April 18, 2020
Pennywise Thrift Store closed on March 13. At that time we were still unsure if we needed to do it, but because so many volunteers are in the high risk age group, we knew that we didn't want to put anyone at risk. On March 14, Helen Mertz and I were still in a bit of denial and trying to think if there was any way we could stay open. By March 15, it sunk in that the shop would remain closed indefinitely.

I have gone to the shop at least once a week to check and make sure all was well (no water or electrical problems). Each time it was sad to walk around a fully stocked shop with no customers. But I would look up at the cross, say a prayer, and in my heart, know that this is not permanent.

Pennywise survived the fire in January 2019 and reopened in a new shop 9 months later. After the fire, some folks wondered if the shop would ever open again. But a group of parishioners got together and worked very hard to find a way reopen Pennywise. All the volunteers prayed and God answered those prayers. I am confident that God wants this mission to continue and I know that He will guide us to the right decisions with the challenges of COVID-19. 

Several of the volunteers have been sharing ideas on how we could reopen and be safe in light of the virus transmission issues. We will only do this if we can be confident that our volunteers and customers can be safe. 

We all must keep the faith and save your donations for our "Reopening Reopening."

Mary Coulombe