Pastor's e-Note
July 27, 2021
Dear BUMC friends,
Several weeks ago while out for an early morning walk, I noticed a woman walking in my direction with a very downtrodden look on her face. Rather than just pass her by, I looked directly at her and smiled. For a brief moment she paused and smiled back at me, and then we both continued on our separate ways. Intrigued by what had happened, I decided to continue my “smile experiment” later in the day at the grocery store, pharmacy and gas station. When someone looked in my direction, I glanced back with a friendly smile. And guess what? 100% of the people I encountered returned a smile to me. I’m not sure how the strangers I met that day felt after receiving a smile from me, but I can tell you it warmed my heart and lifted my soul to receive so many smiles in return. We are truly blessed to be a blessing.
We’re living in a time of great turmoil and collective suffering. Our future is still in a state of flux from the pandemic, and many among us are carrying heavy burdens of life. On any given day, LIFE CAN BE REALLY HARD! I’ve learned over the years in my ministry that everyone, no matter how they appear on the outside, has a story to tell that always includes times of struggle. Some of you may be in such a time right now. It may feel like there’s nothing we can do since the problems of the world are so overwhelming, but we can start by being “kind and tender hearted” to one another as Paul’s letter to the Ephesians teaches. We can start with ourselves.
This week, I invite you to try the “smile experiment.” It may feel a bit unnatural or forced at first, but give it a chance and watch what happens. I’d love to hear from you about how others respond and how it made you feel. The act of being intentionally kind to strangers takes a little practice, but it’s what Jesus calls us to do, especially in times such as these. So be brave, give it a try, and if I see you in the grocery store, I hope we’ll exchange smiles.
With peace and joy,
Rev June
This Week's Scripture - Ephesians 4:31-32
Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
New Sermon Series
"God on Broadway" is a series of worship services during the month of August using the themes of Broadway musicals patterned around a sermon which is based upon musicals such as “Cats,” “Wicked,” “Le Miserable,” and “Mamma Mia.”  This is a worship series celebrating God's Love inspired by Broadway musicals. 
Worship With Us
Sunday In-Person Worship
August 1 at 9 a.m.
This Sunday will be the first week of our sermon series, "God on Broadway." Rev. Jennifer Cho will share her message, "Dawn of a New Day," based on the musical, "Cats." The scripture readings will be Lamentations 3:22-23 and Isaiah 40:27-31. During this week's in-person service, we look forward to participating in the Baptism Service of Logan Costa. 

* In-Person Services on August 1st and August 8th will be held in the sanctuary. *
Sunday Online Worship Service
August 1 at 10 a.m.
This Sunday will be the first week of our sermon series, "God on Broadway." Rev. Jennifer Cho will share her message, "Dawn of a New Day," based on the musical, "Cats." The scripture readings will be Lamentations 3:22-23 and Isaiah 40:27-31. Our Sanctuary Choir, Foundation Praise Team, Joy Son and Margin Alexander will share their beautiful music. 

You can watch this worship service through our Facebook or website at  
Prayer Requests
Please join us in praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need of prayers.

We offer prayers of comfort and healing for George and Linda Hunter.

We offer special prayers for those who have gone on to God's eternal rest including Victoria Wilkinson-Edminson, aunt of Andi Semler. Please join us in offering prayers of comfort for Andi, as well as for the Wilkinson and Edminson families.
Coming Soon
Fireflies, Firepit and Fellowship
Wednesday July 28 at 7 pm
Rain or Shine!
Join us for a very casual 30-minute devotional service. We’ll pray, sing, read scripture, share Holy Communion and even enjoy toasted marshmallows! This service will be moved indoors in the case of inclement weather.

Come early at 6:30 for some fun “praying in color” activities for all ages.
Food Bank Donations
Food Drive Donations
Thank you for donating food to our neighbors. Please bring your non-perishable/non-expired items to the church, and place them in our “Food Bank” containers.

If you would prefer, you can bring your items to the Food Bank Network of Somerset County located at 7E Easy St, Bound Brook, NJ 08805. Thank you very much.
Find Something for You and Your Family
In the Grant Dittman Memorial Library
Search the online catalog to find what wonderful books and media are in the church library. Or come meet with a librarian and browse the collections yourself.

Featured Items
Our Lives Matter, by Pamela Lightsey
A black womanist queer theology. This explores issues such as marriage and ordination rights.
Motherprayer, by Barbara Mahany
Lessons in loving. Meditations, family recipes and essays offer the lessons learned in her crash course of motherhood.
Pocket Prayers, by Max Lucado
A collection of forty simple prayers to be read daily for peace and rest.
651 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • 908.526.1414