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Sangha Check-in, Q&A and Dharma Discussion with
Scott Globus

Mondays, 7 - 8pm via Zoom
Beginning this Monday, April 13, 2020
Dear Dharma Friends,
As we all know, the Sangha, our companions on the Path, are not able to gather in our beautiful temples due to the current Coronavirus Pandemic. To compliment the online practices offered by many of our teachers, we are hosting an online weekly sangha check-in with the opportunity for discussion and Q&A lead by Scott Globus.
How can dharma practice help us in this crisis? How can we become fearless in the face of uncertainty? How can we manage our mind when our external world is changing so fast? The Pandemic stirs up a lot of poignant questions and Scott will engage everyone in the discussion and answer questions. All the participants will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings and especially their dharma practice approaches.

Everyone is welcome to join this online gathering from their homes. In these Zoom sessions we will all turn our video and audio on so we can connect with each other as a Dharma family. This way we can support each other as we turn adversity into the path.
Bio: Scott is a long time student of Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche and has had the good fortune to receive teachings and transmissions from many other lineage masters including Ven. Yangthang Rinpoche, HH Penor Rinpoche, HH Getse Rinpoche, Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche, the Khenpo Rinpoches and Khenpo Namdrol Rinpoche and others. Scott served as the president of ODD for many years and currently serves on the Board of Light of Berotsana.

Topic: Sangha Check-in, Q&A and Discussion
Time: Apr 13, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time

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