February 2020 Veterans Voice Newsletter
Message Message from the Director
Message from the Director - February 2020
It never ceases to amaze me how giving and supportive the Nevada veterans' community is when it is needed most. It is truly humbling to see the outpouring of care and concern from so many of you following the sudden and tragic death of one of our own, Jana McElhaney. For those of you who had the honor of knowing or working with her, saw her passion for helping others. She never stopped serving others as a civilian, following her honorable service in the U.S. Navy.
We hope you will be able to attend an NDVS hosted vigil to celebrate Jana's life on Thursday, February 6th, at 7:00 PM at the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home, located at 36 Battle Born Way in Sparks, Nevada. If you can't make it, we hope you keep Jana, her friends and family in mind as they go through this difficult time. A funeral service for Jana is set for Friday, February 7th at 11:00 AM at the Northern Nevada State Veterans Cemetery in Fernley.
Sadly, Jana's loss comes at a time when NDVS is ramping up its efforts to establish deeper connections with our women veterans.
On Saturday, February 29th, at Texas Station, NDVS will host the
free, 2020 Making Connections Women Veterans Conference. The event will connect women veterans to health care benefits, employment, volunteer opportunities and more. To save your seat click here: . For more details, see the story under Programs and Services in this newsletter.
The timing of this conference comes as NDVS gains a new Woman Veterans Service Officer, who will also oversee our Women Veterans Program. Beth Hemmila is a dynamo who is expected to take this program to the next level. You can read more about her under Programs and Services.
I hope you will also take the time read about new legislation impacting surviving spouses, the services provided by Nation of Patriots and the expansion of suicide prevention efforts that now involved the Governor.
One final note, please mark your calendar for this year's Nevada Veterans Legislative Symposia coming up in March. The biennial event will be held in Reno on March 14th and in Las Vegas on March 28th. These events provide the opportunity to identify and prioritize issues important to veterans, for consideration by Nevada lawmakers. There is a lot more information under News You Can Use.  
I deeply appreciate your continued support and participation in the Symposia and our other upcoming events!
Kat Miller

Veteran and Veteran Supporter of the Month - February 2020

By Chuck N. Baker
(Las Vegas) - When it comes to titles, some are amazingly descriptive. A police officer is a lawman (or woman.) A prize fighter is a boxer. In the military, a sergeant is a leader.
But let's dissect the word "sergeant." It comes from the French word "sergent" meaning "servant." That in turn, derives from the Latin work "serviens, which means "servant" or "soldier." So, it's fitting that Dixie Thompson received the honor of being named as January's Veteran of the Month. Not only is she a retired Army Sergeant First Class and a dedicated volunteer, but as a civilian she is known as "Sergeant Dixie." She is a highly respected and enterprising woman, donating her time, expertise and service to a variety of veterans causes.

Gulf War Veteran? Free Gift for You!
The State of Kuwait is providing a special "thank you" to the men and women who served in Operation Desert Storm. Gulf War veterans may receive a free commemorative, first-edition book, The Liberation of Kuwait. It includes a companion, feature-length documentary on DVD. The set retails for $49.95 but is yours, free, because of your service.
The high quality book was published in 2016 by Remember My Service Productions. It is full color, printed on heavy glossy paper. The 9" X 11" book has a hardcover and dust jacket.
We regret we cannot mail the free book sets due to cost. But you may arrange to pick up your free copy by emailing . We can make arrangements for you to pick up your copy from the nearest NDVS office. Thank you for your service!

Click here to read more
Korean War Veteran? This Free Gift is For You!
For a limited time, and for the first time ever, the nationally acclaimed book Korea Reborn: A Grateful Nation Honors War Veterans for 60 Years of Growth and The Remembered War, a 2014 GI Film Festival-selected documentary, are being bundled together in a collector's edition commemorative book and DVD set.

Both the book and DVD remember and honor the brave Americans who served during the Korean War. Their fight for freedom in a war-torn, distant land has nourished a modern and prosperous Republic of Korea, one of the world's most powerful testaments to the fruits of liberty.

The books are a gift from the South Korean government and are made available to you, Korean War veterans, at NO COST! The book retails for $49.95 but again, it is yours free, if you are a Korean War veteran. While we honor the service of all who veterans, this offer is a special gift reserved only for those who served in combat during the Korean War.
The high quality book was published in 2016 by Remember My Service Productions. It is full color, printed on heavy glossy paper. The 9" X 11" book has a hardcover and dust jacket.

We regret we cannot mail the free book sets due to cost. But you may arrange to pick up your free copy by emailing . We can make arrangements for you to pick up your copy from the nearest NDVS office. Thank you for your service!

Click here to read more
HealthHealth and Wellness
What Every Surviving Spouse Should Know
By Janet Snyder

When my U.S. Army retired spouse of 52 years died in October 2010, I learned about the "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) offset" from another military surviving spouse in Virginia.  When my husband attended a retirement seminar and signed up for SBP in 1978, neither he nor his colleagues knew anything about the possibility of their spouses being offset in benefits if they became service-connected disabled during their retirement years. The survivors of their civilian counterparts were not offset in benefits.

