3C will be busy working on beginning digraphs, ch, sh, th, & wh. Students will learn to recognize all digraphs and begin to demonstrate that they understand the different digraphs on correlating worksheets that have words and pictures that begin and end with the digraphs named. We will also continue learning the three R's...Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse. Students will focus more on what the Earth gives us, such as wind and sun power and finish the week with a fun Bingo game focusing on renewable and non-renewable energy sources. At home, you can reinforce this unit by recycling at home and pointing out when something needs to be thrown away asking, "where should we put this, in the trash or in the recycle bin?" We will also be doing a fun art project that will focus on both 'reusing' toilet paper and paper towel tubes and self-regulation!. We've also introduced a fun interactive calendar using our Smartboard to begin morning meeting and the students really enjoy this. 

We wish all of you AWESOME, AMAZING, and INCREDIBLE Mom's a wonderful and relaxing Mother's Day. This is a day to be pampered and reflect on how special each and every one of you are!