June 21st  Weekly e-Newsletter for the Village of Harper's Choice.
HCCA's Chili Cook - Off At National Night Out!

Click here to register as a chili cook or judge.
HCCA's "Top Dog" Eating Contest!

Harper's Choice Community Association's first "Top Dog" eating competion is taking place at National Night Out, Tuesday, August 7th., Anyone 18 and older who is interested in competing in the National Night Out "Top Dog" event may click here to register or simply stop by Joseph Square in Harper's Choice Village Center, Tuesday August 7th, anytime between 6pm - 8pm and speedily consume five deli-style hot dogs and buns. An HCCA representative will time each participant and the person with the fastest times will win the grand prize: gift cards to "Tour The Restaurants of The Mall In Columbia."

Donations provided by:

Summer Pool Parties! Save The Dates!

Mark your calendar for this year's fun neighborhood pool parties! We're excited to splash and play with our community at what we are expecting to be our best pool parties yet! Space is limited for both events.  These events are free, but tickets are required and are available at Kahler Hall.

Longfellow Neighborhood Pool Party 
When: Thursday, July 12 from 6-9pm 
Where: Longfellow Pool
Food:  HomeSlyce Pizza Truck & Flavor Cupcakery Cupcakes 
Games: Raffle & Swimming Contest

Swansfield Neighborhood Pool Party
When: Thursday, August 9 from 6-9pm
Where: Swansfield Mini Water Park
Food: HomeSlyce Pizza Truck 
Games: Raffle & Swimming Contest

Donations provided by:

National Night Out 2018, Tuesday, August 7th 6PM - 9PM

Join us in the courtyard on Joseph Square at the Harper's Choice Village Center for this annual tradition throughout Columbia! We'll have food, fun, laughter and music as we gather together to celebrate our community.

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) will be offered at Harper's Choice Middle School from June 25 - August 17, 2018. Free summer meals will be offered to all children, 18 and younger from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more information, please view the  SFSP flier .

Free Health Recovery Support from Howard County General Hospital

Receive free support towards recovering from a health crisis, such as a hospitalization, from HCGH's Member Care Support Network. If you are age 18 and older and live or worship in Howard County, you may receive non-medical support services from one of the network's Community Companion.
Community Companions are trained volunteers who provide non-medical support services (e.g. transportation, light housekeeping, pet care and companionship) to MSCN members.
Learn more about becoming a MSCN member or volunteer.

Weed Warriors Training

Help keep Columbia beautiful by learning how to become a Weed Warrior, removing non-native invasive plant species in our community.

CA and Howard Community College will host two Weed Warriors Program Certified Leader training sessions this July. The two-class course will be held on  Sunday, July 8   - a classroom session in HCC's Health Sciences Building, room 110 - and on  Sunday, July 29 , a field session meeting at HCC's Arboretum, next to the Athletic and Fitness Center.  Both classes will be held from   10am-1pm .

Certified volunteer leaders who complete the training program and meet specific requirements will supervise groups of volunteers in Columbia's open space as they perform designated invasive weed removal tasks. To complete the certification process, you must attend both a classroom and a field training. If you're unable to attend one of these sessions, you can complete the certification process at the next available training date. 

Please RSVP by  July 3  by calling 410-715-3000 ext. 2525 or emailing .

African Performers, Exhibitors and Food Vendors Needed for October CultureFest in Howard County

African musicians, dancers, exhibitors and food vendors are needed for the upcoming "Africa CultureFest: The Countries and Cultures of Black Panther and Beyond," which will be hosted by Columbia Association (CA) and the Howard County Library System.

This free family event will be held on Sunday, October 14 from 1:30-4:30pm at Howard County Library System's Miller Branch (9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City).

The Africa CultureFest is a great place for individuals, bands, organizations and dance groups representing the cultures, traditions and languages highlighted in the movie
Black Panther - as well as other places on the African continent - to participate in an afternoon of performances, displays and demonstrations.

The producers of
Black Panther drew upon a wide range of African cultures, traditions and languages from countries as varied as Algeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, and Tanzania. For this Africa CultureFest, it is hoped that residents of Howard County (and nearby) who are from these and other African countries can represent their cultures and traditions at the Africa CultureFest through exhibit tables and performances. Performers can be children or adults.

