November 1, 2018

"Connecting people to the Jewish Community"

Phone: 604 241-9270 or



Friday, November 2, 2018 - Shabbat Candle Lighting 5:31 pm
Saturday, November 3, 2018 - Shabbat Ends 6:37 pm

Check out our website

Please join members of our community, and Jewish communities and friends across North America this Saturday, November 3rd, as we attend Shabbat services in solidarity with the victims, families and Jewish community of Pittsburgh.
"In times like these we are reminded how connected we all are, no matter where we live. We are truly one extended family, and we feel the loss personally. We support the mourners in Pittsburgh as though they were our own family - because they are." - Karen James, Jewish Federation Board chair
Solidarity Shabbat
Saturday, November 3rd, Shabbat morning services
List of Participating Synagogues and Places of Worship
  • Burquest Jewish Community Association 
  • Centre for Judaism - Chabad
  • Chabad of Downtown Vancouver
  • Chabat East Van
  • Chabad-Lubavitch BC
  • Chabad of Richmond
  • Congregation Beth Hamidrash
  • Congregation Beth Israel
  • Congregation Beth Tikvah
  • Congregation Har El / North Shore Jewish Community Centre
  • Congregation Or Shalom
  • Congregation Schara Tzedeck
  • Community Kollel
  • Louis Brier Home and Hospital
  • The Bayit
  • Temple Sholom
  • White Rock/S.Surrey JCC (Solidarity service will be held this Friday night at 7:30 p.m.)
Please check with synagogues and places of worship about childcare and youth services offered at each.

30th Anniversary 25ft Public Menorah Lighting
Sunday, December 2, 2018
2 - 4 pm
Please join us for the first night of Chanukah as we light a 25-foot high steel Menorah and for a fun kids party! 

2:00: kids entertainment 
3:00: Public Menorah Lighting 

*Chanukah gelt *Latkes and Donuts

This beautiful 25-foot high steel Menorah was designed by the late Arthur Erickson and fabricated by Ebco Industries Ltd. It will be lit on the plaza in front of the Richmond Public Library (7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond) this Chanukah.

Brought to you by The Ebco Group of Companies, Richmond Library/Cultural Centre, Chabad of Richmond & The Bayit

Kehila Seniors and Chabad Seniors Program

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Monday, November 5 "Kirstallnacht with Lillian Boarks-Nemetz"
Speaker:  Lillian Boraks-Nemetz author of Old Brown Suitcase
Beth Tikvah Synagogue 
9:30 - 11:45        ESL 
10:30 - 11:45     Tea, Coffee & Socializing 
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch $10.00
Program to follow 1 - 2

Monday, November 19

"Hearing Health"
Speaker:  Melinda Newman
Beth Tikvah Synagogue 
9:30 - 11:45        ESL 
10:30 - 11:45     Tea, Coffee & Socializing 
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch $10.00
Program to follow 1 - 2

Monday, November 26
"Movie:  "The Forgotten Refugees"
The story of the mass exodus of Jews from Arab Countries in the 20th Century
Beth Tikvah Synagogue 
9:30 - 11:45        ESL 
10:30 - 11:45     Tea, Coffee & Socializing 
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch $10.00
Program to follow 1 - 2

Monday, December 3
"Our Hanukkah Party"
Entertainer:  Lester Soo
Beth Tikvah Synagogue 
9:30 - 11:45        ESL 
10:30 - 11:45     Tea, Coffee & Socializing 
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch $12.00
Program to follow 1 - 2

Monday, December 10
"Fall Prevention"
Speaker:  Denise Peron, RN
Beth Tikvah Synagogue 
9:30 - 11:45        ESL 
10:30 - 11:45     Tea, Coffee & Socializing 
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch $10.00
Program to follow 1 - 2

Monday, December 17
"Games Day:  Bingo, Scrabble and more"
Beth Tikvah Synagogue 
9:30 - 11:45        ESL 
10:30 - 11:45     Tea, Coffee & Socializing 
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch $10.00
Program to follow 1 - 2

