St. Paul's Episcopal Church   Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

"Making friends while serving God"

The Week of May 6-12, 2019

We will have white & pink carnations available on Mother's Day at BOTH 8am & 10am services on May 12th. There will be no pre-ordering this year.
If you would like to purchase any they are $2.00 each. Payment is due the day of to Jeanne Henderson. Proceeds to benefit Sunday School.  


For the second Sunday in a row a stained glass window is going to be featured in the St. Paul's Messenger. Behind our organ pipes is our vesting chamber and a very tell stained glass window provides light and inspiration in that space. It has three panels. One depicts St. James, one depicts St. John and the third depicts Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd in our stained glass window shows a gentle Jesus reaching down to help a bewildered lamb that has gotten stuck in brambles. It is clear that the brambles are more than the lamb can manage on its own. It looks up toward Jesus pleadingly.
This story and this stained glass window are not about animal husbandry. Every story we hear about Jesus has to do with his purpose, to bring his followers to love God and love their neighbor. Any other aspects of Jesus' life need to be interpreted that way. So the lamb is us. We are the stuck ones. We are the ones that got into the brambles on our own without asking any help or guidance from Jesus. And now we would appreciate some help.
It's kind of pathetic, really. Yet more important it is real. And so is the comfort that is ours when we admit we've done it again and gotten in over our head and finally turned to Jesus for help.

To be redirected to the Lectionary Page and get a digital copy of the readings 
Acts 9:36-43; Revelation 7:9-17
           Psalm 23; John 10:22-30
Spiritual Life Committee meeting
to plan June 1 Open House
It's no surprise that there has been a flurry of activity for our new Spiritual Life Committee. The committee was created by the merger of the Evangelism, Formation and Worship committees. With such a legacy, the portfolio of the Spiritual Life Committee is understandably full.
Two key events spurred the new committee to call special meetings: the recent "I Want My Church to Grow" workshop held April 6 at St. Paul's and the planned June 1 Open House modeled mostly after the very successful Open House held at St. Paul's last fall.
To develop plans for the Open House, the Spiritual Life Committee has called a special meeting for 6:30 pm Thursday May 9. All members of the previous three committees are asked to attend this special session. Ordinarily the Spiritual Life Committee is slated to meet on the third Tuesday of each month.

  P A R I S H  N E W S

Help earn some money for St. Paul's by joining us for this lunch. Its a great way to support St. Paul's without doing any work - just come, enjoy conversation with friends along with a yummy lunch - all for just $17.00.

The menu will include a Chicken Wing appetizer to be shared with your table, a choice of Caesar or House salad, Entree choice of Salmon, Chicken or Chicken & Steak, soda, coffee or tea and dessert.  

Get your tickets from Cynthia Benjamin, Rose Marie Proctor, Hyacinth Curtis, Claudette Tucker, Adrian Goldson, Colleen Misner, Norma Williams, Janet Quade or Bobbie Gordon.  If you'd like to sell tickets, please see Bobbie Gordon.

Tickets need to be purchased by June 1.
Checks may be made payable to St. Paul's Church.
Don't miss this event - everyone had a really good time last year.
More fruit, please! Cans and jars of applesauce, peaches, mixed fruit -- Yummy, healthy snack or dessert.
Many thanks to our regular contributors from our Food Pantry volunteers and clients..


You buy a ticket for $25.   You are then eligible to win any of the drawings and you can win multiple times!! Weekly drawings of $20 & $10 will be held every Sunday at Coffee Hour beginning April 7 and continuing through September 22.

A final drawing and party will be held Saturday, September 29. Prizes of $500, $250, $150, $100 and $50 will be awarded at that time.

Tickets will be available beginning Saturday, February 16. Plan to get at least 1 ticket and try to sell some also. It's a fun way to support the church.

This time at least half of the profits will help pay for our new pew cushions.

The Sunday Sermon...

                       Looking for Jesus

SERMON:3 Easter C 5 5 19
Acts 9:1-20; Rev5:11-14; Ps30; Jn21:1-19
How many of you remember Easter? It was two weeks ago. Do you recall? The church was pretty full. There were lots of flowers. We were all there, right? Us and a few people we see only rarely. Sadly.

The reality of Christmas and Easter Only Christians is difficult to digest, hard to comprehend. Christmas and Easter Only Christians --known as CEO Christians--miss out on the regular and reliable delights of faith. Sure, they get the fireworks, the special instruments, decorations, the full church. But does that memory satisfy as well as regular attendance, weekly return to the Communion rail, not to mention the communion of the congregation in church and afterward?

In case you have been sleeping through church for a few decades, let me tell you: the jury is still out. People still seem to get what they need on the two most special days in the church. We'll see them again at Christmas. Or a baptism or a funeral.

