NC 4-H Horse Program Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 3 April 2020
We have compiled most of the online educational links that EHH has shared over the span of COVID-19 quarantine. For more opportunities and ideas, make sure to follow the NC State 4-H Horse Program on Facebook!
COVID- 19 At Home Schooling Survival Guide
- Hunt Seat Equitation With Lainie DeBoer
COVID-19 Schooling Survival Guide
- Horsemanship With Arturo Maestas
APHA E Shows- Open to All Breeds
Entries open April 25 at 8 a.m. CDT and close May 4 at 5 p.m. CDT
Visit the website for the list of classes and other details.
Introducing Virtual Clinics!
- Arabian Horse
Tape your ride, send it in, and receive personal and professional feedback from an accredited judge.
This is a great way to hone and practice your skills from the comfort of your own arena.
Join us for this virtual activity! Learn proper position and techniques for showmanship The presenter(s) will be on hand to answer any comments or posts. We hope you will join in the fun!
Presented by Lori Stroud, Extension Assistant. - Horse Husbandry, NC State Extension, and Alaina Cross
Extension Associate, Equine Program.
How to Fit a Show Halter
AQHA has assembled a guide for properly fitting a show halter for halter and showmanship classes.
Ask the Judge! Lesson Recording
If you missed the live version of our NC 4-H Horse Program Quarantime Lesson, you can view the recording using the link below!
Plan 4 Progress Challenge
Although shows and clinic are on hold, this is still a great time for learning and improving your skills.
has partnered with
Carter Ranch Horse
to offer some fun challenges to keep you horseback and give you a Plan 4 Progress!
Here's how it works:
- Each week, we'll issue you a challenge, complete with instructional videos on how to improve your skillset related to the challenge.
- You will have a week to practice and accomplish the challenge. Sometime during the challenge period, upload a video of you and your horse accomplishing or working on that week's challenge.
- At the end of each weekly challenge, we will draw for a winner from those who uploaded a video of their accomplishments!
TAMU Virtual Youth Horse Judging Contest
5 performance classes, 4 halter classes, 2 sets of 5 questions.
Buckles will be awarded for the top 2 teams and individuals
When: May 7th-9th
How: Register at before April 30
Cost: $15 per contestant
In order to register, you need to have a
account. Email Clay Elwell: and he will get an account set up for you so you can register.
Home Horse Judging Series
The first week of the Horse Judging From Home Series addresses ranch riding evaluation with Dr. Holly Spooner from Middle Tennessee State University.
Equine Nutrition
Virtual activity. Learn about horse/livestock nutrition and make a balanced trail mix "ration!" The presenter(s) will be on hand to answer any comments or posts. We hope you will join in!
Materials needed: Paper bag/Ziploc bag, Cheerios, M&Ms, Corn Pops, & peanuts (or any 4 trail mix-type ingredients on hand!)
Presented by Taylor Jenkins, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development. Iredell County Center.
Horse Science Homeschooling
Follow Dr. Carmen Franck Flippin in her Facebook homeschooling videos. Health exams, removing horseshoes, and administering IM injections are a few of the many topics being covered!
Check out all these FREE courses that are available through Extension Horses!
For (at least) 30 days these will be available free to anyone who is interested. Topics include: Digestion, Parasites, Anatomy, Reproduction, Feedstuffs, Infectious Diseases,
Respiratory Disease Webinar
Join Dr. Neil Walker, an equine extension specialist at OSU Ag center and Dr. Rebecca Conoco from Louisiana Tech about equine respiratory diseases.
Equine Coat Colors
This video highlights different coat colors and markings- great for Hippology IDS!
Equine Chronicle Lesson Plan
The Equine Chronicle has assembled lesson plans for kids. The first week's lesson description is:
Have fun! Be sure to snap a photo or video of your kids completing the activity and share by emailing
Horse Science Homeschool Lessons
Dr. Carmen Franck, DVM is posting daily "Horse Science Homeschool Lessons on her Facebook page that is linked below.
New Basic Photography Spark video!
Learn about basic photography equipment, lighting, and staging still photos. Have on hand 2-3 favorite items from around your house, phone with camera or camera (if possible).
Presented by Sarah Moyer, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Caldwell County Center.
Presentations & Public Speaking
How To Do a 4-H Presentation
Are you trying to plan a 4-H presentation and you don't know where to start? Here is a great synopsis of how it should be organized!
4-H At Home Resources
National 4-H has organized a collection of curriculum, lessons, and activities to keep youth engaged at home
Barn Scavenger Hunt
A fun activity that could be turned into a fun "virtual 4-H meeting."
Let's build the 4-H photo mosaic, together!
- Choose your favorite photo from 4-H.
- Click the Upload button and follow the simple steps.
- We'll add the photo to our mosaic and send you an exclusive coupons.
Manna Pro will match up to $10,000 in donations to 4-H.
Your contribution helps inspire the next generation!
For more information visit
Sweepstakes ends 4/30/2020
Leg Wrapping Demo Video
Learn different ways to correctly wrap a horse's legs!
How about learning to tie some different knots to keep our minds occupied and sharp?
Video tutorial on how to tie a Bowline Knot or also know as a Boiling Knot. It is referred to as the king of knots and is one of the basic maritime knots. The two known disadvantages of this knot is that is can work loose over time when not under a load and the bight (curved section) can capsize/change it's form.
Horseback Riding Safety Check
NC 4-H Horse Program Coordinator Alaina Cross talks about helmet safety and checking your tack before you ride your horse.
Click below to take a tour of Kentucky Horse Park!
AQHA Grooming Tips
Warmer temperatures mean more time spent grooming and getting your horse's coat looking its best! Check out these grooming tips from AQHA:
Coloring Ebook
Download this free horse coloring eBook from AQHA with all sorts of trivia, puzzles, games and drawings.
NRHA Coloring Book
Learn about the sport of reining by coloring different images that depict the maneuvers that are performed during patterns!
APHA Coloring Contest
Each age group winner will receive a $25 PH Barn Door gift certificate. PDF Link to download the coloring page is
555 Photography is offering a session discount to anyone who did not get a chance to have their senior photos and/or prom photos taken with their favorite steed(s).
This also includes any
NC State 4-H Horse Program
exhibitors that would like to take advantage of it since the state show is cancelled for the year. You do not have to be a senior to take advantage of the discount.
If you are interested in scheduling soon, just make sure to have a friend or parent present to help with your session to keep within the social distancing guidelines.
Endless Summer Horse Show Hosting 4-H Team Challenge Event
The NCQHA District IV Endless Summer Show will be held August 21-23 in Williamston, NC and will feature several "Non AQHA" classes for 4-H'ers that do not show Quarter Horses. There will be a 4-H Team Show Challenge where 4-H clubs can enter as many 5 person teams as they wish. Riders will receive points based on their placing. The team earning the Highest Number of Points for the entire show will be crowned champion and receive a team trophy and a cash prize for the club.
There will also be a 4-H Stall decorating contest and the winning club will receive a trophy and cash prize. See the links below for more information. If you have questions, please email David Spencer:
Inspire Kids to Do Activities
The National 4-H Council has a Kid's Activity Guide that is available for free download!