Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
This Month's News
Program Spotlight
  • Coastal Cleanup 2020
News & Announcements
  • 2020 Post-Fire Resources
  • We're Hiring an Environmental Scientist
  • Call for Acorns
  • Youth Education Programs are Ready - Bring on the Students!
  • September Conservation Champion: Stacey Johnson
In Case You Missed It
  • Napa RCD Staff Spotlight
Upcoming Programs
  • See below for complete list
Program Spotlight
Coastal Cleanup 2020
Every Saturday in September
2020 marks the 36th year of the California Coastal Cleanup, and things are looking a little different this year. Instead of one large day of cleanups, we are encouraging all of you to keep it small by joining your family or housemates to protect your happy place!

Every Saturday in September- or any day in September, really!- we are asking all of you to go for a walk in your neighborhood and, while you're out and about, pick up any pieces of trash you find.

Things to keep in mind:
  • Don't go out if you're feeling sick
  • Wear disposable gloves
  • Avoid gathering in groups outside of your household
  • Wear a mask
  • Pick up trash with a picker if you've got one (or borrow one from us by contacting Ashley)
  • Show us your cleanup by tagging us on social media
  • Report your findings and contribute to an ongoing data set with the CleanSwell App

That last bullet is important. In Napa County alone, we have 21 years of cleanup data that allows us to look at waste trends in our county. During our first cleanups, there were many large items pulled out of our creeks and river, and now we are focusing more and more on smaller items like straws, takeout containers, food wrappers, and cigarette butts. Continuing to add to this data set helps inform public policy, create education campaigns around waste and water, and eventually get rid of some of the big waste offenders.

But if there's no organized cleanup, what should you do with the trash that you pick up? Great question! If you are downtown, we have a dumpster on the northwest corner of Main and Pearl. If you find large items that won't fit in your curbside waste bins, schedule a Recycle More pickup in Napa or contact

We're doing what we can to make this year's close-to-home cleanup as easy as possible, so please visit for more details on supplies, large items, and anything else you need. If that doesn't answer your questions, contact Ashley by email ( or at 707-690-3117

Lastly, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram! We're posting a lot of fun Coastal Cleanup content all month long, including trashy treasures posted by your fellow cleaner-uppers!
News & Announcements
2020 Post-Fire Resources
Napa RCD is partnering with USDA Farm Service Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to offer on-site assistance to fire-impacted agricultural operations and rural landowners in Napa County.
If you need assistance, please complete this questionnaire.

We have also compiled a list of resources at
We're Hiring!
We are currently seeking applicants for a full-time Environmental Scientist to be based in the Napa RCD office here in Napa, CA. Please help us spread the word to interested and qualified candidates.
Please find the full announcement here on our website.
2020 Call for Acorns
This year's acorn planting season will look different, but reoaking won't stop! We are still asking landowners and community members to collect acorns from valley, coast live, black, and blue oak trees from all parts of Napa County. Starting pretty much right now, you will see the acorns ripening on the trees and falling to the ground. You can find out more about acorn collection here and find the submission form here.

When you are ready to drop off your acorns, you can leave them outside the door at 1303 Jefferson St, Suite 500B. Email or call Ashley to let us know you will be stopping by: or 707-690-3117.

If you are a landowner wondering if you should be planting valley oaks on your land, take a look at the Re-Oak North Bay Strategic Plan. This document is available printed at the Napa and Sonoma RCD offices, and also online here. Or, you can contact us for a site visit! If you are interested in planting oaks on your property, please contact Frances: or 707-287-6995.

Stay tuned for more info on our fall Community Oak Planting Days!
Youth Education Programs Are
Ready - Bring on the Students!
Napa RCD's youth education programs are ready for the school year! All Napa RCD education programs are free to Napa County K - 12 teachers and students.

Watersheds @ Home (K – 8): A live virtual presentation with our staff, students explore and protect local creeks and rivers. Made possible by Napa Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program.

Acorns To Oaks (5 – 12): Three live presentations and asynchronous outdoor activities, study, conserve, and restore Napa’s oak woodlands. Made possible by County of Napa? Made possible by County of Napa.

Salmon To Sanctuary (9 – 12): Four unique modules with environmental professionals, students investigate Napa River salmonid recovery. Made possible by NOAA B-WET and the Whale Tail license plate program.

Napa Youth Stewardship Council (9 – 12): An environmental service-learning club for teens, students receive leadership training and mentorship. Made possible by Friends Of the Napa River and County of Napa. Made possible by County of Napa and Watershed Information and Conservation Council of Napa County.

To see all of Napa RCD's school and youth education programs in one spot, visit
September Conservation Champion:
Stacey Johnson
Each year, Napa RCD works with the cities, partner agencies, and partner organizations throughout Napa County to coordinate Coastal Cleanup Day. The City of American Canyon often surpasses the attendance of other locations within the county and the volunteers have nothing but rave reviews about their experiences.

For the past five years, this highly successful American Canyon event has been coordinated by Stacey Johnson with City of American Canyon Parks and Recreation. When the City saw the potential to turn Coastal Cleanup into a large-scale community event, Stacey helped transition the event from Public Works to Parks and Recreation and has built the event up from there. Stacy has also helped bring oak plantings and the Bay-Friendly Garden Tour to American Canyon.

Originally from Mesa, Arizona, Stacey moved around a bit and settled in Napa County with her husband and their two-year-old daughter. Her daughter is now in her final year of high school in American Canyon, and Stacey just hit her 5-year mark with the Parks and Recreation Department. Congratulations!

Stacey has worked with kids for most of her adult life, and was a preschool teacher for six years, where she started planning community events. The transition to working on events within the Parks and Recreation Department made sense, especially considering her passion for community building. She loves hospitality and community service, and the roles they play in creating a thriving community base. Stacey recognizes that for herself and many others, your community is your family. Parks and Recreation helps bring families together to foster that family.

In Stacey's own words:
"Parks and Recreation has helped me to develop and share so many of my passions. I love spending time outdoors and I enjoy people! People from all walks of life benefit when they spend time together and in nature. Whether I am going on a field trip with Kindergartners in our summer camp program, working with our awesome high school students at Coastal Clean-up, or checking in on our Seniors during their classes at our Senior Center, I realize how fortunate I am to serve different people in different ways. The thing I love the most about my job is that I get to assist in helping people find ways to care for our city and community, and nurture their mind, body, and soul!"

Thank you, Stacey, for all you do to bring environment-based events to the City of American Canyon! You're a rockstar and we're excited to continue this partnership!
In Case You Missed It
Napa RCD Staff Spotlight
Napa RCD has 11 full-time staff, and we're excited to bring each one right to your computer screen with introductory videos. Meet Amanda Benton!
Upcoming Programs
October 14 - WILD Napa: Forest Management, Amanda Benton

for more watershed-related events, visit
Did you know that we have a separate email list for volunteers?
Help support Napa RCD - Donate Today!
Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |