I’d been pondering what to write for the Thanksgiving newsletter, and in a fortuitous moment, my husband and I were listening to the radio when an NPR segment called “The Pulse” began discussing the science of gratitude . Needless to say, I was grateful for that! 

Here is some of what I learned…Glenn Fox is a neuroscientist at the University of Southern California who studies the effect of gratitude on the brain and body. He’s found that “Grateful people tend to recover faster from trauma and injury… They tend to have better and closer personal relationships and may even just have improved health overall.” Practicing gratitude daily helps create stronger social bonds and trust. It has been shown to decrease blood pressure and improve heart health. It provides relief from stress and emotional pain. 

The benefits of gratitude can be achieved by a daily practice (e.g. meditation and journaling). A daily practice can cause long lasting changes in the brain. It is like a muscle that can be strengthened over time.

The practice of gratitude does not equate to finding happiness. It puts the world around you in perspective and teaches you to be more thoughtful and open-minded. It can’t erase pain or hard emotions, but it will teach you that these are part of your life as well, and this life is what we are most grateful for. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

With gratitude,
w/ Lynn Rescigno

WEDNESDAY, November 27th 2019
6:30-8 p.m.

regular class pricing

w/ Ashley O'Hara and Handerson Gomes

THURSDAY, November 28th 2019
9-10:30 a.m.

by donation // pay what you wish

w/ RaeLynn Gigler

FRIDAY, November 29th 2019
10-11:30 a.m.

regular class pricing

w/ Mary Anne Buvens

SUNDAY, December 1st 2019
5:30-7 p.m.

regular class pricing
w/ Various BYSYC Teachers

WEEKNIGHTS, December 2nd-January 2nd
6:30-8 p.m.

They're back! Candlelight classes will begin next week. Grab your cozy layers (we've got the props!) and practice in the warm glow of candlelight all month long.

regular class pricing

FRIDAY, December 6th 2019
6-8:30 p.m.

Advance your physical and spiritual practice with Raghunath. In this special class, you can expect inventive inversions, brave balancing, sneaky sequencing, and tricky transitions along with Bhakti yoga philosophy and call-and-response chanting. Raghunath will demystify advanced asanas and teach appropriate ways to add them to your practice. In true Raghu style, this class is rooted in down-to-earth spirituality and instructions for living a contemporary yogic lifestyle. Change your mind, strengthen your practice, and open your heart. Some yoga experience recommended.

Cost: $50

***Spots are filling up!***
HG Photography
BYSYC is proud to participate once again in The Brashear Association's Holiday Toy Drive! Each year over 500 families in South Pittsburgh receive assistance through Brashear's holiday distributions. In this season of giving and sharing, please consider a donation of an unwrapped toy to help ensure all children in our community have a happy holiday. Small acts of generosity and kindness add up to make a huge difference to Brashear's families. Toy donations will be collected through Monday, DECEMBER 16th .