Switching Gears from Pillow Cases to Masks
First of all, we hope that you are all healthy at home with your family. We have all been experiencing the ups and downs of social distancing and the "new normal" we've been living for the past month or so.

Pillows of Love pillow case ministry has felt it too. We have scheduled, re-scheduled and postponed one of our fund raising nights at least twice. Now we're waiting to see if a Fall date will be available for our fundraiser: T rivia Night at Mt. Gretna Brewery. Follow us on Facebook to hear when the new date is announced!

Sewing Masks!
The Pillows of Love Board was approached by a local Palmyra business man who has been selling home sewn personal fabric masks at his main street shop. He wasn't able to keep up with the demand so he asked if our sewing groups were able to help.

We have rounded up a few groups and individuals who are sewing masks out of our beautiful pillow case fabrics and they are being sold as a fund raiser at the main street shop for Pillows of Love. Special thanks to everyone who has already offered their time and talent to this project.

We could use your help . We need additional local (Lebanon County) friends to help us sew masks. Please contact us by email if you have a sewing machine and would like to help.

We would also appreciate any donations to cover the cost of fabric, thread and elastic (and elastic substitutes) that are being used. Please consider donating, $10, $15, or any amount. We would greatly appreciate it! Your contribution is tax-deductible. If you prefer to send us a check, mail to Pillows of Love, PO Box 42, Palmyra, PA 17078

Thank you for your continued support of our ministry! Please pray for the woman and children who are in local shelters or who may be sheltering in place in a home with an unhealthy, dangerous situation. As soon as we can, we'll be back to delivering pillow cases and bibles to share a bit of hope to those in shelters.

We are Grateful for your support -- the Pillows of Love Board
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Get involved! We need volunteers, please reach out to us if you have can share your talents with us!
Pillows of Love, Pillow Case Ministry| info@pillowsoflove.com