Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
Napa RCD Weekly Activity Digest - 14th Edition

Happy Pollinator Week from Napa RCD!

“Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters.” What am I? J. R. R. Tolkien fans may recognize this classic riddle from Lord of the Rings, but it also plays an important role in our conversation this week about pollinators!

The answer is the WIND. Did you know that wind pollinates 12% of flowering plants? And wind pollination even has a special scientific name: anemophily. Grasses, trees, and wine grapes are generally wind pollinated, whereas many of our food plants (75% of the world's food crops), and the plants we love for their colorful flowers, rely on wildlife like bugs, birds, and bats to carry pollen from plant to plant.

This week is National Pollinator Week and we invite you to investigate, restore, and celebrate the wildlife that pollinate!

Check out this week’s resources on pollinators and let us know what YOU observe!
Tag us on social media @NapaRCD and #WILDnapa, or email

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Many thanks to the following education and outreach activity sponsors for their support: NOAA, County of Napa, Napa County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, City of Napa, the Watershed Information and Conservation Council, and Friends of the Napa River.
Pollinators On-line
No garden? No problem! Explore pollinators in a virtual garden in this pollinator activity from California Academy of Sciences. This activity is particularly fun for 2nd - 7th graders.

Want to see something amazing? Take a look at this study of how bugs see flowers. Mind. Blown!

Check out the work of the International Association of Black Entomologists to catch a glimpse of the kinds of cutting edge research that Entomologists (bug scientists) are working on right now!
Take Action for Pollinators
What can you do to support pollinators in our environment? We're glad you asked!

  • Reach out to Chip or Evelyn, Napa's NRCS Soil Conservationists, for advice about adding hedgerows and insectaries to your property.

  • UC Master Gardeners of Napa County host frequent workshops about bringing pollinators into your garden. They have lots of resources, and a help-desk phone line to which you may direct your garden questions.

Nature Journal Prompt
Drawing insects can be challenging, since they are tiny and often on the move. Try using the activities and resources in our invertebrate digest last week to harmlessly catch bugs. Then snap a photo of the bug - you can draw from the photo! If your photos don't inspire you, these pollinator profiles from Cal Academy surely will .

If you'd like a little more guidance, you can follow along with Bay Area naturalist and author John Muir Laws and learn some useful tips and tricks for drawing wildflowers , insects like ladybugs , and bugs legs !
Weekly Nature Nugget
This scarlet beauty is called California indian pink. There are two different types found here in Napa County, and this particular one is Silene laciniata ssp. californica . To learn more about plants in the genus Silene , visit CalFlora or iNaturalist .
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