Ballard Performing Arts News
Sept. 22 | Marching band rehearsal, 2:30-4 pm
Sept. 23 | Curriculum Night, 7 pm
Sept. 24 | All Choir Camp after school
Sept. 25 | Advanced Chorale and Concert Choir Camp
Sept. 29 | Marching band rehearsal, 2:30-4 pm
Sept. 30 | Mod Pizza Dine Out fundraiser for BPA
Oct. 1 | Marching band practice on field, during school hours
Oct. 1 | Marching Band Homecoming Game 5 pm/3:45 call
Oct. 8 | Senior Night Marching Band Football Game 7:45/6 pm call
Oct. 9 | Goodwill Truck (fundraiser for BPA)
Oct 12 | BPA Boosters Meeting 6 p.m.
Oct. 14 | NEW DATE! Marching Band Football game, 6:30 pm (tentative)
Oct. 17-21 | Tutta Bella Dining Out Fundraiser for BPA
Complete Your Paperwork and Fee Payments
It’s time to make sure you've taken care of those beginning-of-the-year administrative tasks:
Currently, SPS does not allow any visitors in the building through October, and we cannot be certain that that restriction will lift on Nov 1. So, we’re contingency planning for groups to perform for each other in person, with a live stream for parents to watch at home. (Plus, we’ll set up a tak out “dinner and a show” meal box in partnership with a local restaurant like last year). We’re investing in professional video recorders/editors, so we'ill also have a link to high-quality video to share. Stay tuned for more updates.
Marching Band News
Upcoming Rehearsals for Halftime Show
Sept. 22 | Marching band rehearsal, 2:30 - 4 pm
Sept. 29 | Marching band rehearsal, 2:30- 4 pm
Oct. 1 | Marching band rehearsal on the field all day (excused as a band field trip)
Oct 1 | Marching Band homecoming halftime show in Memorial Stadium with Guardians of the Galaxy theme. 5:pm game, 3:45 call time.
Additional games for the fall that band members are required to play:
Oct 8 - Senior night: seniors get photos with their family and Mr Gillespie in uniform on the field
Oct 14 (new)
See the calendar for call and game times.
For answers to FAQs about Marching Band, see this page.
Jazz Band: Special Guest Chad Lefkowitz-Brown, tenor saxophonist on Sept. 21
Mr. Gillespie always keeps an ear out for musicians coming into town who can do a clinic for students. Tenor saxophonist Chad Lefkowitz-Brown will work with Jazz Band during rehearsal. Check out videos of him playing here and here.
Congrats to Winners of the Band Camp Drilldown!
Band camp happened the weekend of 9/11; the kids learned to march and play the songs you’ll hear at the football and basketball games. But what is “The Drilldown”? It’s a fast-paced, tough as nails Simon Says type exercise in which marching commands are shouted out, students perform them, and are eliminated if they make a mistake. It takes an enormous amount of concentration and skill and has all members of the band going in every direction.
After an approximate 30 minute drilldown, Junior Wind Ensemble Flutist Sadie Clark was the last person standing, without making a single mistake. Congrats Sadie!
Senior Wind Ensemble Trumpeter Nate Hall was the Runner Up.
The last Freshman standing was Concert Band Clarinetist Connor Selleck.
Amazing work, everyone!
See featured video below of the drilldown, and more photos and videos on our Flickr page.
Choir Camp THIS Weekend!
Who: ALL CHOIRS (Treble Choir, Advanced Chorale, Concert Choir)
When: 4:00-6:15 PM
Where: The Commons (lunch room)
Cost: FREE
We’ll focus on getting to know each other and creating connections across choirs, section goal setting, and will SING together!
Who: Concert Choir and Advanced Chorale ONLY
When: 7:00 AM-11:45 PM
Where: Meet in the BHS back parking lot and travel by bus to Camp Burton on Vashon Island
Cost: $65
Private Lessons Available
Voice teachers started coming into rehearsals last week. We are pleased to offer private lessons to any student that wants them, regardless of ability to pay. Please contact Ms. Rowley for more information.
This year’s Orchestra retreat was held at school this past Saturday, where students and director Elizabeth Fortune started working on a piece that all orchestras will play together at the year’s first concert, bonded, and participated in a motivational talk by Peter Briggs (educator from Tacoma). For more photos, check out our Flickr page.
Props to Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra has been invited to be featured performers at the WA Music Educators Assocaition Conference in February.
Fiddlers Rehearsals Start Oct. 5
Oct 5th kicks off Fiddlers class - Tuesdays 6:30-8pm in the BHS Band Room. We have two new instructors. Any string instrument is invited to sign up, including guitar, mandolin, banjo, etc.
Beauty and The Beast Auditions are Nov. 30
Audition packets will be available in the Black Box/NE224 starting 11/01/21
Sign up for an audition time in the Black Box.
