Notice of Annual General Meeting & Guest Presentation
with Diane Gray, President & CEO, CentrePort Canada
The 2019 AGM will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at the Clarion Hotel & Suites Winnipeg, 1445 Portage Avenue, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Following the AGM we are happy to host Diane Gray, President & CEO of CentrePort Canada to provide an update on the inland port project.

Registration: online or by phone (204) 774-4154
$40 ACC Chamber Members
** Get Chamber 3 d today and receive 2 AGM registrations (value $80) with your membership enhancement!**
$50 Non-Members

Agenda for May 16, 2019
11:30 am Registration and Networking
11:45 am Welcome; Chamber Awards & Recognitions
12:00 pm Lunch (served); Annual General Meeting
1:00 pm Presentation: In the Know-CentrePort with Diane Gray, President & CEO

CentrePort Canada is North America’s largest tri-modal inland port; a unique hub for the distribution of goods to North American and global markets. With 20,000 acres of prime industrial land in both the City of Winnipeg (CentrePort South) and the R.M. of Rosser (CentrePort North), CentrePort is a transformational project for Manitoba and a significant driver of economic growth and activity in the capital region. With over 1200 acres of industrial land sold or conditionally sold in the last 12 months, activity on the footprint is heating up and shows no signs of slowing down.

Diane Gray, President & CEO, CentrePort Canada Inc. will provide an overview of the 20,000 acre inland port project, progress to date, and an update on recent developments, such as: infrastructure investment, recent industrial activity and the CentrePort Canada Rail Park. 
If you know of any youth between the ages of 15 and 30 that would be interested in working at the Chamber office this spring and summer - please forward these job opportunities to them for consideration.

Thanks to a successful grant application with Canada Summer Jobs, we will be hiring three positions that can begin as early as May 13th and that must end by September 1st.

Closing date for applications is Friday, May 3, 2019.

A Taxing Issue for Canadians

Canada’s tax system is simply not working anymore. Canadian Businesses say it is deterring investment and driving it elsewhere. The general worry is that tax system is affecting our ability to bring labour, talent and skills to our economy. Our members tell us it will affect their ability to expand and compete, leading to slower economic growth.

After decades of cutting and pasting, navigating our bloated and byzantine tax code is a significant challenge for local businesses. Small businesses in particular do not have dedicated departments to grapple with complicated tax filing or manage the onerous burden of dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information, please visit .
Help Improve Literacy in West Winnipeg
Sponsorship Opportunities for the Inaugural Golf for Literacy Texas Scramble

More than 100 business leaders will gather for golf and comradery to celebrate and support literacy in West Winnipeg on Monday, September 9, 2019 at the Breezy Bend Golf & Country Club. On behalf of the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club of Winnipeg-Assiniboine and the Rotary Club of Winnipeg-Charleswood, we would like to invite you to participate and/or sponsor this golf event. 

What is Literacy?
Literacy refers to the skill base that enables people to participate and adapt to change in the workplace, the home and community life. It provides a foundation for further learning and includes the following:
·        written communication skills – reading text, document use, writing
·        numeracy
·        thinking skills to learn and solve problems
·        oral communication and interpersonal skills
All money raised stays in West Winnipeg and supports children and adults who struggle with reading, writing and math. We believe that these groups provide a very special service to the people in our community and we are pleased to raise funds for these designated charities:
·         Urban Stable
We look forward to providing an enjoyable experience for all sponsors and players. Thank you for your consideration in supporting our inaugural event that supports literacy in our community. To arrange for your sponsorship, please call Kristi at (204) 774-4514 or send an email to
Chamber Member Spotlight

Mother's Day is May 12, 2019

Do you have plans with your mother? How about taking her out for a meal at one of our member restaurants?

Check out our members directory section: Restaurants, Food and Drinks for a Mother's Day meal location that will be sure to make her happy.

Emma's Egg Hunt has joined the Chamber for their 4th Facebook promotion which ran the week of April 15-18, 2019. Emma would like to THANK our members who hosted her at their business for an extremely fun egg hunt. The following is a list of the egg hunts and the winners of the prizes which were provide by the hosts. Thank you to everyone who clicked and shared the different Facebook pages and for all the guesses.

Steve's Bistro - Tanis Crump
Residence Inn & Suites - Carol Golden
Stewart's Horology - Wanda Richard
Sargent Sundae Ice Cream - Ken Pawluk

Our next Facebook Promotion will have something to do with a Beaver and Canada Day the week of July 1-5, 2019. If you have a suggestion for the name which we can use, send Dorothy (the celebration planner) an email. If we use your suggestion you will win a gift card.

For your company to be one of our featured businesses, please contact Dorothy (204) 774-4154 or (the celebration planner). We would love to feature your business in this Facebook Promotion. Only 5 spots are available.

Too soon to participate in this promotion? Check with Dorothy to see if you can participate in our next promotion the week of October 31st, 2019.