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Our Mission Statement

We of Joy Lutheran Church foster 
grace-filled relationships with Christ
through worship, fellowship, and service. 
Notes of Joy - Midweek Update April 22, 2020
Happy Earth Day!
The First Earth Day was held April 22, 1970. Fifty years ago! 20 million Americans took to their streets, parks and auditoriums to demonstrate for a cleaner world. We stand in a Biblical tradition where indeed every day is "earth day". It started at the very beginning of the creation.  (Genesis 1 -2)

God calls us to be stewards. A steward is not an owner. Biblically, we are  not the owners but are called to care for God's creation wisely. The unjust steward took advantage of his position to put himself first (Luke 16: 1 -13).   The world, including us, belongs to God, and it is arrogant for humans to think otherwise. 

In the first of the creation stories,  God gives humans dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the animals of the land (Gen 1:1–2:4). Historically, we have distorted the mandate to “exercise dominion” to mean that creation was made for human beings and that we have a right to dominate and exploit creation for our own wants and needs. This has led to incalculable abuses of nature.

The Hebrew word for  dominion  does not mean “to dominate” or “to exploit.” Rather, it means “to take responsibility for,” as a ruler would be responsible to assure the well-being of those in the realm.  Being stewards of creation is foundational to what it means to be human and faithful. Caring for creation represents our proper human relationship to Earth. This portrayal puts human beings squarely in a caretaker position in regard to environmental stewardship.

Happy Earth Day every day!
Pastor Karen
This month's Church Council meeting is this evening, Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00pm
Don't forget to return your questionnaires for the MSP Team! Please return the 2-sided full sheet and the green 1/2-sheet Week-4 questionnaires in the stamped envelope provided. We value your input!
Thank You!
A big thank you goes out to Nancy W. and son, Michael, for changing the banners this week.
Folks who might be willing to record themselves performing special music. Email to Church. Pastor Karen will include it in a future online service. Thank you! 
Confirmation Class
Confirmation will meet again this Sunday, April 26... on Zoom. Watch your emails! Pastor will be sending out a Lesson. Topic: Baptism and holy communion
Happy Administrators Week 
These flowers were given to Jan on behalf of the congregation. Thank you Jan for the endless big and little things you do to keep our community of faith going! We are indebted to you!

(They're lovely! Thanks everyone!)
Health Masks & Pocket Devotionals

Our "Mask Tree" is outside the front door weekdays, 10am-5pm. There's also a basket with the pocket size devotional booklets, The Word in Season . If you'd like one, don't wait! We order 20 per quarter, so once they're gone, they're gone!
Thank You!
Thank you for remembering your Church by using the online giving or bringing in and mailing your offering. It is very much needed and appreciated!

You can give online one time or as a reoccurring gift by clicking the "donate" button below. This helps us tremendously! Or, you may send in your offering by mail (10111 E. Eagle River Lp. Rd., 99577). Thank you for your gifts!
Joy Church Council Members
Sue Weimer -
Scooter Bentson -
Tom Bird -
Debby Bird -
Corrine Finnie -
Kelly Mullin -
Heather Slocum -
Clarke Hemphill, Treasurer -

The next church council meeting is
Wednesday, April 22
at 7:00pm.