June / 22 / 2020
"The entire narrative of Scripture is about a God who is consistently and sacrificially moving towards hard places and broken people. He is a God of proximity...Sometimes our prayers for more "clarity" are answered with a call for more proximity. From a distance we say, "God show me the way!" and He responds with, "Just move closer and you'll see. A lot of your questions about fostering are only answered through this kind of proximity. " (Jason Johnson,  Reframing Foster Care)

Are you burdened by the foster care crisis and would you like to learn about how you can respond by being part of a team of support for another family who is currently fostering?

Our friends at  Fostering Hope have created a model of support that allows us to be part of the response to the foster care crisis even if we aren't becoming foster parents ourselves. On Wednesday, June 24 at 7PM, you are invited to a training on how to be part of a Wraparound/Support One team. The training will be facilitated by Travis Shultz from Antioch Church in Beverly and Lianna Sours. This training will prepare you so that you are ready to go when there is a new foster family in our church who needs you or there is a foster family from another church or even outside the church that we have the opportunity to support.

Please reach out to Lianna or Travis if you have any questions, would like to talk about this further or would like to attend the meeting!
Since December of last year, we have been seeking God’s leading in who he is calling to be our next Youth Minister at NSCBC. The Search Team is excited to share that we will have a candidate come for an in-person (socially distanced) visit next weekend, Fri-Sun, June 26-28. There will be a chance for the church at large to “meet” him over Zoom on Sunday, June 28, 4pm-5:15pm, and ask questions as well. Click here to join the Zoom conversation. Questions? Email .

Click here for more details and to watch an introduction video of the candidate that Ben sent in an email last week.
The NSCBC blog helps to inform and equip disciples on the North Shore as we connect faith with life and live on mission. Take a look at some of the most recent posts and subscribe to the blog  here.
Reopening Update
In case you missed the email last week, read here for more about our church's next steps toward reopening.
Open Staff Positions
Administrative Assistant
NSCBC is seeking a part time (30 hours/week) Administrative Assistant to provide administrative support to the church. Applicants should have strong communication and relational skills; be detail oriented and able to manage multiple tasks; be confident using Microsoft Office programs and able to learn other software. Interested candidates may contact for a job description and application. 

Digital Media & Design Specialist
NSCBC is seeking a part time (20 hours/week) Digital Media & Design Specialist to provide support for our church’s online presence and digital platforms. Applicants should have strong communication and relational skills; have experience with livestreaming technologies, social media, and Adobe Creative Suite; have the ability to consistently communicate an organization’s vision and culture. Interested candidates may contact for a job description and application. 
Small Groups
Would you like to join with others to grow in your faith and to encourage and support one another? We would love to help you get connected to one of our small groups, which meet over Zoom on various weeknights. Email to learn more.

Groups are also open for Middle School and High School students on Wednesday nights. For more details about youth small groups, email
Kingdom-Centered Prayer
We will continue to have time every Friday, from 6:30-7:30am, to pray for the kingdom to advance in Essex County. Click here at 6:30am on Fridays.
Supporting the Ministry of Our Church
It is still possible to give toward the ministry and work of NSCBC. Visit to see the different ways that you can give online, mail in checks, set up automatic payments through your bank, etc.
Deacon Resources during COVID-19
The purpose of the NSCBC Deacons is to serve the church through practical ministries of caring for the people of the congregation. As such, they want to make you aware of two ways that they are available to serve during this time of uncertainty.
  1. Our church’s Benevolence Fund, is available to help those with urgent financial needs. If you or someone you know is in need of financial support and would like to request aid, contact
  2. If there is another need that you would like to make the deacons aware of, please fill out this form: NSCBC Community Care Request
Pray with Us
Read last week's prayer concerns here.

Have a prayer request? Email