The Shamrock
 Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The deadline for Shamrock and bulletin submissions is Monday at 1pm. Send your submission to Cowen Harter at    [email protected].
This Week at St. Patrick's
We have exciting news! We will be offering Christian Formation for all ages this summer beginning on Sunday, June 9th. A brochure of our offerings will be available this Sunday. Please take home a brochure! You may also access the brochure online by clicking here.

Guest Presider and Preacher
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Please welcome The Rev. Spenser Simrill as
our guest presider and preacher this Sunday.

The Brotherhood
of St. Andrew

Thursday, May 23, 2019
6:00pm in the Parish Hall

Church Office Closed
Monday, May 27, 2019

Yoga Cancelled
Monday, May 27, 2019

Centering Prayer Cancelled
Monday, May 27, 2019

Ministry Announcement Schedule

During Sunday service, you may expect to learn about the purpose of church ministries, upcoming events, and how you can become involved. Here is the schedule of ministry announcements for the next few weeks.

May 26: Contemplative Group
June 2: Intercessory Prayer
June 9: Pentecost - No Announcement
June 16: Choir
Upcoming News and Events
Pentecost - Save the Date
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Gather your red, orange, and yellow clothes to wear on Pentecost Sunday! We will celebrate with a parish picnic after the 10:30am service. A bouncy house will be provided for the kids to enjoy.

Tickets will be on sale this Sunday in the narthex after church. Ticket prices are $7 per person with a max of $20 per family.

The Contemplative Group at St. Patrick’s supports parishioners who have an interest in beginning or maintaining a practice of Centering Prayer. We notify members of opportunities to deepen this spiritual practice through readings, workshops, seminars or retreats. If you have an interest in learning more about this powerful practice, and perhaps accompanying one or more of us to a retreat, please contact Bonnie Stephenson, Sharon McWhorter or Anne Duncan to discuss. 

The next retreat, Call to Personal and Global Transformation,  will be held at Ignatius House on June 6-9, 2019. Please respond to Bonnie Stephenson ( [email protected] ) if you would like to attend with her. For reservations, click here .

“Humanity as a whole, needs a breakthrough into the contemplative dimension of life. This is the Life at the heart of the world. There the human family is already one. If one goes to one’s own heart, one will find oneself in the heart of everyone else, and all in the heart of the Ultimate Mystery.”  -- Thomas Keating

Do you know what SPARKS stands for? ( S t. P atrick’s A ctive R etired K indred S pirits) Have you ever enjoyed a trip/meal/social time with this group? Might you like to be part of a great group of parishioners who are 50+ years old? If so, come join Fr. Dick and Alison Forbes for a light supper and an opportunity to brainstorm, Monday, June 24, 2019 at 5.30pm at the home of Alison and Peter Forbes – Historic Roswell.

Please RSVP so we know how many places to set!

Let’s make time to find out where this group would like to see growth, as we seek to welcome, love, nurture and feed all God’s children. We are already in the middle of 2019, let's plan for the rest of this year and 2020.

If you can’t join us on the 24 th please email your contribution, so it may be included in our discussions.

RSVP to Alison Forbes at 678 644 5553 or [email protected]
Name Tags

Wearing your name tag each Sunday is a form of hospitality.

If you do not have a name tag, please sign your name on the Name Tag sign-up sheet located on the podium in the narthex.

St. Patrick's Family
Teacher Appreciation!
We are so fortunate to have so many folks sharing their time and talent. THANK YOU!
The Rt. Rev. Don Wimberly visits us.
Jeremy - Eagle Scout!
Celebrating our seniors!
Christian Formation

  • Nursery - Room 6: Care for infants and children up to age four is provided on Sunday mornings in Room 6, 8:30am-noon, with the wonderful Marias.

ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION OFFERING: Adult classes run from 9:15-10:15am.
  • Scripture Class - Room 8: The Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
  • All-Ages Offerings: Please see the brochure available in the narthex. 
Children and Youth Ministry
For Questions Contact:

Children - Kelli Jones,  [email protected]

Youth - Liz Beal Kidd,  [email protected] 
Income Summary
As of May 12, 2019
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
4755 N.Peachtree Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338