Food trucks from any of the African countries or cultures are also needed to sell snacks and refreshments.

At this free event, people are invited to show the Howard County community what makes their countries and cultures unique. Exhibitors may not sell items or services unless they are food truck vendors selling food. Musicians will be asked to perform for 10-15 minutes.

At the event, families will be able to pick up a "CultureFest Passport" and complete it for door prizes by visiting exhibitors' tables. Photos will be taken at the event of exhibitors, performers and the audience.

Interested parties should contact Laura Smit, program manager for CA's International Exchange and Multicultural Programs, by calling 410-715-3162 or sending an email to
Juneteenth Celebration

Did you know that all Longfellow Kindergarten through 5th grade students will have access to DreamBox online math learning over the summer? This is a great time to have your child try out DreamBox at home or at the library. If you have any questions about logging on, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's math teacher or our math support teacher, Ms. Friedman.

To access DreamBox on a computer, go to and select the "Clever" button. Your child should be prompted to enter his/her username and password. This is the same user name and password he/she uses in technology class and to sign on to any of the laptops at school. On the next page, select the "DreamBox" button to begin the program. DreamBox is also available for iPads. Download the free DreamBox App. However, students will need to log in through Safari. Use Safari to go to Follow the same steps above and after logging in, you will be redirected to the DreamBox app.
Howard County Pride

Columbia Solar Info Sessions

Covenant Corner


If you have two evenings a month, and a desire to make a positive impact in your community, then we have a position open on the Architectural Committee for you. This committee is composed of resident volunteers who are responsible for the review and approval of all applications for exterior alterations to existing property and applications for in-home businesses within the Village.  Contact the Covenant Advisor, Debbie Nix, for more information at 410-730-0770 or 

Lush Green Lawn? Re-think What Makes a Beautiful Yard 

Environmentally speaking, a beautiful yard would contain native trees, shrubs, and perennials. It would have fewer expanses of non-sustainable green turf grasses. Chesapeake Bay pollutants on the increase are lawn fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. The challenge: how to change attitudes regarding our love affair with the lawn. Some ways to begin this change include:
* Reduce the size of lawn areas by adding native plans in beds/rain gardens;
* Use compost instead of chemicals to fertilize; and
* Install rain barrels to conserve water (remember to submit for architectural approval with your Village)
Resources to help institute these practices include:
* The Md. Dept of Natural Resources has a $25.00 coupon to use towards the purchase of native trees. Visit   
* Howard County's Alpha Ridge landfill has free compost bins and rain barrels for pick up twice monthly throughout the           summer. Visit:
Cul-de-sac Civility

Maintenance of the cul-de-sac islands throughout Columbia is the responsibility of homeowners whose homes or driveways face or open onto the cul-de-sac island. Sometimes one resident takes on the task for the street, others make a schedule and take turns; some take up a collection and contract with a service for the growing season. Although the maintenance of the cul-de-sac is the responsibility of the homeowners, the cul-de-sac belongs to Howard County Government. Sports or basketball equipment, permanent or portable, may NOT be placed in, on or around the cul-de-sac.
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Please join us on Facebook for up-to-date information about what's happening in and around the Harper's Choice Community.

Architectural Committee Meetings

Please check the calendar on our website for the latest meeting dates.
Changes made to the exterior of homes in Harper's Choice require approval of the Village Architectural Committee (AC).
The AC will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 PM to review applications. 

The deadline to submit applications for approval is two weeks prior to the next meeting date.
Village Board Meetings

The next meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for July 3rd at 7PM. Approved Agendas and Meeting Minutes are/will be available on our website.
Keeping You Informed
This weekly e-Newsletter serves as a recap of news and events we share with our community throughout the week via other social media channels. Connect with us on Facebook  and  Twitter  to receive more regular announcements and information from us.
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Stay Connected
Village Manager
Facility Manager
Covenant Advisor
Melanie Jeffers
Event & Community Outreach Coordinator

Your Village Board
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Columbia Council Rep

Village Board Member

* Term expires 4/30/19
** Term expires 4/30/20

5440 Old Tucker Row  Columbia, MD | 410.730.0770 | Email | Website