Auditions Take place over 3 days
Tuesday Nov. 30, 3:45 in the band room: Sing any Disney musical.
Auditionees must prepare a song from a Disney musical of NO MORE than
1 verse & 1 chorus (16 bars). You MUST supply sheet music for the accompanist.
Dec. 1: Dance auditions (in small groups, led by our choreographer)
You will not be dancing alone. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes.
All students MUST attend dance auditions on 12/01 to be considered for a part.
Dec. 2: Call backs, including reading.
Cast List posted shortly after and students decide whether they want the role.
Kids build all sets and costumes. Another school is also putting on Beauty & the Beast this year, so we may share props, costumes, and/or sets.
Fun Fact for the 2022 Theatre Season
Have you seen the enormous Disco ball we have hanging above the stage from the set of Xanadu, the musical that never happened? It will have a second life! The Spring play is Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream “set in Studio 54”, which will allow us to recycle costumes and sets from Xanadu. As an FYI, auditions for this play will require memorizing Shakespeare monologue. More on that in 2022.
The district only pays for teacher’s salaries; everything else we have to raise or donate.
Eat at MOD pizza and support the arts - All Day September 30
MOD Pizza is donating 20% of the price of your meals to Ballard High School Performing Arts Booster Club all day long! Order online at and enter code GR199395B and 20% of your meal’s price will be donated to BPA’s programs. Or visit the location from 10:30 am - 11 pm at 6010 15th Ave NW and they will take your order from their storefront for take-out. Mention that you are with Ballard Performing Arts Boosters before placing your order. If you are comfortable, encourage your kids to have lunch or meet up after school. They can order online and it will be ready when they arrive.
Fill the Goodwill Trailers October 9th
The Goodwill trailers will be parked in the north parking lot on Saturday, October 9th from 9 am - noon (or until the trailers fill). We will accept clothing, toys, shoes, books, accessories, electronics, cell phones, small furniture (3’x3’ only), and more. Our program receives $600/trailer so please donate your unwanted items (exceptions are baby furniture, broken items and trash). We will also be collecting Ballard Market receipts (now called Town & Country).
Join our Fall Fundraising Event Team
We are putting together a planning team to kick off our fundraising efforts for the year with an Oktoberfest-type event in the Ballard brewery district. On Wednesday, we will have a planning meeting on Zoom at 6:30 pm. If you want to lend a hand, email Jeannette Chen with your interest and/or to request the Zoom link to the meeting.
Social Media Assistant for Orchestra and Choir
We need help with social media posts, especially for orchestra and choir.
This position can be a parent who has experience with social media platforms or the enthusiasm to learn, or a student who wants to earn Service Learning Hours and add to a portfolio. Contact Jeannette if you’re interested.
- Write posts for specific events and obtain appropriate images. Support and resources available.
- Work with the BPAB President to track BPAB calendar for timely posts (daily, weekly, monthly).
- Bonus if you can work in either graphic arts and/or video programs to generate graphics, create short videos of events, games, and concerts to showcase the work of Ballard Performing Arts.
- Person/s will work with current BPAB President, Jeannette Chen for direction.
Spaghetti Dinner coordinators and food procurement help needed
The Event is on February 12 and is an amazing, fun community builder. All groups perform. Directors do the programming, we organize the dinner and volunteer server part. Contact Jeannette if you’re interested.
Students: Submit a Work of Art for the Reflections Competition
National PTA’s Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts, which boosts student confidence and success in the arts and in life. Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.
The 2021–2022 Reflections theme is I Will Change the World By…
These entries are great to add to college applications.
The due date for Reflections entries to BHS is October 22, 2021. Your piece will go through a process with BHS before getting forwarded to the national program by January 21, 2022. That is when it needs to be received by the WSPTA office for councils and non-council local PTAs.
Check Out Band Camp Drilldown!
Band Camp on September 18 was a huge success, and culminated in the “Drilldown”, during which marching commands were announced and players were eliminated as mistakes were made. Thanks to Ryan for running the drilldown.
Check out past performances any time on our YouTube and Vimeo c hannels.
Register for JazzED High School Fall Programs!
Explorations is all about, well, exploring! Maybe you want to play gigs but don’t know how to start, or maybe you want to dig in to modern jazz, or Latin music! Explorations includes a variety of classes so there’s something for everyone.
Select the sliding scale payment that works for you! Classes begin Tuesday, Oct. 5.
BHS BPA offers these Community Activities for informational purposes & does not necessarily support activities or views presented therein.
Give While You Get
Passive fundraising couldn’t be easier—Donate to BPA Every time you make a purchase. Link to Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer, and more, and donate every time you shop. To sign up, follow the links below and select “Ballard High School Performing Arts Booster Club” as the benefactor.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Interested in becoming a BPA Sponsor?
Share your BPA media with us.
Ballard Performing Arts
Ballard Performing Arts Booster Club
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