District Celebrates Student Creativity with MTPS Pride Doodles & Art Show
In March, the district celebrates "Art in our Schools Month," a way to recognize the creativity displayed by our K-12 students, and the educators who help mold these young artists.
In February, the district accepted submissions for its MTPS Doodle contest, a platform for students to explore their creativity around the theme of "MTPS Pride." The contest yielded some inspiring results, and each day this month, a new artist submission will be featured on the district website, Facebook page, and Twitter and Instagram feeds.
Additionally, the the district's annual art show launched on Monday, March 2nd at the Middletown Art Center. K-12 students from across the worked with their respective art teachers to develop pieces for display in the Middletown Arts Center gallery. The works are currently on display for the community to view. You can visit the Middletown Arts Center at 36 Church St.
To see a slideshow of the MTPS Pride Doodles of the Day through March 6th, please
follow the link.
On Thursday, March 5th, the River Plaza Elementary School community came together for the dedication of a new reading bench and little free library in honor of its former first grade teacher, Mrs. Margaret Morin.
Morin passed away on Oct. 2, 2019 after teaching for 40 years at River Plaza.
Morin had a passion for launching special projects, such as the school's annual Dr. Seuss Day celebration.
In honor of that passion, the bench was designed to rest on two pillars of books, and the library was decorated with some of Dr. Seuss' most beloved characters.
Dr. George Addresses Proposed Consolidation
of New Monmouth & Port Monmouth
On Tuesday, March 3rd, Superintendent of Schools, William O. George III, Ed. D., addressed the
proposed the consolidation of the Port Monmouth and New Monmouth Elementary Schools at the Parent Information Committee meeting.
- Wednesday, March 11th - Board of Education Special Voting Meeting on School Consolidation Proposal, 7 p.m. at High School North
March 11th Deadline Approaching
for Township Scholarship Contest
New Public Budget Meeting Video Now Available
On Wednesday, Wednesday, March 4th, the Board of Education and District Administrative Team met at High School North for a public presentation of the 2020-2021 Budget Background and Process. You can review the presentation at the link below and watch the meeting to the right.
New Parent Information Committee
Meeting Video Now Available
On Wednesday, Tuesday, March 3rd, Dr. George, members of the district administrative team, and Board of Education President Pamela Rogers met with attendees of the monthly Parent Information Committee meeting.
Please review the meeting by following the link to the right, and find more information by visiting
Educators of the Year Honored by
Dr. George and Board of Education
On Wednesday, Feb. 26th the the Middletown Township Public Schools Teachers and Educational Support Specialists of the Year for 2019-2020 were recognized by Superintendent of Schools, William O. George III, Ed. D., and presented with certificates and awards by Board of Education President, Pamela Rogers, and Board of Education member, John Little, during the evening's Board of Education meeting.
While being honored with special video presentations, educators were joined by their school administrators and students for photos in the High School North auditorium. To review all of the honorees, photographs, and videos
please follow the link.
New Jersey Titans Hockey Organization
Invites MTPS Students to Report Card Night
On Friday, March 20th at 7:30 p.m., Middletown Township Public Schools community partner, the New Jersey Titans hockey organization, is inviting district students (K-12) to "Report Card Night" at the Middletown Sports Complex.
Students who attend the event and present their most recent report card will receive free admission to that night's game between the Titans and the Jamestown Rebels. Additionally, students with "A" average, or equivalent to an "A" average, will receive a free Chuck-A-Puck voucher for a chance to win prizes.
The Titans are members of the North American Hockey League (NAHL), one of the top junior hockey leagues in North America, and feature a loaded roster of student-athletes who have committed to continue their careers at the NCAA Division I level, including High School South alumnus Gavin Gulash.
Winners of Middletown History
Essay Contest Honored by Officials
On Wednesday, Feb. 26th, six district students were honored for their submissions to the first annual "Middletown's Impact on History" Essay Contest for middle schoolers, a contest presented by the Middletown Township Historical Preservation Commission and the Middletown Township Historical Society.
The following students were recognized:
- Isabella Bossert, Bayshore Middle School - 6th Grade Winner for their essay on the history of the Navesink River.
- Sarkis Marrin, Holy Cross School - 7th Grade Winner for their essay on the Battle of the Navesink.
- Erica Vazquez, Thorne Middle School - 8th Grade Winner for their Corporal Horace "Buddy" Thorne, Middletown's only Purple Heart recipient.
- Haleigh Robertson, Thorne Middle School - 8th Grade Honorable Mention for their essay on the Murray Farmhouse, which dates back to 1770.
