Volume 12, Issue 8 | Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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District shares helpful reminders regarding Return to Learn plan
District 58's adaptive pause that was taken for logistical reasons has concluded. The District has shifted back to hybrid in-person learning this week. Specialized programs resumed the hybrid model Monday, and general grade K-8 students resumed today (Wednesday).

As a reminder, District 58 will continue to review COVID-19 metrics daily and meet virtually with the Health Department weekly. The District considers several metrics when deciding whether to move to a full-remote learning model or to continue with a hybrid in-person learning model. These metrics include:

  • Is COVID-19 being transmitted in our schools?
  • Is COVID-19 causing a significant disruption to the in-person learning process?
  • What are local COVID-19 metrics?
  • Is our community practicing safe behavior?

You can learn more about these metrics in the Nov. 4 issue of Communicate 58.

District 58 will continue to send families and staff an email every two weeks (on Mondays) with the District's current learning model outlook. The email will communicate whether the District will stay in its current learning model for the foreseeable future, or if the District needs to shift models due to changing COVID-19 metrics. Unless circumstances require a quicker shift, the District will aim to give families and staff one week's notice before shifting models. Our goal is to keep students in a hybrid in-person learning environment (with full remote option), so long as it is safe and feasible. Our next biweekly update will be Monday, Dec. 7.

The community can visit District 58's Return to Learn webpage and COVID-19 webpage for helpful resources regarding both topics.
Thank you for taking our instructional model feedback survey!
District 58 thanks the 1,643 parents/guardians and 287 staff members who completed the instructional model feedback survey this past week. The survey asked families and staff to reflect on their students' learning experiences this fall and share feedback on what worked well and areas of improvement.

This week, the School Board, administrators and teachers will review the results, using the feedback to guide improvements to the District's instructional models. A review of the survey results and recommendations will be shared publicly during the Dec. 14 School Board meeting.
Reminder: Please complete self-certification every school day
District 58 asks all students to complete the self-certification form before school on every school day, including on days when students are remote. Having this information every school day will help schools accurately track COVID-19 metrics. Although our schools email the self-certification form to families every morning, the link to the self-certification form never changes. Families can re-use the link from a previous self-certification email at any time.

In order to keep students and staff safe and schools open, it is critical that this form be completed truthfully and consistently.

Select "no" on the self-certification form and keep your child home from school if he/she has:

  • Fever greater than 100.4 F
  • New onset of moderate to severe headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • New cough
  • Sore throat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain from unknown cause
  • New congestion/runny nose
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue from unknown cause
  • Muscle/body aches

Additionally, keep your child home if he/she came in close contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case. Someone is “suspected” to have COVID-19 if he/she is demonstrating symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (see list above) but has not yet received test results or doctor clearance. A “close contact” is considered:

  • Living in the same household as a person with COVID-19
  • Caring for a person with COVID-19
  • Being within 6 feet of a person with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes, regardless of whether the person was wearing a mask
  • Being in direct contact with secretions from a person with COVID-19 (e.g., being coughed on, kissing, sharing utensils).
  • Being in close contact (as described above) in the 48 hours before a person with COVID-19 developed symptoms.

If your child has COVID-19 symptoms or is a close contact, please begin to quarantine and follow the appropriate next steps. View the District's COVID-19 FAQs for Families to learn what to do for each scenario. Thank you for your willingness to follow these guidelines!
District 58 seeks parents and staff to join committees

District 58 has openings on several of its Strategic Plan, School Board and other District committees and is recruiting new members to join! Please complete a short application by Wednesday, Dec. 9 if interested.

Need remote learning
technical assistance?

If your child needs technical assistance during remote learning, please first contact your child's teacher for help. For urgent issues, or if the teacher cannot resolve the issue, please contact the Technology Department at 630-719-2768 or send them a text message at 630-415-0202. View family remote learning resources.
Reminder: Parent-teacher conferences are coming

Parent-teacher conference signups end today at noon. If you miss the deadline to sign up, please call your school's front office. Conferences will take place remotely on:

Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 5-8 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 10 from 5-8 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 11 from 8-11 a.m.
District 58 will participate in Hour of Code next week

Next week, District 58 will join schools worldwide in Hour of Code, a movement to inspire students to take interest in computer science. District 58 will share highlights of Hour of Code activities on its Twitter page. Want to explore with your child at home? Check out these fun Hour of Code activities!
It's not too late to get a flu shot!

Next week is National Influenza Vaccination Week. Although the COVID-19 pandemic may be top of mind, the flu is still a serious illness, and a flu shot is a proven method to reduce the risk of getting this virus. If you haven't already, we encourage you to please get your flu shot.
District 58 is hiring substitute teachers

Last month, the School Board increased substitute teacher pay to $140/day. The District has open substitute teacher assignments for remote and in-person learning. Please consider filling these important jobs! Learn more at
District will hold virtual School Board Candidate Forum on Dec. 9
Interested in serving District 58 as a School Board member? District 58 residents will elect four individuals to the Board of Education next April.

District 58 invites prospective candidates to attend a virtual Candidate Forum on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 5:30 p.m. If you would like to attend, please complete this RSVP form, and a meeting link will be sent to you.

This forum will cover the school board election process, board member expectations and responsibilities, school board organization, school board meetings, school finances and school board governance.

Candidates may download a petition packet from the DuPage County Election Commission. Learn more.
Preview: Board Financial Workshop

The Board will hold its fall Financial Workshop on Monday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. on the District 58 YouTube page. The workshop will give the Board and community an update regarding District 58's financial health and budget forecasts. A meeting preview will be sent to families on Friday, Dec. 4 and the agenda will be posted to BoardDocs.
Preview: December Board Meeting

The Board will hold its monthly business meeting on Monday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. on the Village of Downers Grove's YouTube page. After the meeting, the District will upload the meeting video to its own YouTube account. 

The meeting preview will be emailed to families on Dec. 11, and the agenda will be posted to BoardDocs.
Instrumental Music students create community music compilation
District 58 launched a community music initiative this fall with every student in its Instrumental Music program. #LiftYourVoice2020 was an opportunity to share D58 students' music with families and neighbors during this unique time when school districts can't host concerts and pack all into the same space. 

"Our students did an amazing job working on a piece of music with a variety of levels; this piece carries a lot of emotional meaning during COVID, and we could not be more proud of student efforts - both musically as well as in connecting with each other and others," said Instrumental Music Teacher Julie Spring, on behalf of the entire Instrumental Music team.

Please see this #LiftYourVoice2020 compilation video of our DG58 Instrumental Music staff, students and families!
41 District students selected for ILMEA's prestigious music festival
The Illinois Music Education Association, or ILMEA, selected 41 District 58 students to participate in a virtual Fall Festival Masterclass Day in November. This event replaced ILMEA’s usual in-person music and jazz performance festivals due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Congratulations to District 58 students selected to perform in the ILMEA Fall Festival Masterclass Day! View a list of selected students and learn more.
Thank a teacher or staff member with a Green Apple Award
The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 invites families to thank a special teacher or staff member with a donation to its Green Apple Teacher/Staff Recognition Program. Donations will support the Foundation's programs for District 58.

With each Green Apple donation received, the Education Foundation will send a specially-designed Green Apple Award card to the teacher or staff member the donation is honoring, with a custom message from the donor. Learn more.
Thank you, Knitting for Charity and other generous community members!
District 58 thanks Knitting for Charity, a local group, for donating several hand-knit hats and scarves to District 58. The donations arrived before Thanksgiving and were immediately routed to students in need.

In addition, District 58 received a few coat, glove and other winterwear donations from local families who wanted to give back. Thank you for your generosity!
Community e-flyers
Wednesday, Dec. 2
Hybrid in-person learning model resumes for grades K-8

Friday, Dec. 4
7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee Meeting via Zoom

Monday, Dec. 7
7 p.m.: Board Financial Workshop via YouTube

Tuesday, Dec 8
5-8 p.m.: Parent-teacher conferences
Thursday, Dec. 10
5-8 p.m.: Parent-teacher conferences

Friday, Dec. 11
All students attend remote learning
8-11 a.m.: Parent-teacher conferences

Monday, Dec. 14
7 p.m.: School Board Business Meeting via YouTube

Tuesday, Dec. 15
7 a.m.: Board Policy Committee Meeting via Zoom
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |