Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
Spotlight On: 
Bistro 64: Greek Easter Luncheon
Sunday, April 14 | 12:15 pm
Parish House
Eat, Discover and Celebrate!  

After Morning Prayer on Palm Sunday, venture up to the Parish House for a festive luncheon featuring the rich and distinctive cuisine of Greece. Enjoy such beloved favorites as spanakopita, moussaka and baklava. Four King's Chapel members will briefly preview the upcoming Holy Week services, including the moving Easter Vigil service, based on Greek Orthodox traditions and created in the 1970's especially for our church. Food and beverages will be provided. If you'd like to contribute an item, please contact Hospitality Chair Gregg Sorensen at
Also, meet special guest Rali Weaver, who has generously agreed to serve as Sabbatical Minister this summer, while Joy is away on her sabbatical.
We look forward to welcoming you to this event. Opa!
(Re)Introducing the Rev. Rali Weaver as Sabbatical Minister | Greet Her on Palm Sunday after Worship |April 14, 12:30 PM | Parish House
As we announced in late January, we are blessed that the Rev. Rali Weaver has agreed to serve as our Sabbatical Minister for June-August this summer while Joy is away on her Sabbatical in Europe. Many of you know Rali from her service here at King's Chapel as our Assistant Minister from 2005-2007. Read more. 
From The Minister
I heard a story this week about an unusual presentation on church stewardship. The presenter began his talk with theology; the importance of giving the gifts we have been given back to God. The pastors and lay leaders in the audience slouched in their seats-they had heard all this before. Then he took out his wallet, retrieved a 100$ dollar bill, and set it on fire, praying "Lord, I offer this gift to you, and you alone." 

King's Chapel Easter Flower Donations 

If you would like to contribute lilies for the Easter Services as a memorial to a loved one, please send name of person being remembered, along with your name and contact and a check for $50, to the Parish House at 64 Beacon St. Boston, MA 02108, with memo Easter Flowers. The deadline for ordering is April 5.
Anne Sexton, Chair of Chancel Committee
Lenten Book Group: The Cross and The Lynching Tree | Wednesdays through April 10 | 6:15 PM | Following Contemplative Communion, in the Vestry

This Lenten season, join Rev. Joy Fallon in reading and discussing James Cone's book The Cross and The Lynching Tree. The group will meet following contemplative communion on Wednesdays from March 6 to April 10. RSVP to Gretchen Horton at Read more.  
Easter Crafts | Saturday, April 20 |1-3 PM |Parish House

Please join the King's Chapel Church School for Easter Crafts. Celebrate this joyful time of year with crafts including Easter egg dying, mosaic work, hot cross bun decorating, and other assorted activities. Additionally, enjoy an Easter egg hunt in the beautiful garden. Children of all ages are welcome to attend accompanied by a parent or guardian. Join us for an afternoon full of fun and art! 
Two Minns Lectures Upcoming: First to Honor Charles Perry by Carl Scovel | Friday, April 26 |
Second on American Populism and Unitarianism | Saturday April 27

You are cordially invited to the 2019 Minns Lectures by Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen, with a special guest lecture by Rev. Carl Scovel.

"American Populism and Unitarian Universalism"

How can Unitarian Universalists respond to populism? Right-wing populism is on the rise, threatening Unitarian Universalist values with its apocalyptic worldview. But left-wing populism has also helped build democratic societies. Rev. Dr. Bossen will challenge us to ask how Unitarian Universalists can respond to populism and white supremacy in the age of Trump.

Special Event with Rev. Carl Scovel, A Tale of Two Kingdoms
Lecture in Memory of Charles Perry, member of King's Chapel and the Minns Lectureship Steering Committee
April 26 | 6:30 p.m. King's Chapel Parish House, Boston, MA

Lecture One: The Populist Imagination: A White Man's Republic?
April 27 | 6:30 p.m. First Church in Boston, MA. Response by Rev. Danielle DiBona and Dr. Wendy Salkin

Register at no cost here.
New Members Information Dinner | Thursday May 2 | Parish House

The Membership Committee welcomes newcomers into the life of the King's Chapel community. Anyone wanting to learn more about King's Chapel are invited to an informative discussion and dinner on Thursday May 2nd at the Parish House. For those interested in attending please contact Joy, Amelia, or the Membership Chair, Cathy Price, at . We look forward to hearing from you.

The next service to Welcome New Members will be on Sunday May 5th followed by a Brunch at the Parish House. 
Mother's Day Walk For Peace | May 12 

Walkers Get Ready! Mother's Day Walk for Peace: May 12, 2019

The King's Chapel page for the Mother's Day Walk for Peace is now up and running!   Click here to sign up now to walk and/or donate!

