To help you easily access the best options to create a basic protocol for maintaining optimum immune function -- your personal "internal garden" -- as the world opens up again, I want to encourage everyone who can, to start or continue with an immune support plan.

After looking at several specific product lines and mechanisms for direct ordering for people who are not health care practitioners, I have decided to recommend Standard Process/Mediherb products, because all of their products are food-based and organically sourced. Standard Process is the vitamin/mineral line and Mediherb is the Herbal Medicine line. There is one link to order both lines (see "How do I do this?" below).

This is the Standard Process/ Mediherb core protocol to create your healthy personal "garden":

  1. Cataplex C: Product code: 1655.
  2. Cataplex D: Product code: 3410
  3. Zinc Liver Chelate: Product code: 8355
  4. Andrographis Complex: Product code: M1115
  5. Vitanox: Product code: M1468
  6. Herbal Throat Spray: M4465

I have seen amazing results using these products and strongly suggest everyone try a month on all these products. See the recommended dosing below.

I think you will notice a difference in your health and I'd love to hear what you experience. If you want to add one more product, consider the Standard Process general multiple/vitamin called Catalyn (product code: 2160).


You will need to register on the Standard Process/Mediherb site and will need to be authorized by me to order. Send me an email to get the code and ordering details. I will also send you a "Cautions and Contraindications Guide" and an "Herb-Drug-Interaction Guide" so you can check any potential concerns.

Once registered you will be able to order any of their products.


In Biological Medicine the "bugs" are important, but less so than the state of the "terrain" -- our personal "internal gardens" or internal physiology strength. Some of you know this strength as homeostasis and it means our individual ability to adapt to the world.

In light of the current adaptation demanded, we may want to ponder, perhaps, the most famous quote in the non-conventional medicine world:

“The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.” Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

As has been discussed in many medical histories and commentaries, this recantation by Pasteur, whom we identify as the "Father of the Germ Theory," is a reminder that how we face the world, which will always hold challenges to our adaptive ability, can have a substantial affect on our health.


Anyone who has an active account with Standard Process/Mediherb by June 1 can call me directly at 443-721-1074 anytime during the first two weeks of June; and I will waive the consult charge. We can discuss any topic related to your care during that time.

I am working on an ongoing Q and A format for active account holders and likely will offer several blocks of time starting in mid-June during which you can call in with questions and comments as you desire.

For some references on the recommended nutrients, see links at the end of this email.