Piano and Violin Concert | Sunday September 22| 2 PM | To Benefit UUUM| The Little Chapel, 64 Beacon Street
Join us at the Parish House this Sunday, September 22, at 2 PM for the third in our series of Piano Action concerts to benefit our community action partners. Admission is free, donations are gratefully received and will go directly to Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry.
The program consists of American music by Copland, Still, Bloch, and Cowell. Heinrich will be accompanying our featured soloist, violinist Zina Schiff, on the beautiful Steinway piano, given to us by the Perkins family.
California-born violinist, Zina Schiff, a Heifetz protégée, has been described by The New York Times as an instrumentalist of "Luscious high voltage...vintage Heifetz." Concertizing and recording on four continents, Zina has appeared on the PBS Nova program "What is Music?". While studying at Curtis Institute, she won both the Junior and Senior Auditions to solo with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Named one of the "Top Ten College Winners" by Glamour Magazine, Zina was selected as an "Outstanding Young Artist" by Musical America. Zina's first recording was the score for the MGM movie, "The Fixer," composed for solo violin by Maurice Jarre. The first two of her 16 CDs were as soloist with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Much of her recording career is devoted to championing American and Jewish music. She has recorded two CDs under the baton of her daughter Avlana Eisenberg - Sibelius and Barber Violin Concertos and Three Songs Without Words by Paul Ben-Haim with the Budapest MAV Symphony Orchestra, and a soon-to-be-released album of William Grant Still with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. With her daughter Cherina Eisenberg serving as producer and pianist, Zina has recorded King David's Lyre , The Golden Dove, and Cecil Burleigh: Music for Violin and Piano. Zina's New England appearances include WGBH's "Morning Pro Musica" and "Live From Fraser," Jordan Hall, Gardner Museum, Peabody Essex Museum, Smith College, Newport Festival, and recitals with Heinrich Christensen at Saint John's Seminary and King's Chapel.
This Sunday, the climate emergency will be addressed at the United Nations, and the 16 year old Swedish prophet Greta Thunberg will keep telling adults, "You lack the maturity" to do anything to save our planet, because you can't do what's unpopular. If you really loved our children, as you say you do, you'd act while you still can. Take 3 minutes
to listen to her full speech to the European Parliament last year- if you dare. You won't be able to forget it.
Why don't we act? The data are in: Americans don't think the changing climate will affect us, as if only that matters. We don't want to give things up, even if our lifestyle will cause devastation to others. Money matters too much to us.
Two other prophets - Amos and Jesus - will also speak this Sunday. Is our comfortable life generated by harming others? God will remember. What master do we serve - God or money? We can't serve both.
There is hope, if we act now.
A joyous time was had last Sunday during our Homecoming festivities. Our Morning Light and Church School programs resumed, and over 75 guests joined together at the Parish House after the Morning Prayer service for a sumptuous luncheon, provided by the Hospitality Committee and friends too numerous to mention here.
Special thanks go to Gregg Sorensen for all of his hard work and planning, and to his many committee members and friends for offering such a wonderful welcoming feast.
This special Sunday proved what a warm and welcoming church community we have.
Fall Hill Fest | Sunday September 22 | 12-4 PM
Join King's Chapel as we table at the Fall Hill Fest 2019, this Sunday September 22, 12-4 PM, sponsored by the Beacon Hill Civic Association. We will be providing children's activities, and also sharing information about King's Chapel. See us on Mt. Vernon Street, between Charles and Brimmer, and share your King's Chapel stories with our friends and neighbors!
Boston Athenaeum Special Tour for King's Chapel Members and Friends | Lecture and Discussion of Historic King's Chapel Library Sunday September 29 |12:30-2:00 PM | RSVP
Join your fellow King's Chapel members and friends for a private tour of the new exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum about the 1698 King's Chapel Library, located in the Athenaueum. The Atheaeum has agreed to open on Sunday September 29 specifically for us! We will gather at the Athenaeum at 12:30, after Morning Prayer; it's a short block from the church at 14-1/2 Beacon St.
In 1698, King's Chapel received from King William and Queen Mary a special library of rare, important texts, one of the few such libraries still in existence. As a church dedicated to hiring "learned clergy," the gift was given as "essential knowledge" for the ministers in the new world. After the Revolutionary War, the library was turned over to the Athenaeum in 1823 for safe-keeping, and a magnificent wooden case was designed and built to house the collection in 1883.
