Good News from your
Board of Directors
At our recent meeting your Board of Directors voted unanimously to begin SLOWLY reopening our doors for Sunday morning service. This will be a phased process, gradually increasing our numbers.
Beginning this Sunday, July 5, we will allow 25 PEOPLE to attend in person. In order to manage this, it will be necessary to make a reservation
(who ever would have thought we’d have to compete to go to church!!??). 
Tickets will be available beginning Thursday morning at Eventbrite.
If you are at all nervous about re-establishing personal contact or if you are feeling unwell, please stay home a little longer and take advantage of our live-streaming on Facebook and Zoom. Live-streaming is now a permanent feature of our services so you can still feel connected from home. We plan to gradually increase attendance to 50 people but of course we do anticipate greater demand so we would request that you perhaps alternate personal attendance with on-line viewing in order that everyone can have a chance to attend.
When you are fortunate enough to receive a ticket, please follow these guidelines:

·           Please enter through the front door (if you are going to need to use the ramp, please let us know in advance)
·          You will be met at the front door by a greeter who will be wearing gloves and will open the door for you
·          Please sanitize your hands as soon as you enter
·          Masks are welcome and optional. We do have a small supply of masks which will be available at the door
·          For the time being, we will not shake hands or hug
·          Chairs will be set up – mostly in sets of two or singles; if you will have 3 or more in your party, a group of chairs will be set for you. Please choose the appropriate seating.
·          We will not be serving refreshments and the social area will not be open. However, you are welcome to linger outside in the labyrinth or at the picnic tables if you wish to socialize following service
·          We regret we are not able to offer child care at this time
We will no longer be passing offering baskets during service. A donation basket will be available at the door; however, we STRONGLY encourage everyone to continue (or to begin) sending your love offerings by e-transfer or Paypal or set up monthly pre-authorized payments (contact Cyndi at the office for this; she has a form that you can use to instruct your bank to make regular transfers). This helps us in a couple of ways; it helps our budget planning to know that we can count on a certain amount of regular income; also, it is more secure as fewer people handle money, and it reduces the time our treasurers spend counting and handling money. Your love offerings thus far have been amazing and have surpassed our budget predictions for this time. Thank you so much for supporting your Spiritual Home.
We will soon have new equipment that will enable us to expand our live-streaming to our web page and YouTube and we have applied for a grant from Unity Worldwide Ministries to assist with this purchase. It is our heartfelt desire and intention to continue supporting you in as many ways as possible and to expand our reach and message so that many more may learn and grow with us.
With Love, Blessings and Gratitude

Thomas DeSchutter (President), Brenda Hanus (Vice-President), Meg Fraser (Secretary), Rick Goffic & Don Giberson (Co-Treasurers), Gilles Brouard (Director), Patricia Zogar (Minister)                                          