Summer  2020 |  Issue 22
LightWerks is the West Coast's leader in providing full-service audiovisual and security technology integration, specializing in design, installation and support of audio, video, and cloud based solutions. It is our mission to keep our customers well-informed, trained, and supported so they can continue to do what they do best.

  Enjoy our latest company news!

Going Back to School in the Time of COVID-19

This month, LightWerks hosted a webinar about plans and best practices to return teachers and students to campus.  The roundtable discussion included education technology leaders from top educational institutions across the country.

View a recording of the webinar HERE.


Did you know that your institution may be entitled to CARES Act funding? On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law. As part of the CARES Act, Congress set aside approximately $13.2 billion of the $30.75 billion allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund.  Please contact LightWerks for assistance with applying CARES Act funding to technology integration projects at your educational institution.

Click  HERE  to learn more about The Cares Act.
Newline Offers Distance Learning without Boundaries

Use videoconferencing software or the two-way whiteboard to create an ideal environment for distance learning. Join a class remotely or invite a lecturer from any location.  Newline Cast provides w ireless presentation that's simple, smart, and secure.

Click  HERE  to learn more about Newline solutions.
What is HyFlex Learning?

Recently, the concept of a HyFlex classroom has gained significant attention.  HyFlex stems from the term "hybrid flexible."  A HyFlex course provides flexible participation, allowing students the choice of attending face-to-face class sessions or the option to complete course activities online without physically attending class.

Click  HERE  to learn more about HyFlex learning.
In order to improve our service to all of our customers, LightWerks is pleased to offer our HelpDesk capability. For those of you on one of our TLC (Technology-Loving Care) Service Agreements, or even if you're not, please feel free to submit requests for service via our HelpDesk, located HERE.
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