#204, Feb 26, 2020
people can learn to treat others with kindness and 
develop  warm personal relationships.

In MANY ways, I'm sure, and one is being a parent. 
Are you one?  Or an aunt or an uncle?  Congratulations!

Raising children can teach us valuable lessons of
kindness, generosity, compassion, patience, humility, 
gratitude, and the capacity for loving.  

You know, all those good commandments found 
in all the world's holy books.  Those universal 
person-to-person skills that make us civilized.

I'd say these skills are  the key to living successfully 
anytime, everywhere.

But why am I talking about raising children?

Because I think one small benefit is that raising 
children can help us plan wedding and party music. 


How?  The heart of the answer is this:  All these 
skills for success are about our FEELINGS.

About relying on our emotions to get through 
life's challenges.  

It's not, as I once suspected, about relying on our   
great intellect to navigate life's up and downs.

Most experts agree that people usually make 
decisions based on emotions.  And afterward 
we use our logic to justify these decisions.  

You'll find examples everywhere you turn.
And you do it yourself all the time, too:  
  • What should I plan for dinner tonight?  
  • What shoes should I wear today?  
  • Why should I believe what you're saying?
Examine each choice we make.  Nearly every time, 
you'll find we make a decision based on our feelings.  

And then we come up with an explanation that seems 
logical enough to justify our decision.

It's not our fault.  Like it or not, this is how we work:  
Heart first, then brains.

So here's that Tip I promised you: 
The secret for planning music at any celebration 
is to target the FEELINGS behind the celebration.

Well, of course that's NOT the complete story.

For important decisions, I still believe we need 
to guide our choices with some expert advice, 
as well as with our emotions.

Let's say you're organizing a special project.  
You want to work with some capable people, 
eager to make your dreams come true, right?  

Inevitably, you'll make your plans based on your 
feelings.  We all know to expect that by now.  

But don't jump in with your feelings alone.  
Be smart and gather some expert opinions 
to back up your feelings.  Ask a pro.

Wherever you can, get advice from experienced 
professionals, who've "been there, done that".

So, for example, the next time you're planning music 
-- for a  wedding or a party --  you can call me. 
And now that we're talking about 
planning wedding and party music...

St Patrick's Day and Easter are just ahead, 
and you might be involved with planning an 
exciting celebration.

And if you or a friend are engaged to get 
married, you might also be involved with 
planning the wedding.

Perhaps both. 

So the next time you or a friend  are looking  for 
upbeat, elegant music,  played the way you want, 
think of us.

Where can you can preview us?  Here: 

Sunday, March 29, 12:00-3:00pm
Wedding Fair (only for couples already registered at Saratoga Springs)
Saratoga Springs, 22801 Big Basin Way, Saratoga

Reply or call 408-245-9120.  Let's chat soon.


Robbie Schlosser | Magnolia Jazz Band
"Elegant, Upbeat Music for Weddings and Parties"  
P.S.  See our  Yelp reviewsphotos of us in action on  Instagram

Now, for the "fine print":   You're receiving this reminder because you opened my most recent email, or we've worked together sometime in the last 43 years, or you enjoyed our music somewhere, or we met at an event, or you subscribed on, or you read my BLOG, or you joined my friends on social media, or you read our excellent reviews on Yelp and WeddingWire .  Whew!  

However you found me, THANK YOU!

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