This year King's Chapel has pledged to be a Peace Advocate, and donate $5,000 to the Louis D Brown  Peace Institute. The Community Action Committee will match all donations made, up to a $2,000 total.  This is the main fundraiser for the Peace Institute, who works with  families and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief and loss to support   healing, teaching, and learning. 
Why We Walk 

On Sunday, the 12th of May, we expect to join thousands of Bostonians in the annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace along with a growing delegation from King's Chapel.  Every year, we are poignantly reminded of our first walk when we met the mother and family of a young man who was heartbreakingly gunned down while waiting outside his cousin's house in Mission Hill.  The family carried a framed photograph of Demetrius through the streets, holding it high for everyone to see, including those looking down from top floor windows of three decker homes.  They do this every year to remember their child lost to gun violence, telling us that our walking through the streets raises public consciousness and makes a difference.  And so we walked, as we will do again, the children and adults around us fervently singing the call and response: What do we want?  Peace.  When do we want it?  Now.  One, two, three, four, No more violence at my door.  We encourage you, if you are able, to join the Walk for Peace on the 12th of May.
                                                                                                Denton Crews and Kathe German
Piano Action - May 12 and June 2 

Now that the official Sunday concert season is over for the spring, we are launching a pilot initiative to see if any of you would have interest in attending benefit recitals featuring our lovely new Parish House Steinway piano, given to us by Louise Perkins and her family.

The first of these events will take place on Mother's Day, May 12, from 2-3 pm. It will be a benefit for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute so an extension, if you will, of the Mother's Day March for Peace that many parishioners are joining earlier that morning. The program will feature a handful of our choir members showing off their more secular side. Heinrich will do his utmost to keep up with them from the piano bench.

On June 2, also at 2 pm, we will have a 4-hand piano recital featuring Robert Winkley from First Church Boston, our friends on the other side of the Common. Once again, Heinrich will do his best to keep up with Robert. This recital will happen in conjunction with the common art show happening at the Parish House that day, featuring art from common cathedral, and all proceeds will benefit their wonderful work.

We hope you will join us for these two events to hear some lovely music and support King's Chapel's social action partners. Donations are entirely free-will, come as you are, give what you can. 
Habitat Build Out

King's Chapel is looking for a group of volunteers to help build a house with Habitat for Humanity. The build will take place in the Boston area (likely Dorchester) on Saturday, June 29th from 9:30 AM to 3 PM. There is a suggested $40 donation to Habitat, but anyone is welcome. Contact Emmanuel Genovese for more information or to sign up- (617) 738-6367 or 
Save the Dates: Life at King's Chapel after Easter
Friday, April 26 (6:30 PM)     Rev. Scovel Lecture and Tribute to Charles Perry, Parish House
Sat, April 27 (6:30 PM)          Minns Lecture: Unitarians Responding to Populism. First Church
Sun. April 28 (9 & 11 AM)        Dr. Tina Chery preacher (Founder, Lewis D. Brown Peace Institute)
Thursday, May 2 (6 PM)        New Members Dinner
Saturday, May 4 (10 AM)      Memorial Service for Leo Johnson at the Little Chapel
Sunday, May 5 (11 AM)           Final Sunday for the Rev. Amelia Edson,  New Members Join,  Confirmation Sunday
                        (12:15 PM)       Celebratory Lunch

Thursday, May 9 (6 PM)     The Search for Meaning: Thursday Night Gatherings- John Bowman  
Sunday, May 12                      Mother's Day Walk for Peace, Joint service with Chestnut Hill
                        (2 PM)              Benefit Concert at Parish House                   
Sunday, May 19 (12:15 PM)    Annual Meeting
Sunday, May 25                       Memorial Day Sunday
Sunday, June 2             First Sunday for Sabbatical Minister Rev. Rali Weaver
(9 AM)                                      Blessing of the Pets, Parish House
(10 -2 PM)                                Art Show by artists from common art
(2 PM)                                      Benefit concert for common cathedral
Saturday, June 8                       Pride Parade
Sunday, June 9
(10-11)                                     Sandwich making for common cathedral
(12:30)                                      Worship with common cathedral
Sunday, June 16                      333rd Birthday of King's Chapel
Sat. June 22 (11 AM)                  Labyrinth Walk at Perkins' Home in Stowe
Saturday, June 29                     Habitat Build
From The History Program
National Literature and Poetry Month at King's Chapel

Louisa May Alcott and Little Women. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter.  Reverend Ephraim Peabody. Abigail Adams.

What do all these writers and works have in common? They all have literary connections to King's Chapel!

Join the History Program throughout April to celebrate National Literature and Poetry Month, and learn more about the literary works and authors who attended, visited, or were inspired by King's Chapel and its members. We will be celebrating the breadth and diversity of literary King's Chapel by highlighting and sharing literary works ranging from personal writings and letters alongside more widely known published works, all connected to the church. Throughout the day, History Program Educators will present and read selections from these works. Visitors are also encouraged to try their hand at writing their own poem or piece inspired by their time spent at the chapel. Special talks will be offered on the half hour during History Program hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and at select hours Monday - Thursday. To learn more, please contact Faye Charpentier at

From The Stewardship Committee 
We are offering an easy way to make your donation or pledge.