- Braden Black, Bayshore Middle School - 7th Grade Honorable Mention for their essay on Fort Hancock.
- Adrianna Whelan, Thorne Middle School - 8th Grade Honorable Mention for their essay on Poricy Park.
The essay contest was conducted to to promote pride and interest in Middletown's rich historical significance, which resulted in approximately 200 essay submission. Mayor Tony Perry, Committeewoman Patricia Snell, members of the Middletown Township Historical Preservation Commission and Middletown Township Historical Society, and District Supervisor of Social Studies and Technology, Wendy Morales, were all on hand to recognize the students.
Bayshore Family Success Center Hosting Community Events in March
YMCA of Greater Monmouth County partner, the Bayshore Family Success Center, has an extensive calendar of family-friendly events coming up in March. To see what the community organization has in store please
follow the link.
To review the services offered to all district students by the YMCA of Greater Monmouth County, please visit
Earlier this year it was announced by the Girls Scouts of the Jersey Shore that one of their own would be featured on boxes of Thanks-A-Lot Girl Scout Cookies, a shortbread cookie dipped in fudge.
That girl scout was none other than third-grade Bayview Elementary School student Brenna McCormick.
To learn more about Brenna and her opportunity to represent her troop, school, and community, please watch the video to the right.
Important Dates
- March 11 - Special BOE Voting Meeting on School Consolidation Proposal
- March 18 - BOE Workshop/Voting Meeting
- April 22 - Board of Education Workshop/Voting Meeting
New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association to Host Film Screening
The New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NJSLHA) invites the community to join them on Wednesday, May 20th in the High School South auditorium for a special screening of the celebrated film
My Beautiful Stutter
. The Paul Rudd and George Springer-produced documentary follows five kids, ages nine to 18, who enter an experimental and interactive arts-based program provided by The Stuttering Association for the Young (SAY), a New York City organization.
After a lifetime of bullying and stigmatization, some have found themselves close to suicide, others enter withdrawn and fearful, exhausted and defeated from fluency training and the pressure to not stutter or remain silent. Over the course of a year of SAY events, workshops and camp, we witness firsthand the incredible transformation that happens when these young people of wildly different backgrounds experience for the first time the revolutionary idea at the heart of SAY: it's okay to stutter.
Before attending the screening, watch the trailer by following the link to the right.
MTPS Unified Sports Basketball Program Plays for Conference Crown
On Wednesday, Feb. 19th the Middletown Township Public Schools Unified Sports Basketball Program met Neptune in the Shore Conference Unified Sports Basketball Championship.
In December, District Director of Athletics, Rich Carroll announced the launch of the MTPS Unified Sports Program. The program brings together high school-age athletes with and without disabilities, placing them on the same team, and in equal and meaningful roles on that team.
Beginning in the spring, the MTPS Unified Sports Program will introduce a track and field offering. To participate in any Unified Sports activities, students must have a
permission slip
signed by a parent or guardian, as well as an updated physical exam. Any questions about the MTPS Unified Sports Program can be directed to Rich Carroll at
Nut Swamp Earns National
Wildlife Federation Certification
In February, Nut Swamp Elementary School joined more than 6,000 schools across all 50 states, and others abroad, when it was named a Certified Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation's "Garden for Wildlife" program.
Nut Swamp students, parents, teachers, and administrators have worked to transform the school campus into a sanctuary that supports the health and well-being of birds, butterflies, bees, frogs, and other local wildlife. Nut Swamp has preserved a portion of its passive recreational green space for this effort, outfitting the area with bird feeders and bird houses, as well as benches and swing chair hammocks for bird watching.
Students have also positioned a tank to collect rain that helps to water the school garden, a compost site, and a walking path specifically for the safety of lady bugs. For more information please
follow the link
New Monmouth Surpasses Last
Year's Mark With Blessing Bag Brigade
Earlier this month, the New Monmouth Elementary School community welcomed the Blessing Bag Brigade to campus, where students, parents, and volunteers with the nonprofit organization assembled toiletry bags for donation to those in need across the state.
The New Monmouth community compiled 250 blessing bags with items they collected over the previous month. The 2020 total surpassed the 200 bags students produced from the previous year. New Monmouth Principal Matthew Ferri said he hopes his school can deliver 300 bags next year.
Strategic Planning
Forum 3B Video Available
On Wednesday, Feb. 12th the District Administrative Team, Board of Education, and Schoolhouse Strategies met with community stakeholders at High School South for Strategic Planning Public Forum #3B. Please review the meeting by following the video link to the right, and find more important Strategic Planning information below. You can also visit
YMCA Offers Services to all District Students
The Community YMCA of Greater Monmouth County
is currently providing a multitude of services for district students.