Click here to read more
More Resources for Surviving Spouses
Beth Hemmila was recently hired as the Women Veterans Service Officer by the Nevada Department of Veterans Services. She is the main contact at NDVS for women veterans. Her primary role is to serve the needs of Nevada's women veterans through advocacy, claims assistance, education, community outreach, and special events.

She is a seasoned veteran supporter and advocate with a background that includes helping veterans in Oregon successfully navigate that state's criminal justice system, drug treatment court, and probation.

Additionally, Beth studied art and has more than 25 years of experience facilitating creative workshops for women, which focus on healing relationships, body image, and past trauma.

Beth Hemmila's office is located in the Veteran Advocacy and Support Team Office at 5460 Reno Corporate Drive, Reno. She may be reached at: or 775-321-4765.

Click here to read more
ProgramsPrograms and Services
Services Provided by Nation of Patriots

By Chuck N. Baker
Air Force veteran Melanie Stout knows there are many fine veterans' organizations she could have joined. But she chose to become affiliated with a smaller group that fulfills a large mission, the Nation of Patriots. "We pride ourselves that we are 100 percent volunteers," she said. "We have no overhead, no operating budget. The money we raise here, stays here and all of our recipients are local Las Vegans."
The group is headquartered in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, but each region is semi-independent and has its own fundraisers. Recipients are all local. Stout is the regional commander, covering Nevada and Southern California. Stout said the 501(c)3 non-profit's main mission is to promote awareness of, and financially support the physical, emotional and economical misfortune that veterans and their families often live with on a daily basis. Charitable funds that it raises are distributed directly to families that the group supports. Nellis AFB identifies needy local Air Force veterans. 

Programs and Services

The Nevada Department of Veterans Services is pleased to announce a new, FREE resource! It is a Speakers Bureau that will provide you with experts or emcees at your next event, ceremony, presentation, gala, meeting and more.
The purpose of the bureau is twofold. First, it will help ensure veterans, currently serving military in Nevada and their families have information about benefits and services that improve their lives. Second, the bureau is designed to raise public awareness about the rich legacy of Nevadan's who have served in America's military and how they can best support our veteran and military communities.

Meet the Newest Resource for Women Veterans
Beth Hemmila was recently hired as the Women Veterans Service Officer by the Nevada Department of Veterans Services. She is the main contact at NDVS for women veterans. Her primary role is to serve the needs of Nevada's women veterans through advocacy, claims assistance, education, community outreach, and special events.
She is a seasoned veteran supporter and advocate with a background that includes helping veterans in Oregon successfully navigate that state's criminal justice system, drug treatment court, and probation.
Additionally, Beth studied art and has more than 25 years of experience facilitating creative workshops for women, which focus on healing relationships, body image, and past trauma.
Beth Hemmila's office is located in the Veteran Advocacy and Support Team Office at 5460 Reno Corporate Drive, Reno. She may be reached at: or 775-321-4765.

NewsNews You can Use
2020 Making Connections - Women Veterans Conference
If you're a woman who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces, we'd love for you to spend a Saturday with us! You're invited to attend the 2020 Making Connections - Women Veterans Conference on Saturday, February 29, 2020.
This day-long, FREE event is called "Making Connections" because you will learn about making connections to resources, programs and services in the following areas: health care, earned benefits, employment, and volunteer opportunities. You will also learn about making connections for a better you in the New Year!

Mark Your Calendar Veterans Legislative Symposia
You will not want to miss the 2020 Nevada Veterans Legislative Symposia coming up in March.
This event will provide all Nevada veterans the opportunity to speak up about issues and concerns important to them and be heard. This event is not a "gripe session," but a platform to identify and prioritize key areas in the veteran community.
The purpose of this exercise is to bring those issues and concerns before Nevada lawmakers so they can be addressed through legislation in the 2021 session of the Nevada Legislature. Federal issues are brought before Nevada's Congressional delegation for review and consideration.
Every other year, when the Nevada Legislature is not in session, the NDVS partners with the United Veterans Legislative Council to host this event. One symposium is held in northern Nevada, another is held in southern Nevada.
In Reno, the event will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at the Washoe Senior Center in the Multi-Purpose Room, located at 1155 East 9th Street in Reno. The event kicks off with coffee and mingling at 8:00 a.m. The event runs from 8:30 a.m. through 11:30 a.m. If you would like to attend, save your seat by going here: 

In North Las Vegas, the event is scheduled for March 28, 2020 at the VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System, 6900 North Pecos Road, in the Auditorium, North Las Vegas. Join us for coffee and mingling at 8:00 a.m. The event runs from 8:30 a.m. through 11:30 a.m. If you would like to attend, save your seat by going here:

We look forward to seeing your in Reno or North Las Vegas!

