April 2020 Vol. 1
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
NEW! TIMELY INSIGHTS AND INFORMATION WITH THE DAIRY SIGNAL. Offering real-time, cutting-edge content from dairy’s leading financial and business experts, the Dairy Signal™ is a FREE resource for all producers, processors and industry leaders. Tune in for live-streamed episodes each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12pm CT. Not able to tune in live? Click here to download recordings of each episode in video or audio format.
Using the latest in neuroscience research, she’ll provide insights on how to think and act differently to develop a culture of excellence and stay focused on winning every day on the dairy. The program will include 12 interactive webinars, readings of selected management materials from global experts throughout the year and three peer learning laboratory sessions along with a number of other resources and learning opportunities. Learn more and register here
For your business mind
The Dairy Signal summary
TUNE INTO THE DAIRY SIGNAL for the latest updates and insights from leading industry experts. Featured presenters discuss strategies for managing such topics as markets, financials, reducing surplus milk supplies, record-keeping and more. Live-streamed sessions will be offered for the next several weeks each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:00-1:00 12pm CT.

Developed by PDPW for dairy farmers, processors and other industry leaders, each Dairy Signal™ episode offers an opportunity for open Q&A and interaction with the speakers. All episodes are available for on-demand access after each live episode.

Content on The Dairy Signal will be updated as new information becomes available. The schedule for the next few weeks is as follows:

Tues., April 21; Weds., April 22 Thur.; April 23
Tues., April 28; Weds., April 29 Thur.; April 30

Click here to hear the livestreamed episodes from noon until 1 p.m. Central Time, or for access to the recorded sessions. Each episode will be available in video or podcast format.
Three days, six experts AND several management strategies were featured on last week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal™. Click here to download the full video or audio recordings. Here’s a summary:

Dr. Mark Stephenson, UW-Madison Director of Dairy Policy Analysis and Director of Wisconsin's Center for Dairy Profitability
  • Stay in close contact with lenders
  • Determine cash needs spring planting, feeding cows and other upcoming expenses
Chad Vincent, CEO of Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
  • An explanation of the contradiction between empty store shelves and limits on dairy-products while some milk is being dumped
Dr. David Kohl , owner of Homestead Creamery and Stoney Brook Farm in Wirtz, VA, and Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Virginia Tech
Jason Karszes , Senior Extension Associate with Cornell University and the PRO-DAIRY program
  • Document all losses, challenges and anything lenders might need to reference, particularly if you wish to apply for relief programs
  • If dumping milk is required, direct questions to the Wisconsin Farm Center (800-942-2474)
  • Work closely with your cooperative to understand what specific documentation and protocols are required if milk needs to be returned to the field
Dan Basse , Economist and president of AgResource Company
Jay Joy , founder of Milk Money LLC
  • Market-based insights and expectations for impacts across the food sector, livestock and dairy prices, and milk-price insurance programs
  • Expectations for foodservice trends, travel and other ways of doing business once the pandemic subsides
“It’s during our most difficult and challenging times when leadership and leaders are needed most. We need to stay together and united and be a resource for each other. The PDPW Board hopes you find The Dairy Signal a valuable tool.”
Podcast Weekly
Leaders are made for times like these
In a two-part series, Hank Wagner has been sharing messages of hope during a time when many feel anxious. He reminds us that we can grow and influence others even while we’re feeling challenged ourselves. A global pandemic has forced us to physically distance ourselves to prevent a virus from spreading but Hank Wagner helps us see there are other ways we can help people. Tune in to Hank Wagner as he sheds light on our abilities with a message of hope, strength, and opportunity. It’s important to behave like a leader during this times like these.

Listen to these podcasts and more by clicking here . You can also access them from, iTunes or Spotify.

Book Review
Developing resiliency allows managers to not only survive during times of change, but to learn, grow and thrive during these times. This guidebook defines resiliency and shares nine developmental components that will help you create a sense of resiliency and increase ability to handle the unknown and view change as an opportunity for development. Check it out here


“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
~Walt Disney

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