Enrollment in the
YMCA Y-Kids before and after school program is serving more than 1,000 students daily at each
of the District's 12 elementary schools.
The YMCA also offers various school-based counseling programs and social services, and is currently serving more than 100 district students. As of January 2020, these
services are being offered district-wide.
For additional information about YMCA services,
please follow the links
NJ State Elks Association College
Scholarship For Students with Disabilities
Each year the New Jersey State Elks Association's Special Children's Committee awards two scholarships, $10,000 in total, to graduating high school seniors (one male and one female), and two more $4,000 scholarships for the purpose of assisting students with disabilities in obtaining a college education.
The scholarship is awarded in the form of tuition payments in an annual amount not to exceed $2,500. For more information on the scholarship, and to review the application,
please follow the link.
Fairview 4th Grader Uses MTPS SPARK Project to Tackle Big Issues
Jeff is a fourth grader at Fairview Elementary School, and earlier this week he launched the first episode of his
Small Big Call
YouTube channel.
This video blog allows Jeff to pursue his passion for public speaking, and an interest in address global concerns by educating members of his own community.
Small Big Call
channel is a product of the MTPS SPARK (
athways to
elevance and
nowledge) initiative, an effort to increase personalized learning opportunities for students.
SPARK was launched to generate greater student engagement in their studies by placing one's passions at the center of the learning process. To learn more about MTPS SPARK,
please follow the link
Check out the first episode of Jeff's
Small Big Call
video blog by following the link to the left.
River Plaza Celebrates Passion Projects
at SPARK Tank Education Fair
On Jan. 28, River Plaza Elementary School celebrated student passion projects with an education fair known as SPARK Tank.
The student showcase serves as an opportunity for fifth graders to display their SPARK initiatives.
The MTPS SPARK program is one that encourages students to research a topic of interest to them, document their learning journey, and design a product or plan of action to share with, and better, their surrounding community.
"It allows kids to be excited about what they learn, but most importantly, it gives the kids a chance to understand that, even though they are only 10 or 11 years old, they can be the change," said River Plaza Elementary Educator, Amanda Agresti.
SPARK is an acronym that stands for Student Pathways to Autonomy, Relevance, and Knowledge, and is an extension of the District's focus on expanding Global Citizenship Education. Learn more about the District's Global Citizenship Education efforts by
following the link
This is a reminder that school parking is not permitted at locations like Normandy Park and Tindall Park, and violators are subject to ticketing.
This problem has existed for some time, but the Township agreed students would not be ticketed, allowing the District time to create additional parking spaces at High School South. Earlier this year, High School South collaborated with the Board of Education and District Administrative Teams to create more than 100 new parking spaces on campus.
After February 1, 2020, students who park at either Normandy or Tindall will be ticketed.
In past weeks, our High School administrative teams have made morning announcements, coordinated community email and phone call campaigns, and placed notices on their respective electronic marquees to notify students and community members that school parking at these sites is not permissible.
This parking regulation is a statewide mandate delivered by the New Jersey Green Acres program. Though these parks are Township recreation facilities, state parking regulations apply because of state funding that assists the municipality in the purchase land for parks, as well as for park enhancements and alterations. Therefore, use of park lands must be limited to recreational uses and users. Failing to observe this mandate could negatively impact future state aid for our park system.
The News Stand
Student Journalists at Work
Follow the links below to review the latest reports from District school newspapers, newsletters, and video news teams.
On Jan. 17 Middletown Township announced that it is using Nixle as its sole emergency communications platform to provide immediate emergency alerts regarding severe weather conditions, traffic detours, criminal activity and public safety advisories.
Nixle enables “real time” notifications via text or email to registered users.
How to Register:
To register for Middletown-specific alerts, please text
(no spaces) to the number
from your cell phone. You may also visit
to register for both mobile and email notifications.
Interested In Employment
Opportunities with the District?
Throughout the year new employment opportunities arise for educators, paraprofessionals, and more.
District Honored at 2019 NJSBA Workshop
Educators across the District are engaging students in personalized learning opportunities that build the skills necessary to one day flourish during college studies, a trade school education or in a rapidly evolving global work environment.
The District was recognized for this forward-thinking approach on Sept. 16th during a ceremony at the 2019 New Jersey School Boards Association Workshop in Atlantic City. Read more
at the District website.
Learn More About Substitute Teaching
If you are interested in a flexible employment option that fits your lifestyle, a substitute teaching position may fit well with your lifestyle.
If you would like to learn please connect with Middletown Township Public Schools District Manager Deanna Scanlon at