For information Tel: Pat 604 273 0526 or the Kehila Office at 604 241 9270.  For Wellness Clinic Appointments you can contact Ruth or Marlene Shore.  
Ruth's Number is 604-271-1973.  Marlene's number is 604-275-7543
The bus information is sent to the Bus Company Thursday before our Monday group so to arrange Transportation please call Toby at 604-537-5451

Chabad Seniors Program
Marlene will like to welcome all of you back to the Thursday Senior's Program at Chabad.  The cost is $9.00 for  a Hot Lunch.  Rabbi Baitelman will speak once a month and the other Thursday will be musical entertainment.  This all begins at 11:00 at the Chabad  of Richmond, 200 - 4775 Blundell Road.  If you need any other information please contact Marlene Shore at 604-275-7543.  As well, our Bus is available for the Thursday program, please call Toby at 604-537-5451 to arrange a pick up.
Smile On Senior Dates

Chabad's Smile on Seniors program will be held:
 November 15th & 29th and December 13th

Our Seniors Program have baby blankets, if you know anyone that needs them please contact the office at 604-241-9270 and ask for Toby Rubin.  Thanks!

We would like to thank our generous sponsor   in corporation with 


FOR ALL OCCASIONS, $10.00 minimum donation per card, fully tax deductible.  Proceeds go towards Jewish programs in Richmond.

Please let us know which card you would like to send;
flowers or Judaica.
By supporting Kehila, you are supporting the
Jewish community of Richmond

#200 4775 Blundell Road.
For information on all the new classes and programs see
the Chabad of Richmond website:
Rabbi Yechiel Baitelman; 604-277-6427
Daily Services at Chabad
Sunday Morning - 8:30am, followed by breakfast
Monday to Friday Morning - 6:45am
Shabbat Morning - 10:00am, followed by Kiddush Lunch at 12:30pm
Friday Night Services
September to March at 6:00 pm
April 6:30 pm
May 7:00 pm
June - July 7:20 pm
August 7:00 pm
Class in Tanya - Shabbat 9:30am
Torah Studies - Tuesday 11:00am, Thursday 7:30pm, Shabbat 1:30pm
Yeshiva Night - Tuesday 7:30pm
ESL Intermediate/Advanced Levels - Thursday 9:45am - 12:00 noon

Rabbi Adam Rubin, PhD:
9711 Geal, Richmond BC. V7E 1R4

Services; Friday 6:00 PM           Saturday 9:30 AM
Beth Tikvah will be holding morning minyan every Tuesday, 7:30 am
Check us out for gifts for weddings, new babies, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.  New and exciting items are arriving continually.  Call Vicki- 604.272.1582
There is a teenage group centred out of Beth Tikvah, that meets regularly.  To find out upcoming activities please call the Synagogue.


The Bayit, 10791 NO. 3 RD, Richmond, British Columbia,

Carlebach style Kabbalat Shabbat at  7:15 pm
Services Shabbat morning will start at  10:00 am  followed by kiddush lunch at around  12:15 
Services will be held at The Bayit  10791 No 3 Rd 
Please feel welcome to join us (and bring a friend or family member!)
All services services will be held at The Bayit 10791 No 3 Rd
Please feel welcome to join us (and bring a friend or family member!)
I am looking forward to seeing you there.

November 2, 2018 at 5:30 pm


Thursday, November 8, 2018  |  7 PM

Congregation Beth Israel
989 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver

Everyone Welcome


Chris Friedrichs
Professor Emeritus of History, UBC

Kristallnacht at 80: Meaning and Memory  

Holocaust survivors are invited to light a memorial candle

This VHEC event is free of charge

 Presented by the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre in partnership with Congregation Beth Israel and the Azrieli Foundation. This program is funded through our community's generous contributions to the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver Annual Campaign. Supported by the Robert and Marilyn Krell Endowment Fund of the VHEC.

  |  604.264.0499

JACS Makom Shalom Support Group
The JACS Makom Shalom Support Group is offering a 10 week facilitated support group for those of us who share the challenges associated with having an addicted person in our lives. 

