May 2020 Veterans Voice Newsletter
Message Message from the Director
Message from the Director - May 2020
Message from the Director

To my fellow veterans, families, and veteran advocates,

It has been almost two months since the global pandemic reached Nevada's borders.  It has affected all of us; medically, economically, and socially.  While many are coping with fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and isolation, this crisis has made us refocus and re-evaluate what is important. We also are reminded just how many heroes walk amongst us; caring for the sick, keeping our power on, protecting us, teaching our children remotely, and helping us access food and other essential supplies, just to name a few.

Nowhere was heroism better demonstrated than by our residents and team members at the Southern and Northern Nevada State Veterans Homes.  We were sick with worry when the coronavirus surfaced at our veterans' homes, but our determined teams took aggressive infection control measures.  Because of this, today we can report that our homes are free of this virus.  We remain committed to do all in our power to keep it this way, but make no mistake, this is an insidious enemy and every day is a new battle.  We have a long way to go before our amazing team members will be able to resume normal activities.

Even during this dark time, we have found there is still a lot to be grateful for.  When we needed support, we received it and then some.  Despite a nationwide shortage of test kits, we received enough to test all our residents and team members at both homes.  We are grateful for the help and assistance we received from the Nevada State Public Health Labs and our Southern and Northern Nevada VA Medical Centers.  With their help we were able to get the testing done and results back quickly.

We were also fortunate to receive a significant number of donations of personal protective equipment or PPE.  While our supplies are currently adequate, we continue to ask for assistance and donations in securing PPE, such as medical grade gloves, surgical masks, and N95 masks.  Thank you to everyone who made PPE donations and others who have been so helpful in ensuring that, except for one weekend where our imaginative staff repurposed biohazard bags as gowns, we never ran out.  I highly encourage you to read about the many generous heroes who donated PPE under our Health and Wellness section of this e-newsletter. 

One of the toughest things about the pandemic is the curtailment of volunteer activities.  There is no group more generous with their time and energy than our Veterans community, and restrictions on community service weighs heavily on many.  However, there are still opportunities to help our friends and neighbors while you are, "Staying Home for Nevada."  This month we invite you use your time to enroll in and complete S.A.V.E training, a suicide prevention initiative of the Nevada Mayor's Challenge to Prevent Suicide.  This 25-minute online training course is easy and can aid you in helping your veteran brothers and sisters. To accept the challenge, look under Health and Wellness Section in this newsletter.

Next, many of you have asked me about Memorial Day.   On Memorial Day we anticipate being in Phase 1 of the Governor's Roadmap to Recovery.  In this phase, gatherings cannot exceed 10 persons, therefore we will not be conducting in-person Memorial Day ceremonies at our cemeteries in Fernley and Boulder City.  However, with the help of veterans' organizations and veterans across the State, we have created a superb Memorial Day tribute that will be released to the public and media outlets and shown on State of Nevada and partner websites.  Our cemeteries remain open for visitation, but we rigorously enforce social distancing and ask that you consider wearing face coverings if you visit on a busy day, such as Memorial Day will be.

Finally, one thing lost due to the pandemic was the announcement of our SFY2019 Annual Report! It shines a light on the technology used over the year to better serve our veterans and their families. I could not be prouder of the NDVS team as this report highlights their outstanding work and commitment. Click the link to review the report:

The Annual Report allows me to end this message on a positive note. We will get through this. It is more important we continue to offer each other support and follow all guidance to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. The best way to defeat this virus is to stay the course and stay strong.   And, if you or a loved one has suffered through illness or death, regardless of the cause, as always, our hearts and deepest sympathies are with you.


Kat Miller

Sousa Named Veteran of the Month and 
Oren Named Veteran Supporter of the Month 
Congratulations go out this month to David Sousa, named Veteran of the Month (VOM) and Sharon Oren, named Veteran Supporter of the Month (VSM) for the month of April. Due to the risk of coronavirus exposure, special ceremonies to honor and recognize the VOM and VSM will be postponed until it is safe to resume them once again. 

Join Us for a Special Memorial Day Virtual Event
The global pandemic has changed our world and has touched each and every one of us. But this virus has not changed our values or resolve to come together to honor and remember the men and women who lost their lives serving our country.  