Memorial Location Project - We Could Use Your Help!
NDVS has launched an exciting statewide initiative to locate and catalog every veteran, military or war memorial across the state. Many cities, various groups as well as individuals across the state have erected their own memorials to give recognition and honor to the men and women who have served in the US Armed Forces. The project will provide a complete inventory of all these memorials.
This information will be useful for many reasons. First, this project will provide historical information on each memorial and include Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to pinpoint the locations of each memorial. The GPS technology will enable the public to learn about, find and visit these memorials using their smartphone. Second, some of these memorials have been forgotten, neglected, or simply lost to history. This project will provide the opportunity for veteran service organizations or others to "adopt" a memorial to bring it up to standard and maintain it. This will fulfill the intended purpose and spirit of these memorials, which is to honor and recognize the men and women who have served honorably in the U.S. military.
We could use your help in finding and identifying Nevada's military, war and veterans' memorials. If you know of a memorial, let us know! Contact Chuck N. Baker or Terri Hendry at or .
DAV Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship
Each year, DAV offers $75,000 in scholarships to be used toward any accredited institution of higher learning, including universities, colleges, community colleges and vocational schools.

The DAV Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship, named after the late Secretary of Veterans Affairs and former DAV leader, provides scholarships to volunteers age 21 or younger who have volunteered a minimum of 100 hours through the DAV Voluntary Service Program or DAV's Local Veterans Assistance Program (LVAP). Eligible hours must be credited to DAV.

Nominations for this award may be submitted by the Voluntary Services Program Manager at a VA medical center, DAV Departments and Chapters, or the student may complete a self-nomination form. For more information on eligibility or to submit an application visit:

This is a great way to gain professional experience, complete high school or educational requirements, possibly earn financial assistance toward higher education and make a positive change in the lives of our nation's heroes.

If you have an interest in volunteering as a part of the DAV team, please contact the DAV Voluntary Services Department by emailing or by calling 877-426-2838.

Becoming a Patriot Employer!
The Patriot Employer Program provides employers with the tools and knowledge to hire and retain veterans. Just as important, it also demonstrates the benefits of utilizing the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces.

The benefit of hiring veterans goes far beyond tax breaks and incentives. Anyone who has served in the military is familiar with discipline and teamwork. They have respect for policies and procedures and they know the importance of overcoming adversity to complete the mission.

Most former military members are comfortable with technology and have been in positions where they had to learn new skills or adapt quickly. They also come with a set of values that includes integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. These are all the attributes of an employee who would make any business or company proud. Veterans know what it means to put in a "good, honest day of work."

The Patriot Employer Program provides a "toolkit for hiring veterans" to human resources professionals who complete the Patriot Employer online course. Upon completion, the business is eligible to receive a certificate, signed by the Governor, presented in a special ceremony. The certificate and Patriot Employer decal are meant to be proudly displayed.

For more information on the Patriot Employer Program click here:

State employees complete special training to become NV Veterans Advocates
State employees, who are part of a veteran peer mentor group, completed special training to become Nevada Veterans Advocates .
These members, from across nearly 20 state agencies, participated in the 20-hour course offered by NDVS. By becoming an NVA, these peer mentors will help educate active military members, Guard or Reserves, veterans, as well as their families, about earned benefits and opportunities through U.S. military service.
"I am incredibly proud of the state employees who stepped up to be veteran peer mentors," said Governor Sisolak. "What they learned in this training, and the work they do in state agencies, is a tremendous contribution toward ensuring veterans know we welcome, value, and support them in state employment and beyond."
Governor Sisolak created the Veteran Peer Mentor Program through Executive Order 2019-05, back in March of 2019.
RememberAlways Remember
February 19th Marks the 75th Anniversary Iwo Jima
This month marks the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima as three U.S. Marine division were assigned the task of taking the island! That assault began on February 19, 1945. The National Museum of the Marine Corps has a wonderful article remembering the event here:

Coast Guard Reserve Birthday
Congratulations Coast Guard Reserve as it celebrates its 77th birthday!! February 19  is formally recognized as the birth of the Coast Guard Reserve while June 23 is recognized as the birthday of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. provides some perspective and background:
The U.S. Coast Guard Reserve website itself is here:

The Tet Offensive Remembered
The Tet Offensive, officially called The General Offensive and Uprising of Tet Mau Than launched on January 30, 1968 by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. The coordinated series of North Vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam was one of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War.
The History Channel has more information, including video clips here:

Dates in March to Remember
You are not going to want to forget several major observations coming up in a few weeks.
March 3 - the Navy Reserves marks a birthday
March 15 - The American Legion also celebrates a birthday
March 20 - Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature in Carson City
March 25 - Medal of Honor Day
CalendarMark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar - February 2020
>Thu, Feb 6 @ 7:00 p.m. - Northern Nevada State Veterans Home - Vigil for Jana
McElhaney  Jana Vigil Information

>Fri, Feb 7 @ 11:00 a.m. - Northern Nevada State Veterans Cemetery in Fernley
Funeral Service for Jana McElhaney  Jana Funeral information

>Thu, Feb 13 @ 2:00 p.m. - Nevada Veterans Coalition Board Meeting @ the Administration Building (2:00-3:00)

>Thu, Feb 27 @ 3:00 p.m. - Unaccompanied Service - Open to the Community (3:00-3:30).
Nevada Department of Veterans Services