38th Edition • July 15, 2021
New Public Health Order Announced by the Province of Manitoba
Dear golf industry stakeholders,
The Province of Manitoba just announced new Public Health Orders which will be in effect as of Saturday, July 17th at 12:01 a.m. Guidelines specific to the golf industry include:
Guidelines Specific to Golf
Outdoor Gatherings
Public outdoor gathering sizes to increase to 150 persons.
Retail businesses can increase to 50% capacity to a limit of 500 persons (whichever is lower).
Restaurants and bars can operate at 50% capacity for indoor and outdoor dining.
The operator of the licensed premises must ensure that contact information is obtained from all persons in the licensed premises. The operator must retain this information for 21 days, after which it must be destroyed by the operator. Click here to download the Provincial contact information form that you can use.
For indoor dining, patrons seated together must be from the same household unless all patrons at the table 12 years of age or older are fully immunized.
For outdoor dining, tables remain limited to a maximum of 8 patrons and can be from different households regardless of immunization status.
Operating hours have been extended to midnight and the requirement to purchase food when ordering alcohol no longer applies.
Individual golf lessons and group lessons for up to 50 students can take place as long as participants remain well spaced from each other.
Day camp capacity increases to a maximum of 25 participants per group, with no interaction between groups.
Weddings & Funerals
Outdoor weddings and funerals may now take place with up to 150 participants, in addition to a photographer and an officiant.

Indoor weddings and funerals increase to 25 persons.
Please note that this public health order is in effect until Saturday, August 7th, 2021 at 12:01 a.m. and will be reassessed at that time in the context of vaccination rates and the province’s overall COVID-19 situation.

The public health order in place or any future orders can be found on the Province of Manitoba website by clicking here. The Province of Manitoba’s 4-3-2-One Great Summer Reopening Path can be viewed here.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Yours in Golf,

Regional Director - Prairie Chapter
Tel.: 204-832-6842
515 Legget Drive, Suite 810 | Ottawa, ON | K2K 3G4