Click here to read more
Send Us Your Get Well/Stay Well Video
To minimize the risk of coronavirus exposure, residents at the Southern and Northern Nevada State Veterans Homes have been social distancing since the pandemic began. It would mean a lot to them if you would let them know, they are not forgotten, and you care! Send them a short, upbeat video!

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Volunteer Heroes in the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home
As Covid-19 challenged our state's medical system Governor Sisolak directed the creation of the Battle Born Medical Corps on April 1, 2020. The intent of the directive was to help support the burden placed on active healthcare personnel. 

Click here to read more
HealthHealth and Wellness
Latest Information on Southern and Nevada State Veterans Homes
We were worried, to say the least, when we first learned of COVID-19 positive test results for six residents at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home. But that knowledge turned into immediate, aggressive action. We can report as of the release of this newsletter, there are no cases of COVID-19 in either of our veterans homes.

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Slide Shows Honoring Our Veterans Team Members 
Slide shows of both the North and South Veterans State Home Team Members

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Take The Mayor's Challenge
The COVID-19 crisis is launching us into unprecedented territory. The one certainly during these uncertain times, is this public health crisis will bring an increase in human misery.

Online Wellness Resources for Women Veterans
Keeping your body and mind healthy during stressful times is an important aspect of self-care. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a variety of online resources, which help women veterans reduce anxiety, build new coping skills, and increase feelings of well-being.

Northern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives N95 Mask Donation from Maccabee Group and Alpen Mortgage
The Northern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of approximately 500 N95 Masks from Sharon Oren and David Diloreto from the Maccabee Group and Max Haynes from Alpen Mortgage in Reno.

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives PPE from PNX Botanicals
The Southern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of personal protective equipment from or PPE from PNX Botanicals.

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives PPE from State Emergency Operations Center and Department of Corrections
The Southern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of personal protective equipment from or PPE from Honeywell Industrial Safety.

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives PPE from Honeywell Industrial Safety
The Southern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of personal protective equipment from or PPE from Honeywell Industrial Safety.

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives PPE from Guardians of the Fuzz
The Southern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) from Guardians of the Fuzz.

Northern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives Mask from the Flag Store
The Northern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of 200 cloth mask from the Flag Store in Reno, NV on Monday April 11th. 

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home Receives PPE from Boulder City Fire Department, City Manager, City Council and Community
The Southern Nevada State Veterans Home recently received a donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) from the Boulder City Fire Department, City Manager, City Council and Community.

ProgramsPrograms and Services
Changes at Nevada Veteran Memorial Cemeteries
The COVID-19 crisis is impacting the way we and other veterans' cemeteries across the country are conducting business. If you have lost a loved one during this time, please know, our hearts are with you. We will work with you to honor your loved one and keep everyone safe from exposure to the virus. 

You Can Still File a Claim and Speak with a Veteran Service Officer
If you want to file a claim, continue pursuing an appeal, or speak with a Veterans Service Officer, NDVS is making sure that service is still available to veterans and their families. 

NewsNews You can Use
Coronavirus FAQs: 
The call centers and some VA health facilities are currently experiencing very high call volume. The VA has put together an on online resource to lower frustration levels and answer some of the most common questions being asked.

NDVS SFY2019 Annual Report - Take a Look!
Find out how new technology is helping NDVS better serve Nevada's veterans families like never before.  Check out the NDVS SFY2019 Annual Report!

Hail and Farewell
This month, NDVS will virtually host a Hail and Farewell to mark the coming and going of our Communications Director (CD).  Our current CD, Terri Hendry, is taking on a promotion and a tremendous challenge as the CD for the Nevada Department of Education.

Latest information on Filing for Unemployment
The Nevada Department of Education, Training and Rehabilitation explains to file for unemployment in the State of Nevada.

RememberAlways Remember
Mexican American War (Apr 25, 1846 - Feb 2, 1848) 

Civil War (Apr 12, 1861 - May 9, 1865) 

Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar
Due to the COVID-19 virus exposure risk, many events have been cancelled or postponed. 

Nevada Department of Veterans Services