Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your family are staying healthy and well during this time. I know the shift in circumstances due to COVID-19 is putting parents at the center of supporting the delivery of education to their children.  Our District's message consistently conveys our commitment to working with families during remote learning.  You are receiving this letter because you are a parent with a child who receives special education services.
I wanted to reach out to ensure you are up-to-date on delivery of special education services during remote learning. As you know, remote learning will continue to take place through the end of the school year (Friday, June 5). Special education instruction during remote learning is:
  • Individualized to meet the unique needs of the students
  • Reasonable in light of the current circumstances
  • Appropriately goal-focused based on a the student's unique needs and learning style
  • Accessible to the student and family 
  • Commensurate with what is provided to students without disabilities
The mandatory school closure has created a period of time when instruction is reduced for all students due to a pandemic health crisis outside of anyone's control. All students are receiving adjusted educational services during the pandemic's stay-at-home order.  The special education staff members have provided families with remote learning plans/activities that address the goal areas of each student who has an IEP.  These plans are being adjusted as warranted to help students manage the workload as they also complete work assigned by their general education teacher.

We know that task completion can be difficult for many of our students.  We understand that at times, your child may not be able to complete the work that has been assigned.  We want you to know that this is okay.  We are here to support your children, and you as parents, as we continue with remote learning. Right now, your primary responsibility is to take care of yourselves and your children.  

Looking ahead, our educators are working together to ensure that there are effective and thoughtful plans to complete this school year and transition students effectively to the next school year.  These educators will ensure we address any identified gaps that may occur while students are learning remotely. Our primary goals are to ensure students continue to make progress and maintain both their physical and social emotional health. 

I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any specific questions or concerns.  It is truly our goal to help each of your children be successful as a remote learner with the support of their special education teacher and/or related services provider.

With warm regards,

Beth Martin
Director of Student Services 

The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in 
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