Championing Diversity
for Campus and Beyond
A UW-Madison Diversity Update | Edition 17  | April 13, 2020
Dear colleagues,
Here's sincerely hoping that you and all the people in your life are well and safe during this challenging time. 

As we all do what we must do in remote settings for the common good, the strange silence that’s settled over the campus and the city explains why we so often speak of community.  Without your vibrant presence and the hum of teaching, learning, research and growth, the bricks and mortar make little sense. When this is behind us, we’ll better appreciate the gift of community, colleagues and proximity.

UW-Madison administration is working tirelessly to keep our academic enterprise going while protecting the health and well-being of the campus community with the COVID-19 website.
The suspension of face-to-face instruction and required social distancing for the entire nation is an unprecedented challenge for us all. It's more important than ever to take care of ourselves and one another as we process the magnitude of changes around us.

I have every confidence that the spirit of the Badger Nation will prevail in defining our collective character. We support our Asian and Asian-American community members and will not tolerate anyone being targeted with racist and xenophobic behaviors and/or bias. 
We're looking forward to resuming our celebrations of diversity, service and connectedness as a compassionate community. Just over a month ago, our latest cohort of UW Outstanding Women of Color took participants to a new level of sharing talents and passion to build a better future.

The innovative brilliance of our students and staff is already emerging; First Wave is going virtual with a celebration of National Poetry Month in lieu of their annual Line Breaks Festival. Students are working together and tutoring online. We’re welcoming new staff and making promotions, advising, mentoring, planning and taking care of one another.

Finally, to our 2020 graduates, watch the University Commencement page for updates on the May 8 virtual ceremony and plans to honor spring graduates at a later date. We are also planning something special to honor DDEEA Scholars along with their parents and families. Graduation may look different than ever before, but not only will our graduates receive the diploma they’ve worked so hard to earn, they’ll finish Badger Strong.

Remember, we will get through this together. On Wisconsin!
Patrick J. Sims 
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Diversity & Inclusion
Elzie Higginbottom Vice Provost & Chief Diversity Officer 
Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement 
University of Wisconsin-Madison
UW-Madison Respect Statement
Diverse News in Our Virtual Community
First Wave hosts April video poetry festival
Stages are dark, but UW-Madison's First Wave is bringing poets from across the country together to celebrate National Poetry Month on the virtual stage. Everyday, more than 25 poets are posting performances on Instagram@omaifirstwave .
Why I Love UW:
Judge Everett Mitchell

It took mentors, counselors, friends and family who believed in him and a supportive environment at UW–Madison to enable Everett D. Mitchell (J.D. '10) to unlock his potential and become the community leader he is today.
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Online forums unite UW campus community

More than 400 UW faculty and staff members logged in
to the first virtual village forum to support our Asian and Asian-American community members. The DDEEA will host future forums to share ways to work together while apart.