September 2020
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
We HEARD you!
You need qualified teachers. And potential teachers in your area may not be able to relocate to complete a teacher preparation program.

As the state’s land grant university, Montana State University rose to the challenge and is meeting the need. We created the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree program specifically to prepare highly qualified teachers for rural school districts. The MAT is an online, place-based program in which practicum and student teaching are completed near or within students’ home communities.


This isn't Field of Dreams.

It’s not enough to build the MAT program and assume students will come. MSU needs YOU to identify potential teachers to meet your district’s future openings.

More information about the program is available on the website but we want to cue you to two key dates:

  1. Applications for the elementary stream are due October 1, 2020 (for January 2021 start and May 2022 completion).
  2. Applications for the secondary stream (in English, math, social studies broadfield, and science broadfield) are accepted October 1, 2020 through January 1, 2021, with a May 2021 start and May 2022 completion).

We are looking for at least 5 MAT students per secondary content area as this makes for a richer learning community.

Are you hosting a meeting where the MAT Team could recruit?
If so, please contact Tricia Seifert.

What is the Montana Rural Teacher Project?
MSU recognizes that taking time out to complete a degree results in lost wages. It’s why we partnered with organizations across the state to apply for the Teacher Quality Partnership grant offered by the US Department of Education. Our collaboration, which we call the Montana Rural Teacher Project, was the only application funded in the Rocky Mountain West.

MRTP candidates are paid a “living wage stipend” (varies from $25K-$30K) for one year while earning MSU’s MAT to qualify for licensure. They then commit to three years of teaching in a rural school (possibly yours!) and receive two years of mentoring during induction. Note that eligible MRTP candidates must not be currently teaching on a provisional license.

The MRTP collaboration includes robust professional development for the MRTP teacher, thanks to the generous support from:
  • Montana Federation of Public Employees
  • Montana Office of Public Instruction
  • Montana Rural Educators Association
  • Montana Small School Alliance
  • Montana State University
  • School Services of Montana
  • Western Montana Professional Learning Collaborative

We know amazing potential candidates are in our rural communities,
but we need your help finding them.
We need your network to connect us to candidates! 

MRTP schools that hire MRTP teachers also receive direct benefits. In addition to highly qualified teachers who are mentored through induction, school leaders and trustees are supported in executing best practices in teacher retention.

The MRTP collaboration provides two years of professional development to school leaders (principals and superintendents) through participation in
School Administrators of Montana’s Leaders Professional Learning Program. Montana School Boards Association provides trustees and board members with professional development.

If you know that in the future, your district will have an open position, we’ll do our best to match an appropriate candidate with your district. This will depend on the licensure areas and locations of candidates, but the more options we have, the more likely we can make successful matches. You could also host the practicum and student teaching (year-long teaching residency), even if you don’t know for sure that a position will be available the following year.

Barn raising - Montana style
MSU recognizes this is a tremendous undertaking. It’s like raising a barn, in which many hands make for lighter work. We’d be happy to follow up on your suggestions for candidates and host schools from your community or nearby districts. 
If you come up with any leads, please contact Jamie O’Callaghan
Please share this opportunity with other school leaders in your area. Thank you!