I understand fully people looking for Jesus who come to church on Christmas and Easter. I do not understand their being satisfied with that and not wanting to know Jesus the other 50 Sundays of the year. We're all looking for Jesus. It's just that some of us want to find him and be with him more of the time than others. Like most of the time. Maybe it's as if they're looking for someone like you look for a doctor or an auto mechanic: on the rare occasion when you need one. For me it's more like looking for a loved one, a family member, someone who I depend on day by day.

If you were in church last Sunday, famously known as low Sunday, you heard the wonderful story of Doubting Thomas, to whom we owe a significant debt of gratitude. Thomas was able to ask questions and not get punished for it, thereby freeing us to ask our own questions. Thomas wanted to know Jesus better. He wanted to be convinced, too.
Molly and I heard a quite lovely sermon on the subject at the church we attended in Maryland. We were grateful, once again, for Thomas' curiosity and his desire to have his issues addressed. That was just a foretaste, however, of all the new effort Jesus is going to have to go to in order to convince people he's still with them.

Does it occur to you that Jesus, now that he is risen again from the dead, has to go around convincing people he is what he says he is and he is what he has been saying all along he will be, that is, risen from the dead? Didn't they notice? In both our Gospel and in our reading from the Acts of the Apostles today we see Jesus manifesting himself in ways to really get people's attention.

But the odd thing is that people struggle with manifestations of Jesus. They did then. They do now.

If we observe Christ-like behavior from people who are self-proclaimed Christians, aren't we by definition seeing Christ in the world around us? This question has been in front of believers for two thousand years. We still struggle with it, of course, in part because we are those self-proclaimed Christians, and are therefore ourselves the body of Christ in this time.

Today we take special interest in the conversion of St. Paul, partly because of the name of our parish and partly because we have the story in stained glass over the choir loft. When we explore Paul's conversion we appreciate that this is a story that belongs to all of us. It isn't only Paul's. Every one of us at one time or another came to the realization that Jesus had become for us more than a name in a book, a point of reference, a member of God's family, God's son. Jesus becomes for us at some point a presence in our lives, a reality we cannot deny, to quote from the Bible, "the Word of God made flesh."

For Paul the experience was a most radical conversion, mostly because of his record as an oppressor of Christians. Having fallen on the ground he hears Jesus ask him why he is persecuting the Christians. When Jesus identifies himself he tells Paul what to do. And so we have the former Jewish persecutor of Christians now joining their ranks with a fervor that startles us to this day. No one can match Paul's conversion narrative for drama.
For the fishermen it is another story entirely. I have spent a fair amount of time--not as much as many, but more than a little--fishing. I've fished from docks, from small boats, from the shallows, from knee-deep waters, from commercial boats. I think I know the mind of the fisherman. It's like this: deep in the water there are fish. There are two ways to find them: keep trying or get lucky. So most fishermen keep trying.

Another thing about fishing is that no matter what method is being used--hooks, lures, flies, nets--by the time a fisherman has dropped a line or cast a lure or set a net and drawn it bask in, well, it's all ready to go again, so why not? So fishermen are by nature optimists. Some are cockeyed optimists.

Anyone who has caught a fish knows it's pretty exciting. So the prospect of the excitement of a catch keeps a serious fisherman fishing. Sometimes for a long time. Sometimes with no luck at all. So the fishermen in our Gospel reading are ready to catch some fish.
They have been fishing all night and they have caught nothing. And suddenly this character appears suggesting they try fishing off the other side of the boat. They comply and bring in a huge haul. Then they notice the person who told them to try fishing off the other side of the boat is already on the beach with a charcoal fire and is roasting fish.
The Gospel says they knew it was Jesus but they were afraid to ask who he was. Yes, that might be a little awkward for those who don't believe, for those who don't yet believe. How do you explain that?

"Oh, hello. Nice to see you again..."
" did you get here?"
"Say, where did you get those fish? How did you light that fire without our seeing it?"
At least Paul got to ask questions.

But what's in these stories for you and for me? What do we take from them that informs our faith?

One good starting point is that it might be a good idea to be on the lookout for Jesus and the influence of the risen Christ. The influence of the risen Christ would include those acts by people who make up the body of Christ in this day and age. Lots of people do lots of good, you know. We need to keep our eyes open for manifestations of the Risen Christ. Sometimes it might just be someone performing a kind act, kind of out of the blue, at other times it might be a vision of beauty or other natural splendor that leaves us feeling we were visited by the Almighty.

Here's another prospect: when we are called to recognize God in the course of our lives. When we are disposed to say "Thank God," such as when we avoid a fall or an accident or something bad narrowly is averted.

