March/April 2020
Community Advocates Connections
Friends --

First off, I hope that you, your families, and your friends are safe and healthy. The COVID-19 public health emergency is something we have never experienced before and hope never to experience again. At Community Advocates, we've prioritized the health and safety of those who access our services, our dedicated employees, members of the general public, and volunteers while providing essential services to our community members. Our sites on James Lovell Street, Fond du Lac Avenue, and Brown Deer Road are closed to the public but our staff are working via phone and email to ensure that needs are being met. Our 24/7 sites are open and staff are following best guidance on health and safety. Our homeless outreach team is taking steps to safely connect with individuals experiencing homelessness. We are grateful for your support and concern during this difficult time. We are in this together, and we look forward to seeing all of you again in person and in good health.

 In gratitude,
Andi Elliott
Chief Executive Officer
Community Advocates
Community Advocates’ Services and Resources during COVID-19
While Community Advocates’ sites are closed to the public during the COVID-19 public health emergency, we are still providing services and resources to our community members. We’ve also compiled lists of resources to help you meet your needs and stay in good health.

You can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Milwaukee County Energy Assistance Update
The Milwaukee County Energy Assistance Program has moved to all phone appointments to keep staff and clients healthy. In response to COVID-19, the State of Wisconsin has approved new income guidelines for Energy Assistance benefits. Instead of customers being tested by three months of income, this is being changed to one month of income. Go to or call 414-270-4653 for details or to set up a phone appointment. 
Tips for Tenants and Landlords to Get through COVID-19
The COVID-19 public health emergency is throwing a lot of tenants and landlords into uncertainty as they grapple with health and income issues. Although the governor has issued a temporary ban on evictions, tenants should still pay their rent and utilities to avoid problems down the road. To address these concerns, Community Advocates and our partners Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, Legal Action of Wisconsin, and Mediate Milwaukee have developed fact sheets for Milwaukee tenants and landlords. We’ve also set up a Rent HelpLine at 414-270-4646 or to answer questions and connect individuals and families to resources.
Thank You for Your Generosity during
Our 48 Hours of Giving Campaign
We are so grateful for your support during our 48 Hours of Giving Campaign , held March 24-26. Not only did our Match Sponsor Direct Supply and Community Advocates’ Board of Directors step up with $15,000 in matching funds, but our community supporters gave generously as well. This year's campaign raised an amazing $29,248! This infusion of contributions will help us to continue to provide essential services to some of our most vulnerable community members. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Community Advocates
2020 Board of Directors
President: Jodi Wire | We Energies
Vice President: Bryan House | Foley & Lardner, LLP
Treasurer: Sandra Samse | Johnson Keland Management
Secretary: Sharon Jordan | Direct Supply

Board Members
Sheree Dallas Branch | The Salvation Army
Anne DeLeo | Community Volunteer
Natasha Dotson | Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative
Valerie Gabriel | Community Volunteer
Erin Henry | Northwestern Mutual
Betsy Hoylman | Northwestern Mutual
Gary Ingram | Igary Events
Pamela Klein | Fresh Coast Partners, LLC
Jim Liedtke | Community Volunteer
Ashley Pavlic | Medical College of Wisconsin
Kate Venne | Brady Corporation
Lisa Kaiser | Community Advocates | 414-270-2999  | |