This Sunday’s Gospel • John 20:19-31
When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked....[ continue reading ]. Lectionary scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible. Note: We will continue with virtual worship this Sunday, April 19.
Easter Service Online
Did you join the congregation on Facebook last Sunday for Easter? You can still see the service (or share it) that way. You can also watch the service on our YouTube channel . The beautiful music, uplifting messages and participation of the parish was wonderful! Many thanks to Megan and Peter Womack for their excellent technical assistance bringing our worship online. Alleluia! Christ is Risen Indeed!
Update from the Bishop
By our Bishop's directive, following the recommendations of our Governor, as of Monday April 13 we will no longer be recording Daily Encouragement, worship, or music videos from our church building. Except for a few videos that may be recorded on site before that date, everything else will be recorded at our homes. This more closely observes the current "stay at home" guidelines which we pray will reduce the spread of infections and protect the most vulnerable among us. Remember that God honors the intentions of our minds and hearts when we worship, no matter when or where we perform that worship.
From Children, Youth, and Family Ministries
In The Episcopal Church we don’t just celebrate Easter on one day, we have a whole season of Eastertide that will go on until Pentecost. In Eastertide we reclaim the joyous “Alleluias” we have not said in worship through Lent, and this year we invite you to make your alleluia at home with this free, colorable poster . Make yours shine however you like, hang or display it wherever you want, and if you send us a picture of your alleluia you might just see it in the eNews or on Facebook with others as we make our alleluias together, even while we are apart. And be sure to tune in for this week’s children’s homily for another at-home activity to share with your family on Sunday. For any questions, suggestions, or if you just want to talk contact Aaron Davis
Harriet Tubman Wins the Golden Halo
Did you pick Harriet Tubman to win the Golden Halo in this year’s Lent Madness? If so, you have won yourself a free commemorative mug! Be sure to let Aaron Davis know if you won so your mug can be ordered and shipped to the mailing address of your choice. 
Making an Online Gift
Although we are not gathering in the church right now, you can still support the work of Grace and Holy Trinity Church by making a financial gift online. Go to the church website and look for the “give now” area at the top of the site. It’s also available under the “giving” tab. You will need a credit or debit card, or you can contact church Judy Bowman to set up a recurring gift from your checking account. Watch this tutorial video to learn more.
Calling all Acolytes and Crucifers
If you or a family member would like to participate in worship take a photo of yourself or a family member carrying a cross or lighting candles in your home. Send photos of your digital offering to Shelby Scattergood to include in the slides for the upcoming worship offerings.
New Online Bible Study Opportun ity
Based on parishioner interest there will only be one weekly Bible study group. Mary Ann Blankenship and David Lewis are facilitating the Good Book Club's study of Matthew's Gospel. Find out more about the Good Book Club  here . The group meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., starting tonight, via Zoom, and runs until the end of the Easter Season on May 31st. It is not too late to join, but space is limited. Contact  Mary Ann if you are interested in this Bible study group.
Students and Mother Kim, the chaplain for Episcopal Campus Ministry, have been "hanging out" having picnics, coffee dates, and group texts. One of our members shared compline from Shrinemont last week! It's been a wild time, but we are staying in touch. If you know anyone who needs a pastoral care check-in and is a VCU community member they can contact Kim at 757-655-1877.
CirclesRVA Online
Circles RVA isn't able to gather in the parish hall on Tuesday nights. Still, they have launched their newest circle of Leaders who are starting their program electronically. Allys and Leaders continue to connect virtually, and this week they will be meeting for the first time via zoom. For more information about what is happening with CirclesRVA, you can email Kristin Blalock .
Going the Extra Mile
During these weeks of work-from-home mandates only essential volunteers are helping out at community food banks. Our own Mary Lietman of Grace and Holy Trinity Church stepped up recently to help out.

Mary volunteered for years at FeedMore by calling people each week to ensure they were doing okay while awaiting their meal deliveries. She was named a “Volunteer of the Year” in 2019 by FeedMore.

With fewer volunteers the last 30 days because of family and home commitments, Mary has increased her volunteer hours at FeedMore, showing up several days each week. She even spent a day driving and delivering when the need arose! Thank you, Mary Lietman, for helping the most vulnerable in our community through your actions. We’re thankful for you at GHTC and glad you are an “essential” volunteer with FeedMore!
Scholarships Available for Student Tuition
Grace and Holy Trinity Church Endowment Fund makes funds available each year, based on need, for tuition assistance for members of our church.  Barbara Derry chairs the Scholarship Committee. Her phone number is 740-2938, and her mailing address is 8900 Norwick Rd., Richmond, VA 23229. Interested families are encouraged to be in touch.
Need Help/ Want to Help
In love and compassion we are working together to care for one another.  If you are in a position that you can and are willing to do things like grocery store runs, prescription pick up, or lawn/garden care sign up to be one of the Happy Helpers
How can we support our parishioners?
Many small businesses are struggling to stay open during this time if you are a small business owner or if you’d like to encourage folks to support a neighborhood institution.  Share their information with our support team so we can spread the word. Carry Williamson is leading this outreach project.
Quick E-Mail Connections

Staff Contacts
To reach staff by phone, call the church number 804-359-5628 followed by the staff member's extension. To see a full list of church extensions and emails check out our website .