CLC has so much happening for you & your school!
Read all the way to the bottom so you don't miss a thing!
Tuesday, November 2
9:00am – 3:30pm
(choose morning, afternoon, or full day)
Online via Zoom
CLC Members: $35 for AM or PM session, $50 for full day
Non-Members: $60 for AM or PM session, $75 for full day
Join us on Election Day for an online professional development day just for school librarians! Choose morning, afternoon, or both sessions.
MORNING PROGRAM - 9:00am-noon
Collaborative working sessions with your colleagues from around the state
School Library Success Stories in Challenging Times - In this session we will have an active discussion about our experiences teaching and running a school library during a pandemic. Attendees will share successes, take away new ideas, and build a network of school librarians for guidance and support.
Readers’ Advisory – Bring your best recommendations for exciting new titles, titles for reluctant readers, and underrated titles that should be in every collection. Attendees will leave with an extensive list of books vetted by colleagues across the state.
AFTERNOON PROGRAM - 12:30-3:30pm
Create Opportunities for Students to Explore the World - We will look at exploration and the role it plays in building empathy, piquing student curiosity, and helping students think critically and deeply about the world around them. We’ll examine how online experiences can strengthen connections and help students learn about the lives of others whom they may never encounter in the town or city where they live. This interactive session will include an introduction to free virtual reality resources and a connection to social-emotional learning.
How to Use Technology to Assess Students and Pivot Instruction - This session will cover strategies for collecting and analyzing data so educators can take action through instructional pivots and interventions. We will focus on formative assessment and how to check for understanding before, during, and after instruction. Participants will explore how digital tools provide a special benefit for students as they increase student opportunities (frequency) and options (choice) to share their learning.
Monday, October 4
3:30 – 4:30pm on Zoom
Are you new to CLC or do you wish you could get more out of your CLC membership? Do you find yourself thinking, where do I start? If you answered yes, please join Julie Yulo-Medeiros, CLC's Member Relations Manager for School Libraries, for a CLC Orientation for School Librarians. Julie will walk you through navigating the website, reading the member guides for the contracts, how to order, and how to participate in roundtables and events. She'll also answer all of your questions so that you can get the most out of your membership. Register today!
In 2020-21, CLC member schools enjoyed average savings of 67% off Scholastic Digital products - and one large school district saved $64,691! If your school subscribes to Scholastic GO, BookFlix, TrueFlix, FreedomFlix, ScienceFlix, Scholastic Teachables, or Watch & Learn Library, contact CLC to learn how you can save by transferring your subscription to our group purchase - many CT schools already have. New subscribers welcome too of course! Order by 10/27. Subscriptions begin November 15.
The CLC Digital Co-op
We've been talking about the CLC Digital Co-op a lot. We've sent so many emails - sorry! But here are some things you may not know:
The collection will grow in copies and titles depending on the number of subscribers. We're starting with 200 because we have to start somewhere - but if lots of schools sign on, we'll buy more copies. There will be enough for all.
The co-op is a reasonably priced supplement or alternative to Overdrive/Sora.
Many of the titles are perpetual, meaning even if you decide to stop participating in the program, you will continue to have access to them.
The collection runs on the MackinVIA platform. We get that if you're not already using MackinVIA, you may not want to add another platform. But you can integrate the records with your catalog so you and your students can find them quickly and easily. Mackin also has stellar customer service.
You can also add your own titles to the collection that are only accessible to your school, not to the other participants. CLC members get a 5% discount off Mackin's prices.
We have a detailed FAQ about the digital coop on our website at Please check it out, and contact Julie at or 860.740.3042 with your questions. We really believe in this program and think your students will benefit from it. Sometimes it just takes a leap!
In late September, virtual (Zoom) roundtables have been scheduled for elementary, middle, and high school librarians. Roundtables are a great opportunity to talk to like-minded school librarians around the state. There will be time to share, ask questions, and build your network. Click on the links below to register!
Tuesday, Sept. 28
3:00 – 4:00pm
Wednesday, Sept. 29
4:00 – 5:00pm
Thursday, Sept. 30
4:00 – 5:00pm
Wednesday, October 6
Does your school/district subscribe to Turnitin? Then spread the word about this free training! This session is for any educator (not just librarians) who would like to better understand Turnitin features and functionality. Topics covered:
- Connecting QuickMarks to rubric feedback
- Rubric manager deep dive
- Pro tips for current users
- Draft Coach overview (Google add-on)
My name is Julie Yulo-Medeiros, and I’m CLC's Member Relations Manager for School and Academic Libraries. Before coming to CLC in 2018, I worked as an educator in Connecticut for 32 years, including 14 as a school librarian. I know what it's like out there, and I know CLC can help you stretch your school library budget and get the resources you need. If you have questions about anything in this email, or if CLC can help you with your professional challenges, please reach out to me at or 860.740.3042. I look forward to connecting with you!
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