28.5-30.0 GHz to 0.95-2.45GHz
Weather Resistant Enclosure
Cross Provides Published Pricing
for All Delivered Products!
Pricing is available on our website;
One of Cross Technologies' key attributes is our use of cost-based pricing for our products. We use this type of pricing to allow all of our customers to be treated equitably and fairly.

Cost-based pricing is what allows Cross to publish our standard product prices directly on our website for everyone to see. This type of pricing prevents our prices from being elevated by potential value-based pricing methodologies.

"...a fair fee is a delight to the Lord."
- Proverbs 11:1

further information or to request a quote.

Norm Johson
VP Sales & Marketing

Gail Williams
Administrative Assistant

Other Cross Products...

Starting at... $2,295

Starting at... $2,245

Starting at... $7,945

Starting at... $2,295

Starting at... $7,495

Starting at... $4,245

Starting at... $1,695

Starting at... $1,995

Starting at... $395

Starting at... $395

Starting at... $320.00