John Buchtel, curator of the exhibit and expert on rare books, will offer a short talk, followed by a tour of the exhibit and a chance for discussion. A staff person from the North Bennett Street School, which made a replica of the wooden case in which the books are stored, will also be on hand.
The current Athenaeum Exhibit focuses on the concept of "essential reading," in addition to the craftsmanship in bookbinding and woodworking connected with the King's Chapel Library. The Chipstone Foundation generously underwrote the exhibit.
Come celebrate our place in colonial history, as well as in history still being made today. What would be essential reading for you and our church now?
First Wednesdays at the Church | October 2 | 6:15-7:30 PM
Our First Wednesday series, sponsored by the Adult Religious Education committee, starts again on Wednesday October 2, following the Contemplative Communion service at the chapel at 58 Tremont Street. Fresh from her own sabbatical journey, our senior minister, the Rev. Joy Fallon will bring 3 poems by famous Christian and Muslim mystics who have written about their journeys. Where have you journeyed and what did you learn about the Holy? Were you changed? St. Francis wrote:
When I Returned from Rome
bird took flight.
And a flower in a field whistled at me
as I passed.
I drank
from a stream of clear water.
And at night the sky untied her hair and I fell asleep
clutching a tress of God's.
When I returned from Rome, all said,
"Tell us the great news,"
and with great excitement I did: "A flower in a field whistled,
and at night the sky untied her hair and
I fell asleep clutching a
sacred tress..."
Sandwich Making for common cathedral | Sunday October 6 | Parish House
Members and friends of King's Chapel are invited to prepare sandwiches at the Parish House on Sunday October 6. We prepare these sandwiches so that, at 12:30 by Brewer Fountain on the Common, we can serve and then partake in lunch with parishioners of
common cathedral, the outdoor church on the common for our unhoused neighbors and their friends. Following lunch, we worship and sing together, finishing the service holding hands and singing "Come by Here, My Lord, Come by Here!" Please email Amanda Pickett, chair of the Community Action Committee, if you plan to attend or have any questions:
A Fall Retreat led by Rev. Fallon |Saturday| October 26, 10 AM- 7 PM
Listen for the Holy in the quiet forests, lakes and hills of beautiful Petersham, MA near the Quabbin Reservoir. Enjoy autumn sights, conversation, shared meals and time for individual reflection. Short hikes at different levels offered for those interested. 10 AM-7 PM. Lunch and dinner included. More information to follow soon.
$25,000 Goal for September set by the Stewardship Committee- Will you help?
September is here inviting you to a harvest of exciting King's Chapel events planned especially for your spiritual, musical and cultural being: that is the essence of this church that draws many of you to its historical doors and pews. Our beloved Minister, the Rev. Joy Fallon has returned to the pulpit, our Homecoming Luncheon is this Sunday featuring a brief talk on the history of the parish house, given by our History Program Director Faye Charpentier, and the angelic voices of the King' Chapel choir will resound in the splendor of its talented music director, Heinrich Christensen.
Strong stewardship by this congregation, members, and friends is necessary to maintain the
marvelous uniqueness that King's Chapel has to offer. Stewardship by many takes several forms of support. The Stewardship Committee's continuing financial mission is to raise funds to cover the annual operating expenses of our Church. As we close the third quarter we are falling short of our goal and ask that you help.
We have set a goal to raise $25,000 this September.
If you have pledged, or have never given to the Annual Appeal, we humbly ask you to consider doing so to help us reach this goal with a donation by September 30. Your donation can be made online
or by mailing a check to King's Chapel, 64 Beacon Street, Boston 02108. Envelopes will also be available on Sunday at the church, and the Parish House. Please note "Annual Appeal" on your check.
Like the Revere bell in the King's Chapel steeple, your support is a clear unmistakable voice of the history of love, acceptance, and giving to the community that is King's Chapel.
News From The Parish House
Help!! Volunteers Needed
Front desk volunteers needed on a regular basis on Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9:30 am - 1 pm. Tasks include answering phones and other reception duties. Some light data entry work may also be included, if interested. Please contact Gretchen to discuss details administrator@kings-chapel.org |
Weep/ Rejoice
"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep"
~ Romans 12:15
The memorial service for John Thomson, brother of our long-time member Peter, will be held this Saturday, Sept. 21 at 1:00 at John's church, the Theodore Parker Unitarian Church, 1859 Centre St, West Roxbury. There'll be a reception afterwards in the parish hall. All are welcome. John lived to be 96, and we hold the Thomson family in our continuing prayers.
Morning Light | 9 AM
The Rev. Joy Fallon, preaching
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
- The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
- David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
- Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
- Bryan Wells, Soloist
- Stephen Courtney, Head Usher
- Christopher Allen, Usher in Charge
- Amanda Pickett and Joan Hunt, Ushers
- Simon Pilecki, Verger
The Readings:
The flowers on the Chancel are given by Gregg Sorensen and Heinrich Christensen in memory of Ruth Cordelia Sorensen.
At the communion rail following the service, Christopher LaRoche
will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
Each Sunday, 10% of the plate collection will go to our Community Action strategic partners:
common cathedral, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, and the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministries, to do works of mercy, justice, and healing. All cash and checks not specially designated will be considered a plate offering.
Were you unable to attend the service last Sunday? The sermon can be heard
Our service this Sunday opens with Bach's unique
Pièce d'orgue, written in three parts each with their distinct character.
The choir will sing New Hampshire colonial era composer Jeremiah Ingalls wonderful setting
of Charles Wesley's marvelous text
The True Use of Music.
The motet is Minnesotan Carol Barnett's contemporary arrangement
of another shape note melody,
O the transporting, rapturous scene
That rises to my sight!
Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
And rivers of delight.
There gen'rous fruits that never fail
On trees immortal grow,
There rocks and hills and brooks and vales
With milk and honey flow.
Samuel Stennett (1721-1797)
The opening tenor solo will be sung by a fellow Minnesotan, tenor Bryan Wells. Our offertory is the rollicking
Unclouded Day by Shawn Kirchner.
The service closes with Dan Pinkham's setting of the hymn tune
Slane, which we will have sung earlier in
the service as
Be Thou My Vision.
September 24 | 12:15 PM
Agelica Duo:
Anita Fetsch Felix, violin
Beverly Wesner-Hoehn, harp
Friedman, Massenet, Saint-Saens
Tuesday Morning Meditation | Tuesdays 7:30 AM| Little Chapel
An early Tuesday Morning Meditation meets in our beautiful Little Chapel at 7:30 to 8:30 AM each Tuesday. We explore and experiment a bit, so if you have some ideas or are a little adventurous, this brief coming side by side with others in your church community may bring some welcome fun, joy and/or peace to your day. This is for "drop-in" participation - no long term obligations. Never meditated before? Drop by and give it a try. Feel free to contact Gary Riccio at
gary.riccio@me.com, or Stephen Courtney at scourtney@scixstudio.com for more details.
Lectio Divina | Quiet reflection with a Bible passage| Wednesdays 1PM | Joy's Office in the Parish House, 3rd Floor
The Rev. Joy Fallon brings a short bible passage, often one that will be read on the following Sunday; the small group reflects in quiet on it for 10-20 minutes; then group members may offer thoughts. People are not required to say anything. This ancient practice may lead to a deeper understanding of scripture, or a glimpse of how God may be present in your own life. It is a small, open group for anyone interested. Drop in once or weekly; no experience needed.
Want to know
what's going on at
King's Chapel?
to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website
Volunteer: Sign up for Hospitality
Anyone can help!
Enter your email address and select a spot to fill. New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy.
Questions? email hospitality@kings-chapel.org
We are grateful to those who provide for flowers each week, during our Morning Prayer service.
If you would like to give flowers in honor of a loved one, please contact Anne Sexton, chair of our Chancel Committee at annewsexton1@gmail.com . The cost for an arrangement is $85; a check can be mailed to the Parish House, indicating the date you have chosen and the inscription you would like.
We have the following dates open for the remainder of the year:
DECEMBER 1ST, 8TH, 15, 22ND, 29TH
Contributing to Between Sundays
Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon. Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email administrator@kings-chapel.org with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary was designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754. To make our services and programs more accessible, one of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those wheelchair users to that pew. Additionally, we have installed an accessible bathroom on our main floor. An usher can direct you to the vestry.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.