Jesus Loved His Mother
Even when he was hanging on the cross with the burden of sin of the whole world--He was attentive and caring to His Mother. Take heart Mothers!! He loves you too! 
John 19:26-27
God loves all Mother's. He loves you too! He cares for you and walks with you through the Sunshine and the Rain. You are ever in His heart and prayers. In those low times He carries us like the poem of the "Footprints in the Sand". He will never leave you nor forsake you. Take Courage and find Joy in your Savior, Friend, Father, and His Son. It is Your Gift Today!  
Happy Mother's Day!!
May your day be extra Special with Jesus at your side showing you Honor and Respect as His Mother in Israel. Raise your children to KNOW & Serve Him. 
Our Hugs & Blessings to each and everyone of you,
Sally & Jim  
Go up to the Mountain and spend some time Talking With God ... What a joy it is!

                In Thy Presence in Fullness of Joy--Psalms 16:11
Empowered Living Ministries