When: October 16th to December 18th
             475 East Broadway suite 201 (JFS office)

What to expect:
The Group format will include opportunities for members to share and support one another while facilitators, Carmel and Rebecca, guide conversations and share knowledge on a variety of topics. 

10 Week Schedule
October 16       Welcome and Introductions
October 23       Addiction and Detox: The impact on all of us  
October 30       A Brief Walk Through The 12 Steps.
November 6     Stress tolerance Part I: What role do we play?
November 13   Stress Tolerance part II: Introduction to self-care.
November 20  Jewish people in recovery share their stories with us. 
November 27   Grief & loss from a Jewish Perspective.
December 4     The Nuts and Bolts of Addiction: Addiction Theory.
December 11   Understanding Recovery and Balancing Expectations. 
December 18   Thank You.

About the facilitators:
Rebecca Denham brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her role as facilitator of the Makom Shalom Support Group. She is a Master Practitioner of Clinical Counselling  and a Certified Addiction Counselor with 20 years of experience in the fields of addictions and mental health. As a facilitator she encourages confidentiality, authenticity, support and learning.

Carmel Shalom has over 30 years of experience as a Registered Nurse. She is currently an Intern Counsellor at Dragon Stone Counselling and is completing her Master's Degree of Counselling Psychology at ­­­­Adler University. Carmel will facilitate the group and encourage an experiential process where members can express their experiences as they explore new possibilities.

We look forward to having you with us.
For more information and to register please contact Rebecca at (778)882-2994 or

Jewish Addiction Community Services :  You are not alone. 
At JACS we recognize that the best support comes from people who can truly identify with one another on a deeply personal level. Which is why the groups have been designed by people who have personal experience with the addiction. Our groups offer a space to connect and support one another through the shared experiences associated with addiction and Jewish life. 

JACS Support Groups
Makom Shalom
A confidential support group designed for individuals to connect with those who share the experiences associated with caring for a person with an addiction.
This group is facilitated by professionals and often welcomes guest speakers. We offer a biopsychosocial understanding of addiction and how it affects all of us
Please join us Sundays 10-11:30am
For more information contact:  Rebecca Denham at  (778)882-2994 

JACS Recovery Group
An anonymous support group for adults living with addiction to connect with those who share the experiences of addiction and Jewish life.
In addition to a coffee group meeting, this group offers dry Jewish holiday celebrations and other social opportunities.  
Join us Tuesdays 7-8:30pm
For more information contact:
Dan Osipov at or
Rebecca Denham at

Let us help you to make your life easier
Donated items (large and small) are now being accepted by a local auction house, on behalf of ORT Vancouver. Let us help you benefit from this great fundraiser.
For more information, please contact: 
Bess Hirsch .................   778-834-4412
Mary Tobin .................    604-276-9282

The JFGV is committed to building a strong, vibrant and enduring Jewish community in the Lower Mainland, in Israel and throughout the world by nurturing the values and practices and traditions which sustain and enrich Judaism and Jewish culture.
For more information, visit or Tel: 604 257 5100
Integrated Judaic and General studies from Preschool - Grade 7
Enriched program for gifted children; before and after school care;
Special education program for children with different learning styles;
Registration opportunities available
For more information visit or tel: 604 275 3393

For almost 75 years JFSA has been providing opportunities to enhance the quality of life for individuals and families. We are a social service organization committed to Jewish values, ethics and community. JFSA offers a comprehensive continuum of service for individuals and families at all ages and stages of life in the Jewish and wider community.
Our departments include Senior Services, Counseling, Resettlement, Employment, Immigration as well as Basic Resources
For more information please visit or call 604 257 5151
In fulfilling its mission provides information, education, advocacy and referral for seniors by seniors in Greater Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.
For further information, visit   or tel: 604 732 1555



Kehila Society of Richmond

"The Kehila Society of Richmond's mandate is to strengthen Jewish life in Richmond in an accessible and inclusive manner. We are a strategic planning body developing services and initiatives for present and future needs of our Jewish community."