Do you sometimes put a check in the plate offering for the annual appeal?
Do you find mailing inconvenient? Old fashioned?
Do you prefer to donate monthly or quarterly?
Do you think about it when you attend worship, and then forget later?

If so, this year we are trying something new: we are providing packets of Stewardship envelopes at services on Sunday, to make it easier to contribute.  You will find  a tray of envelopes in the church vestibule and at the Parish House. Please respond to the enclosed card and feel free to drop it in the offering.
We hope this will give us a more accurate account of those who are donating by cash or check. Feel free to use the single envelope at any time.

Contact Barbara Fay, co-chair or Gretchen if you have any questions. Thank you.
From the Church School 
This past Sunday the Church School Committee held its third meeting of the 2018-19 year. It was great to elicit feedback on the upcoming Confirmation Service which will be held on May 5th. Additionally, strides were made in the planning of Easter Crafts. Many thanks to all who were able to attend! Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

In the confirmation course, Emanuel led Will and George in a thoughtful discussion of the structure and setup of King's Chapel and the capacity for all lay practitioners to be ministers in their own right. This is an exciting time as they near the completion of their confirmation programming.

  • Joyful Noise will be led by Skip this Sunday, April 7, from 10:00 - 10:45 with the Church School. Nursery and extended care will run as usual.
Easter Crafts will be held on April 20, from 1:00 - 3:00, in the Parish House. We have a great lineup of activities including creating mosaic easter eggs, easter egg dying, an egg hunt, hot cross buns, and other miscellaneous crafts. Please join us if you're available! Children of all ages welcome.


"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep"                            
~ Romans 12:15

Alicia Lavarnway, the adopted daughter of Christopher and Jessica  Schmidt, has lost her birth grandfather, Robert Edward Brown of Nashua.   Alicia is coming home from Palm Springs to be with her birth mother and  grandmother for his funeral on Sunday in New Hampshire.
In This Issue
Sunday Services 
Morning Light | 9 AM
  • Rev. Amelia Edson, preaching 
  • Skip Lewan, piano
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • The Rev. Amelia Edson, Assistant Minister
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Daniel Sullivan, Lector
  • Cathy Price, Usher in Charge
  • Melinda Merino, Usher
  • Clark Aitkins, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 126
  • Old Testament, Isaiah 43: 16-21
  • New Testament, John 12: 1-11
There are no flowers on the chancel during Lent. 

At the communion rail following the service, Bill Kuttner will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel. 

After the service all are invited to Coffee Hour hosted by Barbara Fay.

Each Sunday, 10% of the plate collection will go to our Community Action strategic partners: common cathedral, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, and the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministries, to do works of mercy, justice, and healing. All cash and checks not specially designated will be considered a plate offering.
From the Bench
Our communion service this Sunday opens with César Franck's dramatic Troisième Choral, one of the last pieces he wrote.
Most of the rest of the service music was inspired by William Billings' round When Jesus Wept. Billings is perhaps the best known Boston composer of the colonial era; he offered "singing schools" at King's Chapel, as well as at many other locations around town and was a well known musical fixture of his time. Fascinatingly, the pious words for the short round are credited to Perez Morton, a singular character of the late 1700s in these parts. He was a lawyer and revolutionary patriot, but is infamous for fathering an illegitimate child with his sister-in-law Fanny Apthorp, who subsequently killed herself and left behind a rather explicit letter detailing the entire affair. Which in turned inspired the first American novel written by an American on an American subject, The Power of Sympathy: or, The Triumph of Nature, by William Hill Brown (though for much of the 19th century attributed to Sarah Apthorp Morton, Perez' wife and Fanny's sister, further adding to the intrigue.)
Tuesday Recitals
April 9 | 12:15 PM
Peter Griggs, guitar
"Cafe Barcelona"
Flamenco, Jobim and more 
Tuesday Morning Meditation | Tuesdays 7:30 AM| Little Chapel 

An early Tuesday Morning Meditation meets in our beautiful Little Chapel at 7:30 to 8:30 AM each Tuesday, including approximately a 20 minute meditation. We explore and experiment a bit, so if you have some ideas or are a little adventurous, this brief coming side by side with others in your church community may bring some welcome fun, joy and/or peace to your day. This is for "drop-in" participation - no long term obligations. Never meditated before?  Drop by and give it a try. Feel free to contact Gary Riccio at or Stephen Courtney at for more details.
Upcoming Meetings
Tuesdays, 6 PM

April 9- Parish Council 
April 16- Ad Hoc Committee 
Update: Work at the Parsonage
Through the end of this month you may notice work being completed at the parsonage. The Fallon family is temporarily living nearby, at 90 Pinckney Street during a process of lead paint abatement. Joy's hours and activities continue to be the same during this time.
Want to know 
what's going on at 
King's Chapel?

Click HERE  to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:

Volunteer: Sign up for Hospitality

Anyone can help!
Enter your email address and select a spot to fill.  New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. 
Questions? email
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.