Post-Conference Workshops: May 27, 2020
- Relationship building using simulation
- Assessment and Evaluation Strategies in Nursing Education
- Research and Scholarship
Ateliers post-conférence: le 27 mai 2020
- L’établissement de relations au moyen de la simulation
- Stratégies d’évaluation en formation infirmière
- Recherche et avancement des connaissances
Registration for the May 14-15, 2020 exam writing period is
now open! Register before March 23, 2020.
Les inscriptions pour les séances d’examen du 14-15 mai 2020 sont
maintenant ouvertes! S’inscrivez-vous avant le 23 mars 2020.
2020 CASN Awards
Les prix de l'ACESI 2020
Do you have a colleague who exemplifies excellence in nursing education? Nominate them for a CASN award! Their hard work and dedication can be recognized on a national level. Nominations are now open!
Deadline: June 5, 2020
Avez-vous un(e) collègue qui se démarque par son excellence en enseignement des sciences infirmières? Si oui, proposez sa candidature pour l'un des prix de l'ACESI afin que son dévouement et son travail acharné puissent être reconnus sur la scène nationale. Les mises en candidature sont acceptées dès maintenant!
Date limite : le 5 juin 2020
Announcing the new CASN Digital Health Interest Group
Annonce d’un nouveau groupe d’intérêt de l’ACESI sur la santé numérique
If you’re interested in digital health and nursing informatics, CASN invites you to join the new Digital Health Interest Group! This interest group provides a forum to discuss digital health topics with other interested nurse educators, create and present webinars, and develop newsletter to share your research.
Online registration is open now. Save
50% with the code DH20, and only pay $25 to join!
Si la santé numérique et l’informatique infirmière vous intéressent, l’ACESI vous invite à vous joindre au nouveau groupe d’intérêt sur la santé numérique! Ce groupe d’intérêt offre aux infirmières enseignantes un forum afin de discuter de sujets d'intérêt en santé numérique, de créer, produire et présenter des webinaires et d’élaborer un bulletin d’information afin de partager votre recherche.
L’inscription en ligne est actuellement ouverte.
Utilisez le code DH20 pour économiser 50% et payer seulement 25 $ pour vous joindre au groupe!
Consultez également nos autres groupes d’intérêt!
Upcoming CNEI Courses
Cours à venir à l'ICIE
Starts March 17, 2020 ONLINE
Débute le 17 mars 2020 EN LIGNE
Writing Window: March 26 & 27, 2020 ONLINE
2-hour exam
Créneau horaire : les 26-27 mars 2020, EN LIGNE
Examen d'une durée de deux heures
Writing Window: April 16-17, 2020 ONLINE
2-hour exam
Créneau horaire :
les 16-17 avril 2020 EN LIGNE
Examen d'une durée de deux heures
Writing Window: May 7-8, 2020 ONLINE
2-hour exam
Créneau horaire : les 7-8 mai 2020 EN LIGNE
Examen d'une durée de deux heures
Nursing Notices | Avis infirmière
The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a
two-week intensive,
residential, leadership program for students
and young professionals seeking to effectively develop their leadership capabilities. We are now accepting applications for the
2020 Spring (May 3-16) and Summer (August 9-22) offerings of the program.
Core sessions include topics like
Characteristics & Qualities of Leaders, Effective Teams, Decision Making & Problem Solving, Mentorship & Coaching, Foresight & Innovation, Design Thinking, Change Management, Presentation & Persuasion, Management & Finance Essentials, Cultural Impact and Its Dynamic Role in Leadership.
A playlist of
student testimonials can be viewed
. No application fee.
May 7-8, 2020 – Doubletree Hilton, London, Ontario
In celebration of 100 years of Nursing at Western and the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, this two-day conference will bring together researchers, graduate students, practitioners, and decision-makers for dialogue and exchange with a focus on the transformative potential of research in improving health and well-being across varied contexts, and the conditions that shape health – past, present and future. Delegates from all disciplines who have an interest in these issues are most welcome.
A variety of sessions will be offered, including hands-on workshops, a technology expo and art-based research session, keynote presentations by international experts in global health and digital health, and a full program of presentations covering a range of topics, and special networking opportunities for graduate students and future leaders.
Reflecting and supporting WHO's Year of the Nurse and Midwife, which marks the bicentenary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, The Lancet will, in the latter part of 2020, dedicate a weekly issue to the theme of nursing, including issues such as nursing and universal health coverage, nursing education, workforce planning, quality of care, new technologies, task sharing, and nursing as a movement to protect planetary health. We welcome submissions on nursing throughout the year and across all Lancet journals, and we particularly encourage high-quality research to be submitted for consideration for inclusion in this issue, covering nursing practices around the world.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA), the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) and the Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario (WeRPN) are joining together to celebrate the knowledge and care nurses deliver to people across the province.
The Nursing Now Ontario Awards will recognize a registered nurse (RN), a registered practical nurse (RPN) and a nurse practitioner (NP) for their contributions to nursing practice and the health and well-being of Ontarians.
Deadline: February 14, 2020
New Indigenous Nursing Scholarships
TD Indigenous Youth Diabetes and Mental Health Care Research Awards
Provide funding to Indigenous nurses/researchers studying at the graduate level to help improve access to community-based culturally safe care for Indigenous youth living with diabetes and/or a mental illness.
Research must involve one or more of the following:
Development and delivery of community-specific programs within Indigenous communities
Increase knowledge and specialization of Indigenous nurses in diabetes and mental health care
Identify and develop nursing best practices for Indigenous health education, early intervention, prevention, screening and improved access and services
Advance innovative and leading healthcare technology/practices in response to the needs of Indigenous youth and their communities.
Help increase indigenous knowledge and strengthen capacity of two-way learning
Applications close February 13, 2020
April 16-17, 2020
Hanoi, Vietnam
April 21-25, 2020
Vancouver, BC
CASN's Nursing Education Conference
May 25-27, 2020
Calgary, AB
May 25-27, 2020
Vancouver, BC
August 2-5, 2020
Nashville, USA
CASN Websites | Sites Web de l'ACESI
Canadian Nurse Eductors Institute | L'Institut canadien des infirmières enseignantes
NP e-resource | IP ressource-é
Public Health Nursing Teaching Strategies Website | Site web sur les strategies d'enseignmente des sciences infirmières en santé publique
Digital Health in Nursing Education Website |
Site web de santé numérique/information infirmières
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières