landscape. We should be able to get a new senior cohousing started in your part of the world relatively easily.

SG1 is the number one way to get seniors conscious of the issues, out of denial, and proactive enough to consider senior cohousing. It is often said that if you ask 100 random seniors, would you consider senior cohousing, maybe one will say yes. If you ask 100 seniors who have taken Study Group One, 40 will say yes.

You’re receiving this email because you have previously expressed an interest in cohousing. If you’re not interested, maybe you know someone who is a senior activist, or wants to help seniors move into a community of friends.

Click to SIGN UP!

To learn more about SG1, see the Senior Cohousing Handbook Chapter 7.


Charles Durrett

The Cohousing Company
