Friday, July 3, 2020
Update from the Department of Medicine
As of July 3, 2020 - Nova Scotia COVID-19 cases
active cases
total confirmed cases;
(900 in Central Zone)
total negative tests
in hospital (resolved)
resolved cases
All active cases are travel related.

SHORT Report
We welcome the following members:
Dr. David Lee recently completed his Electrophysiology Fellowship in the Division of Cardiology. Congratulations! On July 1, Dr. Lee will continue working with the Division of Cardiology.
Dr. Myuran Thana , recently completed his Genitourinary (GU) Fellowship in Medical Oncology. Congratulations! On July 1, Dr. Thana will continue working with the Division of Medical Oncology.
Dr. Eoghan Malone joins the Division of Medical Oncology on July 6.
Welcome to all PGY1 residents starting their residency training on July 1.
COVID Teaching Course
DoM Awards Extravaganza!
On Tuesday, June 30, the Department held its Awards Extravaganza to recognize and celebrate its members. Congratulations to all awardees!

Special thank you to all presenters and everyone involved who helped to facilitate this event.
Faculty of Medicine Award Recipients
The Faculty of Medicine announced awards and promotions at the Annual Faculty Meeting on June 2.

Early Career Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice
~ Dr. Ashley Miller

Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice
~ Dr. Mark Sadler

Community Teacher of the Year Award
~ Dr. Brian Moses

Excellence in Patient-Oriented Research
 ~ Dr. Karthik Tennankore

Congratulations to all awardees!
Change to Northwood directive
Human Organ and Tissue Donation Action - January 2021
Borders re-opening

NSHA / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min

NSHA / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Websites to reference
Department of Medicine
Employee Health
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.