Hi, all! How are those New Year's intentions going? If you're like me, then maybe you've already slipped up. Here's the good news: Today is a new day. Today you have the opportunity to reset and recommit to your intentions. Heck, you can even revise or reframe your intentions as needed. 

We hear it all the time in class:  Set your intention for practice . What does this mean? It means calling to mind some purpose, dedication, or offering. Here's my strategy: I don't let myself think about it. I allow the first positive word or phrase that pops into my head to be my  mantra . Maybe that word or phrase ladders up to something much bigger, like a commitment for the new year. Maybe that word or phrase is different than it was the practice before. I'll use the repetition of this  mantra  help me through my physical practice and off the mat into the physical world. 

You don't have to settle on an intention by 12/31 each year and do that thing perfectly every day. The best of intentions take time. It's a practice, after all.

You're doing a good job, 
w/ Arielle Otero

FRIDAY, January 24th 2020
6:30-7:30 p.m.

by donation // pay what you wish
w/ Paul Richards

SUNDAY, January 26th 2020
5:30-7 p.m.

regular class pricing
w/ Lynn Rescigno

SATURDAY, February 8th 2020
 12:30-2 p.m.

This class/event is a sampling of the 200-Hour Pittsburgh Classical Yoga Teacher Training, which begins in April 2020 . The class will include:

  • Meditation instruction and practice
  • Asana practice with a deeper look at alignment
  • Study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra
  • Q&A

regular class pricing
w/ Lynn Rescigno

Six training weekends, beginning SATURDAY, April 18th 2020

This Yoga Alliance-approved Teacher Training is for both aspiring teachers (Teacher Track) and serious students of yoga (Self Enrichment Track). Based on Lynn’s background of Jivamukti Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Viniyoga, and Iyengar Yoga, this program includes: proper pacing, Sanskrit pronunciation, synchronization of breath and movement, yogic philosophy, anatomy, verbal & hands-on adjustments, pranayama, mantra, and yin & restorative yoga.

***early bird pricing ends March 18th 2020***
SATURDAY, April 25th 2020
SUNDAY, April 26th 2020

We are thrilled to welcome Chrissy Carter back to BYSYC in 2020. Stay tuned for more details!