Molly and I observed a lengthy encounter with Jesus Tuesday night in Woodstock. We went to see "Amazing Grace," the full length feature film of Aretha Franklin singing Gospel not long after her soul music career was in full swing. In song after song Aretha would get started with deep concentration, then slowly as she sang of Jesus, as she shouted Jesus, as she whispered Jesus, her eyes would drift closed and her face would become peaceful and it appeared she had been transported to another place where she could rest with her savior. She moaned his name singing "Amazing Grace," remembering, as did many others in the band, the choir and the audience, past problems and misfortune. She smiled his name when she sang "What a Friend we Have in Jesus," a cheerful reminder of how we need not forfeit our peace if we remember our savior.

Jesus is not far from those who love him. He also is not hard to find for those who regularly engage in prayerful communion with him. And this is why I find it hard to understand why someone would accept the limitations of being a Christmas and Easter Only Christian when an ongoing connection is possible and so clearly preferable
Look for Jesus in the hearts of your friends and in the actions of strangers. Imagine what it would be like to be the one who manifested Jesus' teaching among your friends, not just one of them manifesting it for you.

Jesus is all around us. He has inserted himself into the minds and hearts of humanity, sometimes with the name we recognize, sometimes with other names. It is the spirit of God, our loving God, who came to live among us and teach us God's ways. Once again, he is risen. Hallelujah!
                   A sermon preached May 5, 2019, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Poughkeepsie NY by The Rev. Tyler Jones

C O M M U N I T Y   C A L E N D A R

Note: Please visit the DCIC website ( and their Facebook Page for updates on these events and more.

                                  MAY BIRTHDAYS
3       Robin Porter                                          17       Kataleya Anaho Mayorga
         Aiden Curtis                                           18       Claudette Tucker
7       Carolyn Dewald                                     20       George Santos Jr.    
         Frances Rogers                                                Richlina Angel Hodge     
         Clifford Clarke                                        22       Shiann Mayorga Cash
         Christiana Prater-Lee                             25      Theresa Butler
8       Bruce Woven                                          27      Mark Goodwin
11     Mary Wethington                                              Bert Mazzuto
15     Joanna Frang                                                   Velma Pusey
                                                                       30       Debbie Pitcher

Please " Like" our page to stay up to date with all services and events.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church-Poughkeepsie

'In Service to God & You'
Server:            Maria Bell

Lectors:           Rose Marie Proctor
                        Cora Keith

Litanist:           Pete Bedrossian
Organist:         Maris Kristapsons
Acolytes:         Shawn Prater-Lee                 
Lectors:           Rose Marie Proctor
                        Maria Bell
Litanist:            Mark Debald
Usher:              Dewy Clarke
                         Mark Debald
Altar Guild:       Hyacinth Curtis & Daphne Barrett

Greeters:          Brooke Plain & Alexis Plain            


1982                 205       Good Christians, all, rejoice and sing 
1982                 646       The King of love my shepherd is
1982                 664       My shepherd will supply my need
1982                 708       Savior, like a shepherd lead us

HYMN INFORMATION: In our current church calendar Good Shepherd Sunday occurs on the fourth Sunday in the Easter Season. The name derives from the gospel reading for the day (John 10:27-30), in which Christ is described as the "Good Shepherd" who lays down his life for his sheep. A particularly apt and beautiful hymn for this day is My shepherd will supply my need. A paraphrase of Psalm 23 ("The Lord is my Shepherd"), the words were published in 1719 by English hymn writer and theologian Isaac Watts. A little over one hundred years later, in 1835, they were paired by William Walker with an anonymous Appalachian tune titled "Resignation" in Walker's landmark shape-note hymnal "Southern Harmony."


MAY 6-12, 2019
7:30am "Good Morning" AA Meeting;  

6:30pm "Journey to Recovery" NA Meeting;

10am-2pm Office, Pantry, Thrift Store;
6pm Evening Prayer, Bible Study, Men's Club;

7:30am "Good Morning" AA Meeting;
10am-2pm Office, Food Pantry, Small Blessings Thrift Shop; 
12:15pm Healing Service & Eucharist;
1pm Parish Aid;

10am-2pm Office, Food Pantry, Small Blessings Thrift Shop; 
6pm Evening Prayer, Pastoral Care;

FRI 10
7:30am "Good Morning" AA meeting; 
6:30pm "Journey to Recovery" NA Meeting;

SAT  11
10am "Journey to Recovery" NA Meeting
3pm SH Private Party;
3pm  "Men do recover" NA Meeting
SUN 12
8am Rite I;
8:45am Lessons' Discussion;

9:30am Choir Practice; 

10am Sunday School;

10am Rite II;

11:15am Coffee Hour;
11:30am Youth;


Help us get the word out by submitting news of parish activities. Send submittals to or call 845 452 8440

Give us a call today!