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Wishmaking Monthly
A Day of (Multiple) Wishes:
Telethon Overwhelming Success
Last week's third annual Day of Wishes Telethon to benefit the chapter's Adopt-A-Wish Holiday Campaign was like no other in more ways than one.

Like years past, Colonie Center hosted, with volunteers staffing phones. Media partners CBS 6 Albany and B95.5 FM provided the exposure, along with social media.

Almost everything else, though, was different, the result of the coronavirus pandemic.

There were no wish kids on site. The hosts worked remotely. And staff had only a limited idea what to expect.

Then the phones started ringing. And ringing. And ringing. Right through the 7 p.m. completion of the telethon. Then they kept ringing.

The donations ranged from $5 to $50 to $5,000. When sponsorships were factored in, Make-A-Wish Northeast New York raised nearly $42,000 almost double last year's total and enough to fund nearly four full wishes!

"The giving spirit of the Greater Capital Region is inspiring not only to us, but to wish kids and their families," Make-A-Wish Northeast New York CEO William C. Trigg, IIII, said. "The outpouring of support provides not only vital funds, but a sense of hope to children waiting on wishes. We are grateful to everyone who gave, especially during these challenging times."
Adopt-A-Wish Holiday Campaign Enters Homestretch
We had a successful Day of Wishes Telethon last week, but have a ways to go to reach our $175,000 goal for the 28th annual Adopt-A-Wish Holiday Campaign.

This campaign, vital to our ability to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, takes on heightened importance this year with kids waiting on wishes due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Stars featuring wish ambassadors are available for purchase through the holidays at Crossgates Mall, Colonie Center, Wilton Mall, Aviation Mall, Champlain Centre, Trustco Bank branches and other select businesses and schools. You can also go to our dedicated website,, where you can also purchase limited-edition Make-A-Wish Northeast New York apparel.

While on the site, also check out our raffles, which range from flowers and jewelry to a "Date Night Out," a Tri-City ValleyCats prize pack, a golf outing for four at Albany Country Club and a two-night stay at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. Drawings will be held Jan. 4, but don't wait to get your tickets!

We are still in need of volunteers to staff our booths at malls from Albany to Plattsburgh. If interested, contact Director of Development Kirsten Broschinsky at or 518-456-9474.
Beekman 1802 Brings Holiday
Joy to Local Wish Kids
Above all else, Josh and Brent, aka the Fabulous Beekman Boys of Beekman 1802 fame, are good neighbors.

They are bringing their trademark joy to Make-A-Wish Northeast New York wish kids and families this holiday season. First, on Giving Tuesday (Dec. 1), they donated 15 percent of net sales to the chapter. Then they dedicated two segments of their 12-night holiday marathon, airing live from 6-7 p.m. nightly on their Facebook page, to local wish kids whose wishes Beekman 1802 sponsored.

Jonathan's wish to have a puppy was featured last week. And Wyatt's shopping spree wish (see below) will be spotlighted around 6:45 p.m. on Friday. Viewers will be encouraged to donate to the chapter's Adopt-A-Wish Holiday Campaign.

The Beekman Boys are indeed fabulous. Thank you!
Wyatt's Spree More a Long Journey
Wyatt’s Make-A-Wish Northeast New York shopping wish was less of a spree and more of an ultra-marathon — covering more than 100 miles round trip starting at his Lake Luzerne home and spanning the length of the Northway south, with a lot of stops in between. 

The 16-year-old’s first destination was the Cricket Wireless store in nearby Queensbury, where employees literally rolled out the red carpet for the teen. There, Wyatt and wish mom Charlotte got phones and service, and Wyatt also received bags and bags of accessories and other swag.
Caroline's a Most Deserved Wish
Caroline is not a teen who complains, even through her bouts of seizures over the years, even through her surgery ordeal. The one time she asked, “Why me?” was when she learned she was getting a Make-A-Wish Northeast New York wish.

“She was so concerned when she was granted a wish that she was taking a wish away from someone else,” wish mom Michelle said. “Or that she didn't really deserve it for some reason. I don't think she realized how sick she was."

She was, in fact, not taking a wish from someone else and certainly was worthy of one. Caroline’s wish was a three-day shopping spree — with some relaxation mixed in — in New York City.
A Wish Starts with a Referral
Look at the joy on the face of Aubrey, one of the wish ambassadors for our Make-A-Wish Northeast New York Adopt-A-Wish Holiday Campaign. Here she learns she is heading off on her wish to go to Paris Fashion Week! A bonus: The teen hopes to have a career in fashion. A wish truly is a lifelong gift.

Do you know of a child like Aubrey who may be eligible for a wish? To learn more or make a referral, visit, or contact Manager of Medical Referral Outreach Abby Connor at 518-456-9474 or
Chapter Debuts
New Website

Make-A-Wish Northeast New York has a new virtual home.

The new — is part of a new redesign throughout Make-A-Wish. There are more easier-to-use features and interfaces with the national website, as well as plenty of local material. (Look for more to be added in the coming weeks.)

Don't worry about your old bookmarks; they will take you to our new site.
New Wish Granter Training Set for January 30

The chapter will hold virtual training for new wish granters, the volunteers who work directly with wish families, on Saturday, Jan. 30, from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 12:30 p.m.

Those interested should contact Manager of Volunteer Engagement Ray Gawlak at or 518-456-9474.
You Amazing People Humble Us
Rarely do you, our Make-A-Wish family members, surprise us with your generosity.

Then again, you never cease to amaze.

You did it again during our Day of Wishes Telethon last week.

All of us are worn down from the challenges of the past nine months. We are Zoomed-out, masked-out, maxed out. It would be hard to blame anyone for focusing on their personal hardships in 2020.

Yet during our third annual telethon, which aired on CBS 6 Albany and B95.5, you gave. In fact, we raised more money than our first two telethons combined!


You provided more than much-needed dollars for wishes. You provided hope. You hear us saying repeatedly hope is essential because it is, now more than ever, especially for wish kids and their families. We are so grateful.

As our Adopt-A-Wish Holiday Campaign enters its final weeks, we ask that you help spread the word, and donate if you have not yet had the chance. Together, we can bring a taxing year to a joyous close.

In the meantime, all of us here at Make-A-Wish wish you and yours the best of holidays.

With immense gratitude,

Bill Trigg

CEO, Make-A-Wish Northeast New York