September 2021
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
Recruiting the FINAL Cohort!
If you are a certain age, you definitely know the reference to the Jerry Maguire film in the photo above. The Montana Rural Teacher Project wants to help YOU recruit and retain teachers for your district.

Do you know someone who would like to be a teacher in a rural school? 
Are you a school leader looking to hire excellent new teachers?

Refer a potential new teacher to MSU's Master of Arts in Teaching program. This program offers applicants with a bachelor’s degree a pathway to complete a teacher preparation program and become a licensed Montana teacher in as little as one year. 
Those admitted to the MAT degree program in the coming year will be invited to apply to take part in the Montana Rural Teacher Project (MRTP). Participants receive a living wage stipend while completing the 12-16 month degree program and two years of mentorship in exchange for a three-year commitment to teach in an eligible Montana school. 

We are recruiting for the final MRTP cohort. 
Elementary track starts - January 2022 
Preferred application deadline - Oct 1, 2021
Extended application deadline – November 10, 2021

Secondary track starts - May 2022 
Preferred application deadline - January 1, 2022
Extended application deadline – February 15, 2022
Secondary track prepares educators in English, Mathematics, General Science Broadfield, and Social Studies Broadfield

If you know of prospective applicants, please invite them to contact
Many partners, like close fitting puzzle pieces, come together to support the MRTP.

This month, we highlight the tremendous support from School Administrators of Montana (SAM) and Montana School Board Association (MTSBA).

SAM supports the MRTP by providing mentorship/coaching and access to the Leaders Professional Learning Program (LPLP), a personalized professional learning experience for Montana school administrators that includes a quality experienced coach/mentor, access to an online resource center, and Collegial Learning Networks. Currently, SAM is engaging administrators, whose districts have hired a new teacher participating in the MRTP, to join the SAM LPLP 2021 and form a MRTP-focused Collegial Learning Network to support their work helping new teachers in communities all over Montana.

Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) supports school districts that have hired a new teacher involved with the MRTP by providing fee-free training to MTSBA member trustees and administrators. 
MTSBA provides an extensive range of human resource trainings, all of which are intended to provide trustees and administrators with knowledge, skills and abilities on topics related to:
a. Collective bargaining;
b. Hiring;
c. Licensure requirements and alternative paths thereto;
d. Recruitment and retention; and
e. Knowledge of relevant laws (e.g. national board certification stipends, education loan repayment for critical shortages in impacted schools)”
It Takes a Community
Quite simply, the teacher recruitment and retention challenges faced by rural districts across Montana cannot be solved with a silver bullet.

It takes a community of support.

More than 600 schools across Montana are eligible to hire a new teacher involved with the MRTP; you can welcome a new teacher to become part of your community.

Your school not only benefits from a great new teacher who is supported with two years of MRTP-provided mentoring through induction but also support for school leaders through SAM and trustees through MTSBA.

Not sure your school is eligible? Scroll to the bottom of this webpage and see.

This is a state-wide initiative. We're all in. We hope you are too.